Why Do I Continue to Read Peter King?


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
j. Beernerdness: I’d been familiar with only one New Belgium Brewery
beer—Fat Tire—before seeing the Rockies at Coors Field the other night.
Now I have two I like. Ranger IPA is among the best IPAs I’ve had,
flavorful and with the slight bitterness that characterizes all good
Ranger IPA is on tap at probably 50% of the bars where I live (not Colorado).  For a guy that has been writing about "new" beers for awhile now, he's tried a pathetically short list of beers. 

Gary Geiger Counter

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May 24, 2013
Phil Plantier said:
Not to go too far back in the wayback machine, but King's style was exactly why he was such a great partner for Paul Zimmerman - the guy with access tells the NFL story, the guy with the cigar tells it like he sees it. Together they gave two descriptions of the same thing, but without that leavening King is just left to float away on his cloud of access. 
I don't know if anyone has the heft of Dr. Z anymore, but that's what King would be looking to add to his site if he were self-aware enough. 
I don't care either way about PK other than the fact that he might be the most famous guy from the town I spent my preschool years in.  But I loved Dr Z and his thinking man's guides.  I know way more about the NFL and AFL of the late 70s than I probably should from reading his book.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
l. Coffeenerdness: Angel In A Starbucks Dept.: Nice man walks into the Starbucks on Broad Street in Philadelphia Sunday evening. Introduces himself, says he enjoys my work. I thank him. He goes and gets a coffee. I am pounding away at my column. He comes back five minutes later, shakes my hand and hands me a $10 Starbucks card. Thanks me again. I am … without speech. “Th-th-thanks!’’ I said. People are good.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
“Th-th-thanks!’’??  How about "Wow, I truly appreciate the gesture, but I'm sure there are plenty of other people who need a few free coffees a lot more than me." 
Christ, give it to the panhandler sitting outside the entrance.
I don't know who I'm more pissed at -- the numbskull who bought Millionaire Peter King free coffees or Millionaire Peter King for accepting.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I'll just point it out, although anyone reading this thread is already aware:
There is no reason for Peter King to post that story, except to point out to all of us how loved and respected he is.
If he wanted to give the guy a tip-o-the-hat or whatever, he could have done it in numerous ways that don't involve the high level of self-aggrandizement ("Says he enjoys my work...Pounding away at my column [in a Starbucks.  Wow, what a tough gig you have, King]...thanks me again...").   He could have simply said, in any one of the dozens of place in his column that don't involve football (the haiku, 10 Thinks I think I think with my things, in a less annoying travel blurb), "And to the nice man that I met in Starbucks in Philly:  thanks a lot.".  That's ALL HE HAD TO SAY.
But no, the point of King's anecdote is not to thank the man, or (god help me) make a comment about what its like to be a traveler in these United States, circa 2013; no, it is to point out that some asshole loves Peter King so much he bought him a Starbucks card.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
drleather2001 said:
But no, the point of King's anecdote is not to thank the man, or (god help me) make a comment about what its like to be a traveler in these United States, circa 2013; no, it is to point out that some asshole loves Peter King so much he bought him a Starbucks card.
b. May I please say a very big thanks to all of you who have responded via email and text and in person about The MMQB? Some with criticism, many with praise. 
"Some with criticism, many with praise."


for king and country
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SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
The innate goodness of human being is confirmed by materialist gifting in response to the enjoyment of a football column?
That's quite a moral philosophy he's got there.

