The Bleacher Bar


SoSH Member
Aug 27, 2010
My dad is in town from out of the country and I want to do something special. Tickets to the game are one option, but I've always wanted to visit the Bleacher Bar in centerfield. Their FAQ is pretty sparse... has anyone been there? How long should I plan to wait if I want to see some of the game? Their old website had language about rotating seats every couple innings, but that's not on there anymore...

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
Today may be different solely because of Sale. but most games, especially in April, you should have no problem getting in without wait to see middle innings. It's a little overrated in my opinion. For the price of 2 drinks or 3 beers, you can probably get a decent row in the bleachers themselves (per person).

You did have to rotate before that's true, maybe they changed due to lack of demand. Call them up.

Keep in mind that only a small section of the Bar you can see "through," hence the rotation.


Silent scenester
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2003
Just get tickets, in my opinion. If it's tonight you're trying to see, you'll be able to get in for like $10-20 and (honestly) sit anywhere you want; one of the few perks of early April night games. Bleacher bar doesn't really give you much of a view; folks will crowd around the small garage door, where you can see into the park, but not really see much of the action.


SoSH Member
Nov 21, 2005
Somerville, MA
Yeah it's not great for views of the game, but is kind of a cool concept and something worth seeing once. Probably the best thing is that the wall in front of the urinals has a cutout window so you can actually watch the field a bit as you piss. But other than that, it's kind of a standard sports pub in a city. Snagging cheap tickets from scalpers is probably a better bet to be honest.


SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2010
I would recommend grabbing cheap tickets for the game and stopping by the bar a few hours before the game and watch batting practice or warm ups. I've done that a few times and it's way less crowded if you're early enough and you can get a great view of the park and there's still some action.


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
I like the place, and it's usually the last stop before heading into the game(three guesses what the first one is), but I'll echo above thoughts: not a place to really get a good view of the game. Not sure about the policy regarding the seats that are in front of the garage door that you can look out onto the park from, whether they rotate every inning, or if it's first come first serve, yours as long as you stay. Best to call and find out. If you're choosing one or the other, definitely grab tickets and go into the game. Or grab tix,then stop in for a beer before heading into the park. I've been there many times, don't recall waiting in line once.


SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2006
New York
I like the place, and it's usually the last stop before heading into the game(three guesses what the first one is), but I'll echo above thoughts: not a place to really get a good view of the game. Not sure about the policy regarding the seats that are in front of the garage door that you can look out onto the park from, whether they rotate every inning, or if it's first come first serve, yours as long as you stay. Best to call and find out. If you're choosing one or the other, definitely grab tickets and go into the game. Or grab tix,then stop in for a beer before heading into the park. I've been there many times, don't recall waiting in line once.
I couldn't think of what you meant at first. At first I thought maybe The Cask, because it's kind of cliche at this point then I thought to myself, "Where do /I/ go around Fenway? Most bars suck, frankly. I do like Cornwall's though." Then I saw your username... So for those who aren't clear, Cornwall's is a solid suggestion for pregame drinks too.

BP from there is a great suggestion. I think that's what we're going to do.
This is my suggestion. BP and warmups are pretty cool. Usually a pitcher or two will end up long tossing pretty close to the gate. As far as I know the rule for being in front of the gate is that you have to be eating. There is a railing behind the tables with some stools that can be pretty easy to snag if you're by yourself. Perhaps a little harder with more than one person.


Paul Byrd's pitching coach
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
One other option for BP (if you plan to get tix to the game): if you buy a 2017 Red Sox Nation membership (I think they're like $14.95 for the cheapest option) you and one guest (with game tix) can go onto the Monster seats 2-1/2 hours before game time for about 45-60 minutes before they shoo you off.

The downside is that you're stuck inside the park from 2-1/2 hours before game time on (with associated lousy food/drink at outrageous prices). But if you've never seen BP from the Monster it's pretty cool.