Game 56
It seems I write the same poem every day.
The Boston Red Sox keep finding a way
to put up a fight yet still lose the fray.
The way things have gone, it's easy to say
that our playoff dreams are going astray.
Our once-sunny start has turned a bit gray,
but I still have faith that we'll be okay.
Will I give up hope? The answer is "neigh."
No matter what happens, I'm here to stay.
I'll never root for a Yankee or Ray
nor for an Oriole or a Blue Jay.
I'll cheer for the Sox. I'll hope and I'll pray
that our cleats won't be stuck on feets of clay,
that the team will get tough, fight back, and slay,
opponents then feast like it's a buffet.
I know that this may sound a bit cliche
and blind faith may be a little passe,
but we still have lots of games left to play.
Let's show that the Sox still have some cachet.
Let's see our stars begin earning their pay.
Let's watch the youngsters build their resume.
Let's hope we got the June Swoon done in May.
(I'm off to a Spider-Man matinee.)