Sox get Kimbrel


SoSH Member
Apr 26, 2014
Are you serious? Craig Kimbrel is not BJ Ryan, and that's an atrocious use of emphasis.

This one singular move turns the bullpen from a serious liability into a strength, so long as Farrell can play matchups correctly.

Margot is a nice piece, but there was a very non-zero chance he was ever going to play an inning for the major league squad, even less so for Guerra. The Sox still have a top notch farm squad, and now going to war with a less than stellar rotation is slightly less painful.

Sometimes, cashing in on prospects is the correct move.
Absolutely; trading all four of those guys is an excellent use of resources. However, do you think this is the best use of that cash? It's not like the back end of the bullpen was the biggest need. Unless you think Tazawa/Uehara are done next year, I think looking at trading for a high-end starting pitcher would be more important.

geoduck no quahog

not particularly consistent
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SoSH Member
Nov 8, 2002
Seattle, WA
This the only thing that makes it annoying - and it's not DD's fault:

Andrew Miller: --- $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000

Craig Kimbrel: --- $11,000,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000 (team option) (edit: albeit 3 years younger)


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2009
They still have Espinoza, Devers, Margot, Benintendi, and Moncada plus all of the young core in the majors already. No one was given up that most weren't expected to get traded this offseason.
Not sure if it was an oops, but Margot was included in this trade...


oppresses WARmongers
SoSH Member
Mar 11, 2008
Roanoke, VA
I have no idea how you can compare signing a back up outfielder to giving up 4 legitimate prospects, 2 of which are top 50 guys, for a reliever marking market value.

They aren't remotely comparable. In fact, there isn't one similarity.
Except for the part about getting out ahead of the market early and plugging a hole quickly to build some breathing room. Which was in the post you quoted.

There's a reason I said it reminded me of it a little rather than a lot.


SoSH Member
Jun 4, 2011
Let me preface this by saying my knowledge of baseball is dwarfed by the rest of you here and I'm not going to pretend otherwise but,

Can we maybe cool it a bit on the sky is falling attitude and take a breath? Could this end as a bad deal for the Sox? Of course it could but you have to give to get and Kimbrel is a pretty awesome get for a bullpen that was godawful last season and he's just 27 with multiple years of control left.

One of the benefits to having such a deep farm system is being able to turn some of that depth into major league talent when there's a weakness to fill and certain guys are blocked/redundant.

As much as we all would've preferred to pay up for a top of the rotation starter instead of reliever, we don't know what guys were discussed by our FO and with other teams. Maybe the right guy wasn't available or was cost-prohibitive. We also don't know how DD and the rest value what we've given up compared to how SOSH and some of the experts do.

Furthermore, there's a lot of top flight starters available on the FA market and the Sox have the money to sign one which they'll most likely end up doing if the asking prices for starters in trade was too high which it very well could've been.

To top it off, our farm system is still in very good shape and they didn't give up any of the young talent on the big league roster. Now, obviously, things could change and we could empty the farm for a Sale type but that has yet to happen and it's possible, even likely, that it won't.

As of right now we still have X, Mookie, and Blake as well as the likes of Devers, Moncada, Benintendi, and Espinoza on board. Let's not act like the farm has been completely eviscerated here.


SoSH Member
Jun 8, 2008
New Mexico
They still have Espinoza, Devers, Margot, Benintendi, and Moncada plus all of the young core in the majors already. No one was given up that most weren't expected to get traded this offseason.
I agree that most people thought Margot and Guerra would get traded this offseason, but I don't think anyone expected them to be dealt for a reliever (even an elite one). Now the only trade chips left are the ones you mentioned and they haven't addressed their biggest need.

P'tucket rhymes with...

SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2006
The Coney Island of my mind
This the only thing that makes it annoying - and it's not DD's fault:

Andrew Miller: --- $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000

Craig Kimbrel: --- $11,000,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000 (team option)
Exactly. Kimbrel's good--I have fewer questions about him than about Uehara and Taz going into next year. But how do you go from "we can't pay Miller" to "we can pay Kimbrel and give up a bunch of talent" in one year? Is JWH worried about croaking in the near future?


