All A-Rod talk here


king of nothing
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SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2005
Wow this is monumentally stupid on NY's part. It makes them look incredibly petty. I wonder if they're going to return their 2009 trophy since, ya know, A-Rod was a big part of their success and he was cheating.

jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Let's see what actually happens, I don't trust the Daily News much more than the Weekly World News. 

In my lifetime

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Dec 18, 2003
Instead of a legal battle with an active player, it seems to me that it would make a lot more sense for the Yankees to pay most of ARod's salary (maybe 80% or so) and trade him. Make his salary palatable to a team and maybe even pick up a prospect.  An added benefit would be the luxury tax savings on the part of the contract they don't have to subsidize.  

jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
No one wanted Barry Bonds and his baggage when he was a FA and he was much more of a sure thing to hit than A-Rod is now. 
I think NY is hoping that he won't be physically capable of playing and then they can try to get back at least some of what they owe him via insurance. I'm guessing this will all become a lot more clear in spring training. 


Crests prematurely
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
jon abbey said:
No one wanted Barry Bonds and his baggage when he was a FA and he was much more of a sure thing to hit than A-Rod is now. 
I think NY is hoping that he won't be physically capable of playing and then they can try to get back at least some of what they owe him via insurance. I'm guessing this will all become a lot more clear in spring training. 
How does this work?  Assuming he's not injured, just not very good, do they have any recourse besides cutting him and eating the money?  


paying for his sins
SoSH Member
Apr 9, 2007
How does this work?  Assuming he's not injured, just not very good, do they have any recourse besides cutting him and eating the money?
I suppose there is always the hope that he gets injured if they keep him on the roster, and that insurance comes into play. Somehow I think he might produce enough to be worth more on the roster than some random callup anyway though.


is not worried about sex with goats
SoSH Member
Sep 15, 2007
jon abbey said:
No one wanted Barry Bonds and his baggage when he was a FA and he was much more of a sure thing to hit than A-Rod is now. 
I think NY is hoping that he won't be physically capable of playing and then they can try to get back at least some of what they owe him via insurance. I'm guessing this will all become a lot more clear in spring training. 
It's probably not inside information at all, but one of my friends in baseball has told me that insurance rarely works like fans expect it will work. It's an odd system which only recoups a portion of the contract for the specific time a player missed while on the DL (no future time) and is, of course, no sure thing to get paid. Being "physically capable" of playing isn't the issue if his physical incapability just means he's bad - he also has to be demonstrably hurt, or the insurance claim will never get paid. Anyway, I have a hard time believing that without some serious injury, A-Rod is going to just accept going to the DL with the Hellenic Flu.


sings praises of pinstripes
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May 20, 2008
Jackson Heights, NYC
nattysez said:
The Yankees reportedly will refuse to pay ARod his marketing bonuses.  You owe the guy $61mm and you're going to go to war over $6mm?  Is the goal just to goad him into doing something dumb (like refusing to play) that voids his deal?  
It's $24 million, when factoring in passing each Mays, Ruth, Aaron & Bonds. At this point it's a far reach to think he'll even hit 60 homers over the next three years, but I'm sure the MFY are arguing that it's not just 6 mil. 

jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
If he has 60 more HRs in him as a Yankee, I wouldn't care if he took a shit on a picture of Ruth after circling the bases and then wiped his ass with a Jeter jersey. 

Tangled Up In Red

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Nov 8, 2004
jon abbey said:
If he has 60 more HRs in him as a Yankee, I wouldn't care if he took a shit on a picture of Ruth after circling the bases and then wiped his ass with a Jeter jersey. 
The thought fills me with joy. The ultimate heel.


SoSH Member
Apr 19, 2011
jon abbey said:
If he has 60 more HRs in him as a Yankee, I wouldn't care if he took a shit on a picture of Ruth after circling the bases and then wiped his ass with a Jeter jersey. 
What if those 20 hrs a year came with a 300 ish obp and sub 700 ops much like teixeiras 2014? That's not much value from a DH or immobile occasional 3b or 1b. Though I guess it's about replacement level and better than nothing.
I can easily see him giving up on a good obp or situational hitting to chase the HRs at this stage.


New Member
Aug 30, 2005
Lowrielicious said:
What if those 20 hrs a year came with a 300 ish obp and sub 700 ops much like teixeiras 2014? That's not much value from a DH or immobile occasional 3b or 1b. Though I guess it's about replacement level and better than nothing.
I can easily see him giving up on a good obp or situational hitting to chase the HRs at this stage.
Interesting thought.  If A-Rod and Garrett Jones combine for 35 HRs primarily at DH and can effectively take some days at 1B, 3B and RF, then yes I would put a low .300s OBP in the 7 spot. I wouldn't be as exuberant as John Abbey, but that would be productive.  If A-Rod needs 600 DH PAs to get to 20 HRs and can't play the field, then the .300 OBP is a problem.  Of course if he's that low and getting that much time, it means someone is hurt.

jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Only 30 players in the AL hit 20 HRs last year, only two of those played for NY (McCann and Tex). I would definitely take Tex's 2014 in a heartbeat for A-Rod, .216 BA, .313 OBP, .398 SLG, .711 OPS, 22 HRs in 440 ABs. 


