What's your opinion on the Astros?

What's your personal opinion on the Houston Astros?

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New Member
Oct 15, 2022
I'm not sure if poll questions like this are allowed here, but I'm curious to see what people here generally think of the Houston Astros. In my opinion, I don't like them, but what do you think?

Make sure to respect each other's opinions. I created this poll just for fun. If this type of poll isn't allowed here then I'm fine with it being removed.
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heart is two sizes two small
SoSH Member
Sep 20, 2005
I am completely unbothered by the sign stealing thing. Maybe I should be. But I'm not, it doesn't register with me at all. I hate the Yankees a million times more and was thrilled with the sweep.

Tokyo Sox

Baka Gaijin
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SoSH Member
Feb 16, 2006
I am completely unbothered by the sign stealing thing. Maybe I should be. But I'm not, it doesn't register with me at all. I hate the Yankees a million times more and was thrilled with the sweep.
Likewise. I enjoy giving my one Astros fan friend shit about it, but basically I don't care. Bregman is a bit whiny. JV, Framber, Yordan, Pena are all fun to watch. McCullers seems like a good dude. I went with "neutral towards them."

The Gray Eagle

SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Ever since baseball started, professional teams have been cheating and breaking the rules. Every team in the majors has players who cheated in the past, has players who will cheat in the future, and has players who cheat currently. Every single one.

Teams have been using technology to steal signs for well over 100 years. Pennants have been won by teams using electronic assistance to steal signs since at least 1951, if not earlier.

Players who bragged about cheating have sailed into the Hall of Fame with virtually no protest. Lots of them. If you don't know this, you should. If you do know this, then stop being so goddamn hypocritical. YOUR team is full of cheaters who break rules to get an advantage.

The holier-than-thou bullshit rage about cheating in baseball is flat out stupid. "Oh but OUR cheating is DIFFERENT! So it's okay. Other teams that break the rules in a different way to get an advantage are EVIL!" So tiresome and pointless and dumb. Major league baseball is not a morality play with saintly heroes and evil villains, it's a sport where every team does whatever it can to win and has broken the rules to get an advantage. The Astros cheated, and cheated more than pretty much every team at the time-- in that way. That we know of. So far.

But other teams would have done the same thing if they could have gotten away with it. They WERE cheating while they were angry about what the Astros were doing.

The Astros probably got an illegal advantage over the Red Sox in the playoffs and I hate that. But the Red Sox should have realized that and used the Astros sign stealing against them. Cross them up and burn them for it, because it's always been part of the game and it shouldn't be a surprise that they are stealing your signs. Every team is always trying to do that and they will all break the rules to do it if they can get away with it. Get mad at the league for letting them get away with it, but then again the league is letting your favorite team get away with breaking the rules too.

I don't like the Astros, I can't stand some of their players, but the holier-than-thou hypocritical hate they get from fans of other teams is ridiculous. Your team cheated too. Your team is cheating right now, and will cheat in the future. So spare me the self-righteous rage.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
I find myself rallying around teams accused of cheating, once the public witch-hunt reaches a certain level of hysteria. As others have said, I can't stand the self-righteous hard-ons that people wave around in these scandals. And the obvious selective enforcement, where nobody cares much when a losing team cheats but successful franchises are constantly diminished by rival jealous fan-bases. Part of this is clearly my protective Pats-fan impulses at work.

Toe Nash

SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2005
Don't care about cheating. I do care about them tearing the team to the studs and essentially losing on purpose for three plus years to amass the core of their team, despite being in a large media market.

Bozo Texino

still hates Dave Kerpen
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Austin, Texas
Looks like I'm the sole "I love them" vote.

I love two baseball teams - the Boston Red Sox and the Houston Astros. I was born in Houston. My family moved to Winchester when I was nine. Some of my earliest memories consist of watching the Astrodome's scoreboard after a home run - one that was probably hit by Jose Cruz or Glenn Davis. I posted it in the World Series thread, but I have a tattoo of the old Astrodome bull animation. This one.

They've sucked for sooooooo long. I vividly remember 1986, the could've-been Killer B's teams of the 1990s, and the absolute ass whipping handed out by the White Sox in 2005. When the organization finally started to get its shit together, I was thrilled.

2017 was fucking AWESOME. For a while. Finding out that they cheated - so brazenly and so STUPIDLY - was just heartbreaking. So goddamned dumb - and more than that, unecessary. Why they didn't just play cleanly and see where that got them, I don't know - the subsequent seasons have proven that they're a very well run organization. They're fantastic when it comes to player development. All they had to do was play by the rules. They didn't.