New Member
Aug 10, 2012
This the only thing that makes it annoying - and it's not DD's fault:

Andrew Miller: --- $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000

Craig Kimbrel: --- $11,000,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000 (team option) (edit: albeit 3 years younger)
But don't forget getting EdRod in return


SoSH Member
Mar 24, 2006
Jamaica Plain
Absolutely; trading all four of those guys is an excellent use of resources. However, do you think this is the best use of that cash? It's not like the back end of the bullpen was the biggest need. Unless you think Tazawa/Uehara are done next year, I think looking at trading for a high-end starting pitcher would be more important.
Yea, aside from being a bad trade in value terms, this makes the offseason very difficult. They are probably down to, at the absolute most, 30 million in spending money. And the only trade chips left are insanely painful.

Savin Hillbilly

loves the secret sauce
SoSH Member
Jul 10, 2007
The wrong side of the bridge....
Exactly. Kimbrel's good--I have fewer questions about him than about Uehara and Taz going into next year. But how do you go from "we can't pay Miller" to "we can pay Kimbrel and give up a bunch of talent" in one year? Is JWH worried about croaking in the near future?
That's a fair point, but as geoduck noted, you can't hold it against DD. I was disappointed we didn't sign Miller last year, though I'm not sure (is anybody?) that it was because we didn't try.

circus catch

New Member
Nov 6, 2009
I like the idea, but something that I think everyone here can appreciate. Nobody in the Sox organization leaked anything in this deal.


SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2006
Honolulu HI
Yea, aside from being a bad trade in value terms, this makes the offseason very difficult. They are probably down to, at the absolute most, 30 million in spending money. And the only trade chips left are insanely painful.
Yup, they gave up their most tradeable chips to fill the one hole that would have been easiest to fill through free agency (especially if you are okay with paying big money for a reliever - which apparently they now are)...


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
deep inside Guido territory
Yea, aside from being a bad trade in value terms, this makes the offseason very difficult. They are probably down to, at the absolute most, 30 million in spending money. And the only trade chips left are insanely painful.
How do you know they only have 30 million left? Henry could be telling them they have an increased budget to spend from. Let's let the offseason play out.


SoSH Member
Aug 8, 2004
I like Kimbrel. And I am fine trading the guys we traded. But as a piece of a long term strategy, this is horrible. This basically means that either we sign a 30-plus pitcher to a long contract, or we lose Moncada/Devers/Swihart. It is a disastrously bad trade. We will regret panicking and firing Cherington.

Buzzkill Pauley

SoSH Member
Jun 30, 2006
It makes it so Layne and Ross aren't forced into bad matchups.

It takes a ton of pressure of Tazawa.

Significantly decreases the reliance on Koji coming off a serious injury.

And provides you with a young shutdown reliever under control for three more seasons. A 1-2-3 of Taz, Koji, and Kimbrel with a lefty killer like Layne is one of the best bullpens in baseball on paper. How most of you are failing to see the trickle down effect of a move like this blows my mind.
Do you even remember early 2013? Hanrahan and Bailey gave the Sox such great depth in the pen, and they only really cost the Sox Melancon and Reddick.

Relievers, even all-star, proven-closer types, are volatile. That's why giving up so much value In both prospects and AAV for Kimbrel seems unwise.

It's not because Kimbrel's not a good reliever, nor because the Sox don't need to improve their bullpen.

Minneapolis Millers

Wants you to please think of the Twins fans!
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Twin Cities
Margot was the best prospect likely to be traded, and he wasn't going to be good enough to headline a deal for a top SP. So he went for an elite closer. The rest isn't chopped liver, but this was the 5 quarters for a dollar deal that many said couldn't be made. It's an overpay, but an easily affordable one. Also, Kimbrel's better and more proven and younger than Miller or O'Day.