The Napkin

wise ass al kaprielian
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2002
right here
drleather2001 said:
I'll just point it out, although anyone reading this thread is already aware:
There is no reason for Peter King to post that story, except to point out to all of us how loved and respected he is.
If he wanted to give the guy a tip-o-the-hat or whatever, he could have done it in numerous ways that don't involve the high level of self-aggrandizement ("Says he enjoys my work...Pounding away at my column [in a Starbucks.  Wow, what a tough gig you have, King]...thanks me again...").   He could have simply said, in any one of the dozens of place in his column that don't involve football (the haiku, 10 Thinks I think I think with my things, in a less annoying travel blurb), "And to the nice man that I met in Starbucks in Philly:  thanks a lot.".  That's ALL HE HAD TO SAY.
But no, the point of King's anecdote is not to thank the man, or (god help me) make a comment about what its like to be a traveler in these United States, circa 2013; no, it is to point out that some asshole loves Peter King so much he bought him a Starbucks card.
The other thing posting the story does is it gets the idea out there that if you see him writing in a Starbucks it's an awesome idea to buy him a gift card to thank him for his tremendous insight and the pleasure his words have given you over the years.
And the next time someone bothers him to say hi and thank him he can go all, "it's always nice to talk to my fans, even ones who don't drop off a gift card" or something along those lines.
It's the gift that keeps on giving.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
The best line today is how he wishes that he'll be safe driving around to NFL camps, if al-Qaeda strikes.
Or, it how he lists his own writing in the best from the site roundup
Other than that, I am having a difficult time maneuvering around the site. Very clumsy


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Yea.  I mean, I consider myself fairly liberal, and people like King drive me fucking nuts.  He's the type of hypocritical lefty that people on the right point to and laugh.
"Oh, we really need to do something to HELP homeless people/other countries/fund education/etc...!!!" 
But then when it comes to the rubber meeting the road, he not only doesn't make a modicum of effort to use his position to do anything to help (unless it's a self-serving vanity project like running in a race to raise money for a source's, erm, NFL player's cause du jour), he actively mocks people for suggesting that he should live up to his lofty bullshit, and makes it clear that the idea of him having to sacrifice, even a fucking $10 gift card, is anathema to him.  Because, he earned it.
What a fucking gimpy turd jockey.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
SUSAN IS OVERWHELMED. “Re The MMQB: I love the concept, love the good writing, but there is too much, too often. I lose track of it and can’t keep up. I know I am missing good articles, but I only have so much time. Keep Peter King’s normal columns!! Have other articles—just not so many so quick upon each other. Some of the guest-non-four-regulars could be moved to SI or dropped. And please don’t dive into politics. And could you please, please bring back the ‘read all’ or something so I don’t have to click on ‘next’ to move on in the Monday morning column?”
I bet 200 people have written me saying approximately the same thing about the volume of stories. I understand—you only have so much time in a day. I have a suggestion: Why not, if you have only 10 minutes a day to surf, go to “Archive” and scroll through the last four or five entries and see which story or video most interests you? Just a thought. As far as the “read all” option, our team made that fix on the website today. So if you check out Monday’s MMQB column right now, you’ll be able to read it all on a single page.
"Listen, Susan.  Why should we make the actual site more streamlined for our users?  If you're only going to spend ten minutes on my site, there's not much I can do to help you out.  Go to the Archive and stop your bitching."
Can this turdnugget be any more condescending?  "SUSAN IS OVERWHELMED," "Why not, if you only have ten minutes...," "Just a thought," etc.
Hey asshole, if you want me to come to your stupid site five times a day, make it easier to navigate.  When 200+ people come at you with the same suggestion, it's high time for you to swallow your pride and listen to them.
Then someone else chimes in with the same issue...

I THINK WE HAVE SOLVED THAT; IN FACT, I JUST LOOKED, AND IT WORKS THE WAY YOU WANT. “Just wanted to chime in on the MMQB site. Love the content, my only issue is it’s a pain in the butt to navigate. It would be a lot easier if things were lined up in the order the articles have been released, newest at the top, instead of the jumble it is right now.”
Thanks, Nathan! Click on “Archive,” and you’ll see the stories and videos appear in the order they have appeared on the site.