The whole organization should've been decimated by Manfred. That ZERO players were held accountable for their actions was complete bullshit. I completely understand why fans of literally every other team hate them so much. They got away with it.

So here in 2022, yeah - I still love them. Maybe I shouldn't, but I do. Some of the cheaters are still around, sure - but I really want to see the Astros win one the right way.
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John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I am neutral on the Astros, but I'm rooting for them this year because of Dusty and Mancini. If they win, I'll probably get back to not caring too much about the Houston Astros, which is where I've been since I started following baseball in 1986.

Mugsy's Jock

Eli apologist
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SoSH Member
Dec 28, 2000
First off, the cheating thing bothers me only a little, for all the reasons cited above. That it was used to vanquish the MFY and Dodgers and generate endless whining from their fans makes it all forgiveable.

As noted elsewhere, Jeremy Pena went to my decidedly non-baseball-factory high school (okay, 35 years after me) so I'll always be a fan of his (unless he winds up with the MFY). I've always enjoyed Verlander and am surprised not to have any reason to hate him. While his ego far exceeds his body mass, Altuve sure is fun to watch (especially back when he stole a lot more bases). Yordan is undeniable. And Dusty seems like a good man.

Finally, the black baseball cap with the orange star is just first rate. Timeless.

I do hold Gurriel's racist gestures to Yu Darvish against him, and am always skeptical of Texas for reasons that belong in V&N... but the Astros are okay by me.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
I like them. The are fun to watch. The pitching is awesome from top to bottom, and the offense is monstrous. I could give two shits about trash cans, whatever. I could give two shits about tanking, whatever.

Jeremy Pena is quickly becoming one of my favorite players to watch, and combine him with Altuve I think they may be the best all around middle infield in the game, or close to it. Kyle Tucker and Yordan are solid at bats every time they come up to the plate, basically must watch at bats.

Verlander, Framber, McCullers, Javier, Garcia is just a stupid talented rotation, and every guy they bring out of the bullpen is electric.

They are a lot of fun to watch, that's really all I want my sports to be these days. It's an escape, not life or death.

Comfortably Lomb

Koko the Monkey
SoSH Member
Feb 22, 2004
The Paris of the 80s
Neutral. I don't care about the trash can thing. I'm tired of hearing about it but the primary whiners are Yankees and Dodgers fans so that's good I guess. They have some fun players.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
May 24, 2003
The cheating sucks. Yes, every team looks for an edge but this went over a line. My problem is that they decided to heap this all on two guys who left - the bench coach and a retired player. Crane gets off easy. The players get off without suspension despite they were the ones who actually did it. I don’t feel justice was served.

Without that, I’d like this team. Good system; professional players.

Comfortably Lomb

Koko the Monkey
SoSH Member
Feb 22, 2004
The Paris of the 80s
See. There it is. Another lecture about cheating and punishment. You know what? I hope they cheat more. And then rub it in peoples faces before driving off into the sunset in a Ferrari.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
May 24, 2003
It wasn’t a lecture. I’m pretty happy they beat the Yankees and Dodgers. I don’t think it affected the ALDS because Sale got hit hard in the playoffs (as usual).

I don’t like heaping the blame on a fall guy, which is what was done. Sue me.

Bottom line, likable team and I look forward to the actual truth coming out in 20 years.

Yelling At Clouds

SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
My problem is that they decided to heap this all on two guys who left - the bench coach and a retired player. Crane gets off easy.
It’s this. The cheating itself, whatever, but scapegoating Cora and Beltran doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t buy for a second that they acted without at least some involvement from Upstairs. I’ll stop short of what I’m really thinking here, but Lunhow strikes me as a little sleazy and it bugged me that they went out of their way to exonerate Brian McCann.

Plus there’s this weird attitude here that the Dodgers shouldn’t be mad about that which makes zero sense to me.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
Don’t hate the astros.. feel pretty neutral.

The thing for me.. sign stealing is as old as baseball.. it’s the way they communicated it to the players that bothered me.. why not use signs?
If you’re going to allow teams to communicate in real time then allow every team to do it.. allow wireless earpieces etc. if you do that then could you also do ear pieces instead of mound visits? Instead of calling pitches, etc?