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
jon abbey said:
If he has 60 more HRs in him as a Yankee, I wouldn't care if he took a shit on a picture of Ruth after circling the bases and then wiped his ass with a Jeter jersey. 
Now I want an Arod jersey for this year.

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
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Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
jon abbey said:
If he has 60 more HRs in him as a Yankee, I wouldn't care if he took a shit on a picture of Ruth after circling the bases and then wiped his ass with a Jeter jersey. 
Hasn't it been established he's a territorial pisser?  


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2006
jon abbey said:
If he has 60 more HRs in him as a Yankee, I wouldn't care if he took a shit on a picture of Ruth after circling the bases and then wiped his ass with a Jeter jersey. 
I think I would love him if the did that.


New Member
Nov 24, 2005
jon abbey said:
If he has 60 more HRs in him as a Yankee, I wouldn't care if he took a shit on a picture of Ruth after circling the bases and then wiped his ass with a Jeter jersey. 
He`s already my favorite Yankee ever.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya....


Hal Steinbrenner, New York Yankees Managing General Partner / Co-Chairperson
Randy Levine, New York Yankees President
Brian Cashman, New York Yankees Senior Vice President, General Manager
Jean Afterman, New York Yankees Senior Vice President, Assistant General Manager
Alex Rodriguez
Jim Sharp, Legal Counsel to Alex Rodriguez

"Today we held a meeting at Yankee Stadium between Hal Steinbrenner, Randy Levine, Brian Cashman, Jean Afterman, Alex Rodriguez and Jim Sharp. Alex initiated the meeting and apologized to the organization for his actions over the past several years.
"There was an honest and frank discussion on all of the issues. As far as the Yankees are concerned, the next step is to play baseball in spring training."



SoSH Member
May 25, 2008
Boston, MA
A-Rod initiated this meeting and is attempting to show remorse because he fears the Yankees will be successful in their attempt to block the milestone incentives. Surely the Yankees FO is smart enough to see through this charade. I wonder if he pretended to cry in the meeting.


Crests prematurely
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Or maybe he apologized for all those home runs he hit and games he won, including helping to win a World Series?
I mean, I don't understand why any of this is news. Of course he is trying to bury the hatchet for his lawsuits from last year, but other than that I don't think any of it really matters. The Yankees can wish they didn't owe him money for any more years, but that has nothing to do with steroids - that has to do with being idiots when he opted out.
I hope he hits 40 homers this year.


Mai Tais for everyone!
SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2006
I can hardly wait for Spring Training. This is far from over! It's Always About Alex. The circus is coming to town, like it or not.

jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I don't feel like looking it up and linking it, but yesterday's Post reported that A-Rod told Barry Bonds this winter that he was coming after his HR record. I guess the appropriate expression there would be "more power to you"?


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
The New York Yankees have offered Yankee Stadium as a potential site for Alex Rodriguez to make his public apology following his season-long suspension for performance-enhancing drug use, a source confirmed to ESPN.
The Yankees told Rodriguez during a meeting Tuesday that they want him to address the media before pitchers and catchers report to spring training on Friday, Feb. 20. Rodriguez was amenable to that plan, sources told ESPN, although a date and location have not been finalized.
The making of a another classic moment in Yankee history.
Today, I consider myself the _________ man on the face of the earth!


SoSH Member
May 25, 2008
Boston, MA
A self incriminating press conference seems unlikely.

With the Yankees looking for any loop hole to void his current deal and bonus incentives, I'd be shocked if this ended up being a McGwire-like confession. His carefully prepared statement won't go into any details about what he took and when he took them.

This will be more of a Jason Giambi apology. "I'm sorry for the mistakes I've made...", without actually saying what those mistakes were. The comedy will be off the charts though.

Harry Hooper

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jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Heh, thumbs up on that one.
A-Rod holding a press conference in an almost entirely empty Yankee Stadium would be amazing, who even cares anymore. How great would it be if the media and the fans just didn't show up, on the off chance this actually happens? Just A-Rod and John Sterling and the YES cameras, hehehe...