Yep, he's a condescending fuck again.  People don't want to go to the stupid archive page which is just one big scrolling page of text and devoid of any and all of the multimedia that is supposed to be the bread and butter of your now MMQB venture.  
Fix the fucking site.  If Deadspin can figure it out, you can too.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
drleather2001 said:
I'll just point it out, although anyone reading this thread is already aware:
There is no reason for Peter King to post that story, except to point out to all of us how loved and respected he is.
If he wanted to give the guy a tip-o-the-hat or whatever, he could have done it in numerous ways that don't involve the high level of self-aggrandizement ("Says he enjoys my work...Pounding away at my column [in a Starbucks.  Wow, what a tough gig you have, King]...thanks me again...").   He could have simply said, in any one of the dozens of place in his column that don't involve football (the haiku, 10 Thinks I think I think with my things, in a less annoying travel blurb), "And to the nice man that I met in Starbucks in Philly:  thanks a lot.".  That's ALL HE HAD TO SAY.
But no, the point of King's anecdote is not to thank the man, or (god help me) make a comment about what its like to be a traveler in these United States, circa 2013; no, it is to point out that some asshole loves Peter King so much he bought him a Starbucks card.
The real kicker is he probably made the whole story up. I mean, how can anyone call him on it if he did?

It seems more likely to me that he made the story up than it is that someone would buy him a gift card as a token of their appreciation for his column. He probably needed a coffee story and didn't have one, so he made up a self-serving one.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Thing is, the site's navigation really is terrible.  The same stories/headlines repeat in several different places on the front page for no reason, there are headlines underneath each writer's name on the right side but clicking on the headline takes you to the author's main page rather than that story, the links obnoxiously change color when you hover over them in a way that hurts the eyes.  
It's also weird that the headline on the front page is "Playing with Brady's Favorite Teammate", which is superimposed over a photo of Peyton Manning, who is obviously not Brady's favorite teammate.  I get that it's an interview with Manning about Welker, but you would never know that from looking at just the headline and the photo.


for king and country
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Jan 20, 2007
Ferm Sheller said:
The real kicker is he probably made the whole story up. I mean, how can anyone call him on it if he did?

It seems more likely to me that he made the story up than it is that someone would buy him a gift card as a token of their appreciation for his column. He probably needed a coffee story and didn't have one, so he made up a self-serving one.
This would only apply if we thought he was beneath posting whatever coffee story he had available no matter how lame simply under the assumption that it would be interesting because it's him having coffee.
CoffeeNerdness: "Got a coffee. It was nice and hot. I like it when the coffee is nice and hot. I once had a barista give me coffee that was warm at best. Seemed totally unprofessional to me; I mean, how hard is it to make coffee hot? I make millions of dollars and basically just write stream of consciousness crap about my day, shouldn't I be able to get a hot coffee? Unless I ask for iced coffee, which should not be hot."


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Well, I mean, you know what he could do, right?
He could get off his fucking ass and use his status as a high-profile writer to, I dunno, contact some people who make/grow/package/sell/roast coffee for a living and actually drop some knowledge on his readers.  What are the different kind of beans?  What is the roasting process like?  Could you roast your own beans?  Do pros recommend keeping coffee in the freezer? Ground or unground?  What are some high-profile coffee experts' views on Starbucks, DD's, or iced coffee in general?  What's the most expensive coffee out there?  Is it any good? 
I mean, there are literally hundreds of things about coffee he could tell us about, if he only took 45 minutes to be a "nerd" about it.  I'm sure it would be pretty easy to have one of his gophers dig out 3-4 coffee contacts and just pop them a basic question once a week, and then print the response.  I mean, our local weather guy has a blog and does that sort of thing every day, in regards to climate change, emergency procedures, extreme weather events, etc...