(Also not a lecture in case CL is confused again)
Edit: think I quoted the wrong post.. although I agreed with that one too
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Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
I don't like them, although I also don't care about the sign stealing. To me, it's like Spygate. Teams in both sports were stealing signals forever, the Astros and the Pats just figured out a way to use technology to do so better.

But this franchise is responsible for the introduction of artificial surfaces into the game, and that I have a harder time forgiving.

I'll always root for them to beat the MFYs, so I'm grateful to them for that. But they're third on my MLB hate parade after the MFYs and Rays.


mikey lowell of the sandbox
SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2006
2017 was fucking AWESOME. For a while. Finding out that they cheated - so brazenly and so STUPIDLY - was just heartbreaking. So goddamned dumb - and more than that, unecessary. Why they didn't just play cleanly and see where that got them, I don't know - the subsequent seasons have proven that they're a very well run organization. They're fantastic when it comes to player development. All they had to do was play by the rules. They didn't.
I'll never forget the dismay I felt when yet another Astro stayed back waiting for Sale's slider because they KNEW when the offspeed stuff was coming, and hit it out of the park. The 2017 Red Sox were a great team, and the Astros' cheating denied them their due. No forgiveness, because I can't be satisfied until each offending cheating Astro is hauled up on stage and forced to deliver Claudius' soliloquy from Hamlet:

O, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven;
It hath the primal eldest curse upon't,
A brother's murder!—Pray can I not,
Though inclination be as sharp as will;
My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent;
And, like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect. What if this cursed hand
Were thicker than itself with brother's blood,
Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens
To wash it white as snow? Whereto serves mercy
But to confront the visage of offence?
And what's in prayer but this twofold force,
To be forestalled ere we come to fall,
Or pardon'd being down? then I'll look up;
My fault is past. But, O, what form of prayer
Can serve my turn? Forgive me my foul murder?
That cannot be; since I am still possess'd
Of those effects for which I did the murder,—
My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen.
May one be pardon'd and retain the offence?


New Member
Oct 15, 2022
In my opinion, I don't like the Astros. Their cheating scandal definitely hurt, and there are a few unlikeable players on the current team. But I also don't hate them, because there's a few players who are both likeable and skilled at baseball, like Verlander, Vaz, McCullers, and especially Dusty Baker. If the Astros end up winning the World Series, I'd be very happy for Baker.

Other than that, I still don't like them, unless they're playing the Yankees.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 30, 2004
Looks like I'm the sole "I love them" vote.

I love two baseball teams - the Boston Red Sox and the Houston Astros. I was born in Houston. My family moved to Winchester when I was nine. Some of my earliest memories consist of watching the Astrodome's scoreboard after a home run - one that was probably hit by Jose Cruz or Glenn Davis. I posted it in the World Series thread, but I have a tattoo of the old Astrodome bull animation. This one.

I was also born in Houston and I LOVED that thing. I can't even begin to express my admiration for your tattoo.

I got over my Astros fandom at a young age after we moved, but like you, went to the Sox. 1986 fucking sucked.

Bozo Texino

still hates Dave Kerpen
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Austin, Texas
I was also born in Houston and I LOVED that thing. I can't even begin to express my admiration for your tattoo.

I got over my Astros fandom at a young age after we moved, but like you, went to the Sox. 1986 fucking sucked.
Seriously. I'm sure I completely lost my mind whenever that thing went off.

I don't remember it, but my parents took me to a game at Dodger Stadium when I was three. I apparently asked them "Where's the roof?"

Mueller's Twin Grannies

critical thinker
SoSH Member
Dec 19, 2009
The people who lump what the Astros did with what every other team does need to get their heads examined. Sorry not sorry.

MLB came down harder on the Astros than they ever have on any other franchise, before or since, for what they did. That tells you everything you need to know about how beyond the norm it was. It was an ORGANIZATIONAL-WIDE scheme, blessed from on high. Stealing signs, which, yes, every team does (most of them using conventional methods like their eyes and brains), is not the same thing, not even close. No. If you think it is, stop sniffing glue - it IS a good day to make that choice.

If what they did was not much different from what other teams do, other teams would have been banging trash cans and whatnot long before.

Until all the people from the 2017 team/organization are gone, I want them to lose every game they play that's not against the Yankees. Breaking their hearts in 2018 was such a good feeling. Fuck 'em and feed them fish heads.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I have an irrational dislike of Altuve. Just hate that smarmy guy.