Merkle's Boner

SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2011
I don't love this deal but, assuming we sign one of the big FA pitchers, adding an ace and an elite closer without giving up any of our main prospects seems like a win.


appreciates irony very much
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SoSH Member
Jul 8, 2001
BC will forever get a bad rap but face facts, he left behind a team with a ton of talent. Everyone lamented the lack of pitching, but it's easy to acquire if you are willing to pay.

DD was brought in to get the team to win now because it's better to give short term happiness and worry about later on. Taking the 16 team and building it up was going to be easy if you open the prospect coffers. He is and will do that.

BC had his faults but opened up a potential decade long window. DD will front load and shorten that window.

I generally do not support trading big for a reliever and see no reason to start here.


SoSH Member
Oct 20, 2015
People are saying that we should have used this prospect group for an ace, but I don't think any one of them was available for that price. It was going to take them AND JBJ/Betts or something. The market is insane nowadays

P'tucket rhymes with...

SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2006
The Coney Island of my mind
Miller's best year is below every one of Kimbrel's except 2015.
And Kimbrel is three or four years younger than Miller. He's obviously a better player. Is he four million per year and four trade chips better?

I never expected to see Margot in Boston; my own complaint is about allocation of resources. As others have noted, this doesn't give them leeway going forward, it puts a lot of pressure on the FO going forward and fewer resources to make further improvements.


SoSH Member
Apr 26, 2014
Yea, aside from being a bad trade in value terms, this makes the offseason very difficult. They are probably down to, at the absolute most, 30 million in spending money. And the only trade chips left are insanely painful.
The other thing to consider is the value of Kimbrel on the trade market (comparing trades to FA always seemed sort of random to me). Margot is the biggest piece of this lot, but none of them are enormous. However, when combined, we just got one of the top relievers in the game (Kimbrel ranked #8). If this offer was coming from the Padres, I'd check in with the Mets to see whether a Marrero or Devers (hinting that you'd might include either a pitcher or maybe both players) would net you one of deGrom, Harvey, or Syndergaard.

EDIT: Although it seems like I'm contradicting my prior post, I'm generally not in favor of trading assets for relievers unless its a clear ripoff (i.e. a "head-scratcher"). I don't think the market sees it the same way.


SoSH Member
Relievers, even all-star, proven-closer types, are volatile. That's why giving up so much value In both prospects and AAV for Kimbrel seems unwise.
Well, I wonder if this is more about Kimbrel being an unusual commodity. His numbers are generally superior to Chapman's, and aren't too far off of Mariano in his prime. His six-year average ERA+ is 233, with a peak of 399. Assuming their baseball people think 2015 wasn't any sort of trend away from his peak, maybe this is the Sox saying "sure, usually you don't want to overpay for a reliever, even a closer, but this guy?"

Tyrone Biggums

nfl meets tri-annually at a secret country mansion
SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2006
Good deal for both sides. Sox get an elite closer with 3 years of control and SD rebuilds their system. Margot and Guerra are both blocked and the other 2 are throw in lottery tickets. The prospect humpers are mad at giving up binkies I see. If this what it took for a closer, imagine the price tags for top starters in trade. Dave just traded from a position of strength to upgrade a part of the ML team which was atrocious last year.
This if anything this means JBJ is probably here to stay. I'm fine with this trade. People forget how filthy this guy is. Look at his trade history, this guy is great when evaluating who to trade and who to keep.

Mugsy's Jock

Eli apologist
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SoSH Member
Dec 28, 2000
So what's left in the cupboard?

Guys you hate to trade, period: Bogaerts

Guys you hate to trade unless maybe (emphasis "maybe") they were pretty much all it took to get a proven controlled young SP like Harvey/Sale/Salazar/Carrasco: Betts, Moncada, Swihart

Guys you'd be willing to trade (maybe 2 of these, plus lesser prospects) but only for a Harvey/Carrasco/Sale level young controllable stud: Devers, Benintendi, Espinoza, JBJ, EdRo

Guys you might be willing to trade as part of a 2-3 player package for a very solid starter (e.g. Ross, Niese): Owens, Johnson, Vazquez

Good tradeable prospects for role players or to package with guys up the list for better players: Cecchini, Marrero, Kopech, Travis, Shaw

Lottery tickets: Trey Ball, Chavis, Dubon, Basabe

Your mileage may vary, of course...but the bottom line is depth remains and an important need (bullpen) was filled. I don't know the prospects well enough to say if the value was right in the Kimbrel trade...but I'm fine with the strategy.