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2012
Corsi said:


Yep, he's a condescending fuck again.  People don't want to go to the stupid archive page which is just one big scrolling page of text and devoid of any and all of the multimedia that is supposed to be the bread and butter of your now MMQB venture.  
Fix the fucking site.  If Deadspin can figure it out, you can too.
I think he's just offering a simple workaround while the people that actually know what they're doing fix the site.  For all intents and purposes MMQB is in a public beta now.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
g. Coffeenerdness: The other day, the Starbucks on Kingston Pike in Knoxville got a gold star from me. I went in there to work with my tour pal Neil Hornsby, struck up a conversation with the two baristas about the area, and went to work. The fellow later brought us over small cups of coffee to try from their Clover brewing process and, when I left, the other barista called us both by name. Not sure, but I don’t think that’d happen at the Starbucks on the corner of 55th and Lex.
h. Beernerdness: One of the great nights on this tour was made possible, in part, by Porter Hardy IV, the president of Smartmouth Brewing Company in Norfolk. On Tuesday in Richmond, after viewing a Redskins practice, Hardy was waiting for me with a growler of beer from his brewery. It was his Alter Ego Saison. Porter, good news: The growler didn’t last until Atlanta. (And no, our drivers/reporters, Andy DeGroy and Dan Greene, didn’t dabble on our night drive to the Falcons.) But the Saison was delicious. Thanks, Porter. And sorry about RGIII not signing for little Sarah.
Want to see yourself in MMQB someday?  Give 'Ol Pete some free shit.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
I'm no expert in journalism ethics but isn't there something slightly off-putting about the free publicity that Porter Hardy IV and Smartmouth Brewing Company get by giving Peter King a free growler of beer?


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Ralphwiggum said:
I'm no expert in journalism ethics but isn't there something slightly off-putting about the free publicity that Porter Hardy IV and Smartmouth Brewing Company get by giving Peter King a free growler of beer?
You forgot GoRVing.com™
And oh how quickly we've forgotten EvoShield™.  Dude shilled for them worse than Billy Mays.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
I've been a fan of Richard Deitsch, but this is vomit-inducing.
At 10:24 he tweets:  
Then, less than an hour later:
I embedded with Hard Knocks in Cincinnati for my third @theMMQB piece. Coming Tuesday. I think you'll like it.
Deitsch has a good enough reputation that I assume that when he promotes something from SI, he independently thinks it's good, but when he praises a column of the specific guy who sent him off on a training camp boondoggle, I think that's asking a bit much.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I'm not too into the always-there-but-picking-up-steam-lately trend of assigning universal characteristics to generations of Americans (e.g., "Millennials have large groups of friends and expect all of their efforts to be met with approval, regardless of whether the efforts are successful or not.").

However, Peter King really embodies every negative stereotype/profile of the Baby Boomer generation. He's superficially interested in creating a "greater good", and makes overtures of being driven by a sense of social justice (but only when it allows him to condescend), and is really driven by the ethos of "I got mine" and has an inflated sense of accomplishment that was/is based more on good fortune than on his own merit.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
He could get off his fucking ass and use his status as a high-profile writer to, I dunno, contact some people who make/grow/package/sell/roast coffee for a living and actually drop some knowledge on his readers.  What are the different kind of beans?  What is the roasting process like?  Could you roast your own beans?  Do pros recommend keeping coffee in the freezer? Ground or unground?  What are some high-profile coffee experts' views on Starbucks, DD's, or iced coffee in general?  What's the most expensive coffee out there?  Is it any good? 
I mean, there are literally hundreds of things about coffee he could tell us about, if he only took 45 minutes to be a "nerd" about it.  I'm sure it would be pretty easy to have one of his gophers dig out 3-4 coffee contacts and just pop them a basic question once a week, and then print the response.  I mean, our local weather guy has a blog and does that sort of thing every day, in regards to climate change, emergency procedures, extreme weather events, etc...
drleather2001 said:
I'm not too into the always-there-but-picking-up-steam-lately trend of assigning universal characteristics to generations of Americans (e.g., "Millennials have large groups of friends and expect all of their efforts to be met with approval, regardless of whether the efforts are successful or not.").

