Biogenesis - Criminal charges

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
So, this is the criminal side of the Biogenesis scandal.  Regardless of what happened with MLB's investigation, if crimes were committed, both the State of Florida and the US Fed. Govt. have the ability to prosecute those crimes.  Usually it's buying and selling drugs ("trafficking" drugs merely involves large amounts of buying or selling), though there may be a financial crimes in there as well. 
A Miami based baseball coach was arrested, as was Bosch, and A-Rod's cousin. 
Depending on who is willing to flip, a lot more info may come out.  
Although the buying athletes have not been charged, there's no reason why they couldn't be in the future.  It's unlikely, but possible.  
The Tacopina quote below is gold.  It's possible he does not understand that associating his client (A-Rod) with someone who is clearly guilty of peddling PEDs in the eyes of the Feds (as opposed to MLB) does not go a long way to making A-Rod look clean.  
One person not yet arrested — only because he was hospitalized as a result of breaking up a dog fight — was longtime South Florida baseball coach Lazaro “Lazer” Collazo, accused of bringing in the teenage customers, including, allegedly, his own sons.
Despite those suspensions, not a single player was among the individuals charged in “Operation Strike Out,” the federal probe that grew out of the New Times story published in January 2013.
The DEA and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael “Pat” Sullivan and Sharad Motiani went after the suppliers, not the customers.
“When professional athletes use drugs to enhance their performance, they are not heroes — they are cheaters,” said the prosecutors’ boss, U.S. Attorney Wifredo Ferrer, in announcing the indictments at a news conference.
Rodriguez’s cousin, 52-year-old Yuri Sucart, was among those arrested as part of Tuesday’s roundup, accused of being a bridge between the Yankee third baseman and perhaps other ballplayers and the clinic.
Rodriguez’s lawyer said the ballplayer had nothing to do with his cousin and cited the fact that Rodriguez wasn’t charged as vindication.
“It gives Alex peace of mind and puts an end to this entire sordid chapter,” said Joe Tacopina.
Others busted as part of the scandal include Carlos Javier Acevedo, 35; Juan Carlos Nunez, 48; Jorge “Ugi” Velazquez, 43; and Christopher Benjamin Engroba, 25.
He was aided, prosecutors said, by Collazo, a well-known former University of Miami assistant baseball coach who allegedly brought Bosch young hopefuls yearning for added muscle. The young clients paid $250 to $600 for performance-enhancing drugs, without any of them being seen by a licensed doctor.
All the suspects appeared in federal court in Miami on Tuesday, except for Collazo, who was visited in the hospital by authorities and told he would be arrested later. His attorney, John Ruiz, said his client never worked with Bosch. He will plead not guilty when he is released from the hospital, probably in about five days, Ruiz said.
“This is the day, Tony Bosch gets to have that smirk wiped off his face,” Tacopina, Rodriguez’s lawyer, said of the charges against the clinic operator.
Tacopina would not say whether Rodriguez, a three-time American League Most Valuable Player, gave a statement to federal authorities. A former National League MVP, ex-Miami Hurricane Ryan Braun, was also suspended as part of the scandal.
Prosecutors said the professional athletes who bought the drugs paid as little as “a few thousand dollars” to as much as $12,000 a month for testosterone and other substances banned under the players’ contract with MLB.

Read more here:


Mai Tais for everyone!
SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2006
For the most part, I am SO over this shit. Until some MLB players get named, I don't really care anymore. Bunch of clowns. They get what they deserve.

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
I just thought we'd document this for posterity's sake.  While there was Balco, this reaches into college athletics.  In some ways I expect this investigation/prosecution will set the tone for future cases. 


absence hasn't made the heart grow fonder
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2005
Bosch on 60 minutes, wow he is not an intelligent fellow