Muddy Chicken

SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA
"The Yankees, sources said, also made it clear to Rodriguez that they plan on disputing his home run bonuses. Rodriguez, who has 654 career homers, can make a total of $30 million extra if he reaches five separate home run milestones, starting with tying Willie Mays' 660 homers for fourth place on the all-time list."
This is going to be fun to watch!


SoSH Member
Jul 12, 2005
Ashburnham, MA
I can't wait to see the Yankee argument for disputing the HR bonuses. "yes, of course we benefited from all of those home runs, but he was cheating so they shouldn't count, but we weren't cheating so those runs should in no way effect our past record or anything of that sort." there's going to have to be some serious bending of logic and reality in this argument.


king of nothing
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Jul 25, 2005
Personally I think he should go on Francesa's show to issue his apology but here's another option:

Alex Rodriguez may have found a soft spot to land if he decides to make a public apology to his fans and supporters before spring training begins at the end of the week: Derek Jeter’s “The Players’ Tribune.”
Despite their sometimes chilly relationship, Rodriguez is said to be considering using Jeter’s site, which gives players a supposedly unfiltered forum to express themselves directly to their fans without having to navigate uncomfortable questions from reporters, to deliver his mea culpa.
“That is actually something in play,” one person familiar with Rodriguez’s situation said.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
NEW YORK -- Alex Rodriguez extended his apology tour to include the fans Tuesday, releasing a hand-written letter in which says he is sorry for the mistakes he made that led to his suspension for performance-enhancing drug use.
In the letter obtained by ESPN on Tuesday afternoon, Rodriguez called the New York Yankees"gracious" for offering him the chance to use Yankee Stadium for a formal press conference.
But Rodriguez chose to forego a formal media session, saying that "the next time I am in Yankee Stadium, I should be in pinstripes doing my job."

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
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Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
Sweet.  A-Rod "takes full responsibility" but:
Does not admit to doing PEDs.
Does not promise never to do PEDs again.
Does not apologize to any of the folks he demonized at the arb hearing.
Does not explain why he did what he did - either the PEDs or the hearing.  
Does not apologize to the fans (per se). 
Does not apologize for being a bad role model to kids.
Does not apologize to his fellow players.
Also, there's no atonement.  While it's not strictly necessary for an apology, usually people who feel bad about what they did try to correct it or compensate for it in some way.  How much of a stretch is it for him to speak out against PED use?  In, say, high school kids? Or kick some money to a charity or anti-PED program/group.
I'm sure he'd like to think the matter is "over" - but it's not. 
This guy is just as out of whack as he ever was. 


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
A couple of questions about Arod's marketing/HR incentive deal, that the Yankees are contesting.
If for example Arod passes May's 660 Hrs, and earns a $6 million payment would this payment be included in Yankee payroll for luxury tax purposes?
Do the Ys share the revenues associated with ARod's marketing deal with other MLB teams (like other souvenir/merchandise sales?)
How are these potential payments different from other performance-based structures that MLB does not allow (ie a bonus for making the AS team is ok, but payments for the # of HRs is not)


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Aug 4, 2005
bankshot1 said:
A couple of questions about Arod's marketing/HR incentive deal, that the Yankees are contesting.
If for example Arod passes May's 660 Hrs, and earns a $6 million payment would this payment be included in Yankee payroll for luxury tax purposes?
Do the Ys share the revenues associated with ARod's marketing deal with other MLB teams (like other souvenir/merchandise sales?)
How are these potential payments different from other performance-based structures that MLB does not allow (ie a bonus for making the AS team is ok, but payments for the # of HRs is not)
They aren't different; they violate MLB Rule 3(b)(5) and properly shouldn't have been approved, just as Pujols's performance bonuses and a particular $2M performance bonus the Red Sox paid when they won the 2004 World Series the next year shouldn't have been approved.

The Commissioner's office has sometimes approved contracts that violate Rule 3(b)(5), presumably because hasn't always been in the interest of MLB and the MLBPA to enforce it.


Granite Truther
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Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
Rovin Romine said:
Sweet.  A-Rod "takes full responsibility" but:
Does not admit to doing PEDs.
Does not promise never to do PEDs again.
Does not apologize to any of the folks he demonized at the arb hearing.
Does not explain why he did what he did - either the PEDs or the hearing.  
Does not apologize to the fans (per se). 
Does not apologize for being a bad role model to kids.
Does not apologize to his fellow players.
Also, there's no atonement.  While it's not strictly necessary for an apology, usually people who feel bad about what they did try to correct it or compensate for it in some way.  How much of a stretch is it for him to speak out against PED use?  In, say, high school kids? Or kick some money to a charity or anti-PED program/group.
I'm sure he'd like to think the matter is "over" - but it's not. 
This guy is just as out of whack as he ever was. 
Does anyone think he hasn't been doing PEDs since he was drafted?