However, Peter King really embodies every negative stereotype/profile of the Baby Boomer generation. He's superficially interested in creating a "greater good", and makes overtures of being driven by a sense of social justice (but only when it allows him to condescend), and is really driven by the ethos of "I got mine" and has an inflated sense of accomplishment that was/is based more on good fortune than on his own merit.
This reminds me of what some critic once said about Kenny G.: "Its music for people who like the idea of jazz, but not jazz itself."
Peter King likes the idea of being a coffee nerd, a beer nerd and a do-gooder, but instead he simply drinks large amounts of coffee and beer and likes free stuff. 


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
drleather2001 said:
Peter King really embodies every negative stereotype/profile of the Baby Boomer generation. He's superficially interested in creating a "greater good", and makes overtures of being driven by a sense of social justice (but only when it allows him to condescend), and is really driven by the ethos of "I got mine" and has an inflated sense of accomplishment that was/is based more on good fortune than on his own merit.
I wanna make love sweet love by the fire to this post.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
DrewDawg said:
King is getting a lot of flack for insinuating that Kosar had been drinking after Kosar made some less than flattering comments about the Rams during a preseason game.
So King tweets:
I was out of line for my question to Bernie Kosar here Saturday. My fault--no one else's. Will be writing about it @theMMQB Tuesday.
But then in MMQB, he writes:
Kosar’s a good guy, and I have always liked him. But I found the comments pretty far over the top and asked rhetorically, on Twitter, whether Kosar had been drinking. Which brought on a raft of criticism from the Twitterverse, saying I’d gone over the top. I don’t think I was over the top, but many of you felt I’d gone too far given the sea of trouble Kosar has had in his personal life. (None of which, from what I can tell, involve treatment for alcohol, or any admission of alcoholism.)
So, you were out of line, but not over the top?  What's the difference?  Of course, King teases with the tweet that he's going to apologize, and then instead he DEFENDS his comments in MMQB!  Unreal.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
You know what happened?  He apologized off-the-cuff, and then got angry with himself for being bullied into an apology, so he recanted.
Regardless:  if King had problems with Kosar's comments, he should address their substance, not call the guy drunk on the air.   It's unfair, cheap, and unprofessional to call someone out as "drunk" unless you, you know, actually know they had been drinking.  If someone of note (let's say, I dunno, Bill Belichick) called Peter King "drunk" on the basis of some of the stupid shit that he's written, Peter King would absolutely lose his mind.
It's "over the top" to call someone appearing publicly/professionally "drunk."  You're basically calling them a loser and completely un-credible.   Period.
However, to say that Kosar, who has a history of problems related to multiple concussions sustained during his career, sounded "drunk" isn't just over the top, it's fucking insensitive and completely hypocritical given King's pooh-poohing about player safety.  
Applied to a random person, it's a churlish, unprofessional, bullying thing for King to say.  Applied to a guy like Kosar, King's just being a flat-out asshole.  That he is incapable of admitting that to himself is no surprise.


for king and country
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Jan 20, 2007
Twitter's ability to communicate thoughts instantly can have a bit of a dark side to it if you're, say, kinda a jerk.


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2010
Corsi said:
So King tweets:
But then in MMQB, he writes:
So, you were out of line, but not over the top?  What's the difference?  Of course, King teases with the tweet that he's going to apologize, and then instead he DEFENDS his comments in MMQB!  Unreal.
It's pretty simple.  Peter King was out of line with what he tweeted, but everyone else's reaction to what Peter King tweeted was over the top, because calling a professional writer unprofessional is much worse than calling a former football player/tv analyst a drunk. 


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Also, Kosar's comments were funny as hell, and it's a local broadcast of a preseason game. King just hates people with strong opinions.
King was further called out because of his seeming defense of the Rams/Jeff Fisher, when he and Fisher share an agent. When asked why he didn't mention that, he said that he's written about it before. 
Because, you know, everyone has obviously read everything he's ever written.
Anyway, I hope King applies this standard fairly. If some QB he likes, that has suffered a concussion, tosses an INT or two, let's hope MMQB wonders if that QB was drunk.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Didn't fisher also allow King into the draft room?

