There have been several documentaries about the Patriots but this is the first one that I thought was really terrible. I don’t have any problem with a documentary that shows the “dark side” of the Dynasty. But it wasn’t ALL dark side. In fact it was, at least for Patriots fans, 20 years of incredible joy. If you can’t capture that in a documentary you haven’t done your job. And even though Brady comes off as a little whiny, I give him credit for, in the end, saying that even with the ups and downs, the whole journey was a great one. It was!
On the whole, this documentary series was a near-complete journalistic failure. How do you spend the opening 5 minutes of an episode on Belichick's letter to Trump without mentioning Kraft's unwavering support for, including a a million-dollar donation, to Trump? And maybe the Brady locker MAGA hat seems like a minor detail, but it was huge detail at the time. Why was it there? Did Kraft give it to him? Did Trump give it to him? We never hear a peep about any of this.
And if, as McCourty said, the top three faces of the franchises were all Trump supporters, why not ask each of them what they think of Trump now? Why did they support him then? Do they still?
And how you make nearly an entire episode about the Malcolm Butler benching without coming close to solving the mystery of WHY he was benched is beyond me. If I'm your editor (in the newsroom sense, not the cutting room sense), I'm not letting you turn in that story without digging up at least some hard evidence on why this cataclysmic event happened. (Cataclysmic according to the players interviewed and the team's owner, anyway.)
While we're at it — yes, the Butler benching was bad, but was it THAT bad? The entire thrust of that episode is that the single, lone decision to keep Butler on the sidelines cost the Patriots the Super Bowl. But did it?
We heard several times that Brady threw for 505 yards, which was of course amazing. But why did that incredible yardage total result in just 33 points? Also not mentioned in the documentary's recount of that game is that fact that, with the Pats down 5 points and 2:16 on the clock in the 4th quarter — a situation where Tom Brady made his entire GOAT reputation by driving for touchdowns — Brady fumbled.
And then, after a Philly field goal, the Patriots were down 8 with 1:05 to go. At least a chance! With Tom Brady under center. Right? Well, not so much, Brady proceeded to complete just 3 of 8 pass attempts, extinguishing the game. None of that could have been changed by Malcolm Butler. But this documentary was so committed to the thesis that Belichick personally cost the Patriots that game with his mysterious and, it is strongly implied, vindictive and irrational decision to bench Butler, that none of the other factors are even mentioned.
Not saying I didn't find some enjoyable moments in these 10 episodes, so not a total failure in every respect. But overall grade: D.