The Celtbot

New Member
Sep 15, 2011
Did somebody say there was a press conference at 9? Any idea where we can watch, those of us outside of New England?

P'tucket rhymes with...

SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2006
The Coney Island of my mind
People are saying that we should have used this prospect group for an ace, but I don't think any one of them was available for that price. It was going to take them AND JBJ/Betts or something. The market is insane nowadays
This is right except for it being all wrong. No one is saying this particular package bags a Sale or Gray. It's just a lot of talent to send out for a good reliever who is already being paid market rate.

Adrian's Dome

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2010
Do you even remember early 2013? Hanrahan and Bailey gave the Sox such great depth in the pen, and they only really cost the Sox Melancon and Reddick.

Relievers, even all-star, proven-closer types, are volatile. That's why giving up so much value In both prospects and AAV for Kimbrel seems unwise.

It's not because Kimbrel's not a good reliever, nor because the Sox don't need to improve their bullpen.
And you don't think perhaps Hanrahan and Bailey, both of whom aren't at the caliber of Kimbrel, getting hurt at the same time may have been a bit of a fluke that shouldn't have any bearing on future decisions?

Nobody's lamenting over the loss of Reddick and Melancon was a decent piece, but occasionally you win a trade and occasionally you lose one. Low-end relievers are volatile, guys like Kimbrel are not.

When every other piece in the bullpen is a question mark, getting a guy like that is significant from top to bottom.


SoSH Member
And Kimbrel is three or four years younger than Miller. He's obviously a better player. Is he four million per year and four trade chips better?
$4mil easy. Miller seems to have settled in, but five years of control problems aren't easily forgotten. It sucks that we didn't re-sign him, a very puzzling decision. But I don't view him as interchangeable with Kimbrel based on past performance.


appreciates irony very much
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SoSH Member
Jul 8, 2001
It's not devastating or anything. He is very good and will help for several years. The real key is what this is coupled with. I am interested to see and obviously just along for the ride

2016 was going to be fun. Trading some future and spending some cash will certainly help.


SoSH Member
Apr 26, 2014
Well, I wonder if this is more about Kimbrel being an unusual commodity. His numbers are generally superior to Chapman's, and aren't too far off of Mariano in his prime. His six-year average ERA+ is 233, with a peak of 399. Assuming their baseball people think 2015 wasn't any sort of trend away from his peak, maybe this is the Sox saying "sure, usually you don't want to overpay for a reliever, even a closer, but this guy?"
Assuming that he'll maintain a career like Mariano is a wish; it may certainly come true, but no one has any way of knowing.
Miller's best year is below every one of Kimbrel's except 2015.
This is just plain disengenous. Miller's three year ERA/FIP/xFIP is 2.09/2.08/1.94, Kimbrel's is 1.77/2.13/2.20.
At this point, they have basically performed at the same level of performance in a decent/recent sample size.


SoSH Member
Apr 26, 2014
$4mil easy. Miller seems to have settled in, but five years of control problems aren't easily forgotten. It sucks that we didn't re-sign him, a very puzzling decision. But I don't view him as interchangeable with Kimbrel based on past performance.
Miller's problems with control were an issue as a starter, but not as a reliever. He had the same control issues in 2012 and 2013, but still put up a 3.17/3.05 FIP that year.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Rogers Park
I think this is a bad trade, but... Dombrowski knows a lot more about what the going prices are than we do.

What other offers do you figure Preller was getting? Dombrowski isn't throwing in both Margot and Guerra unless Preller says he's considering a better offer. Those guys are both plus-glove players at up the middle positions who've at least shown flashes of legitimate power.

(I don't care as much about the Asuaje and Allen inclusions.)