He's just kissing his source's ass. Again.

Dalton Jones

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Nov 24, 2001
If nothing else, Peter King needs an editor.  Have you tried to wade through his columns or musings or whatever he calls them? And now that he has -- I would assume -- complete editorial control over his content with MMQB (replete with logo), it will just get worse.  He's impossible to read.  I tried the other day.  I found myself scrolling through text (endless text) scanning for anything interesting and could find nothing other than his narcissism on full display.  His writing sucks. He should farm out everything to the talented people he's attracted to his endeavor and let it go at that.  


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005

Like Johnny Manziel, who has been criticized for his party lifestyle, fellow former Heisman winner Ricky Williams had character concerns coming out of college, albeit for much different reasons.
I am completely unaware of any "issues" regarding Williams when he was in college.  I think the worst thing said about him was that he was shy.  Maybe I'm wrong, but the whole pot smoking stuff didn't surface until he was already in the NFL, and he wasn't regarded as a head case until his early retirement from the Dolphins.
I traveled almost 12,000 miles and saw some fun sights and lots of highways and backroads and good cities and towns over 26 days of touring NFL camps. And my best sight of the week came five miles from my home in Manhattan—at the 9/11 Memorial on Saturday afternoon.
I hadn’t been to the Memorial, which honors the 2,977 people killed on Sept. 11, 2001, since it opened almost two years ago.
"I have completely ignored this sad piece of history, but now that I have gone I'm going to be sanctimonious about how important it is that YOU go see it."
"...and then I'll tell you about a tree."
b. It’s totally unfair, because it’s not a quarterback versus quarterback game, and because Seattle scored a touchdown on special teams and on defense in the first half Saturday night. But Russell Wilson’s Seahawks beat Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers last year, and he was up on Peyton Manning 27-7 when they were on the field together Saturday night.
"I know this is a stupid and misleading thing to say...but fuck it I'm going to say it anyway!"
h. New England undrafted free agent tight end Zach Sudfeld is on the verge of going from a roster longshot the week after the draft to making fantasy football owners wonder, “How high should I draft this guy?”
None that I play with, unless they are thinking "I have Gronk, so I'll draft Sudfeld as a backup until Gronk is healthy".
I think there are only so many games a coach who still is a coach can do in the booth
How many games could a non-coach coach, if a non-coach could coach games?
e. The more stuff leaks around Ryan Braun, the more I think he’s just not a good person. In any way.
But will he ask Aaron Rogers about it?  Hell no!


SoSH Member
May 1, 2008
Peabody, MA


New Member
Aug 6, 2009
Burbs of Natstown
PBDWake said:
The one thing I have to defend him on is the Sudfield thing. He's been getting a lot of fantasy hype lately.
Matthew Berry ‏@MatthewBerryTMR17 Aug
Zach Sudfeld is legit. Wrote @ him in Love Hate & yesterday afternoon's 10 of 10. Going in drafted, should be taken top 12 among TE.
Matthew Berry ‏@MatthewBerryTMR17 Aug
Serious. Even when Gronk comes back. NE runs tons of two TE sets #Sudfeld RT @MikeVereker: Serious?? Top 12? Ehh...
to be fair Matthew Berry is an idiot


for king and country
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SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
drleather2001 said:
I am completely unaware of any "issues" regarding Williams when he was in college.  I think the worst thing said about him was that he was shy.  Maybe I'm wrong, but the whole pot smoking stuff didn't surface until he was already in the NFL, and he wasn't regarded as a head case until his early retirement from the Dolphins.
I think even more importantly, "character issues" is a euphemism for a person being a bad guy. I mean, didn't Ricky Williams go vegetarian and meditate in a tent in Australia for like a year or something? If anything, dude has too much character to play in the NFL.
Just because Snoop smokes weed doesn't make all sweet leaf issues the same.