#DFG: Canceling the Noise

Is there any level of suspension that you would advise Tom to accept?

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SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
FYI -- from Bob Kravitz's Twitter:
Breaking: A league source tells me the NFL is investigating the possibility the Patriots deflated footballs Sunday night. More to come.
I'm told at one point the officials took a ball out of play and weighed it. Should hear more tomorrow on this subject.
Didn't have a chance to talk to colts officials about this. They were long gone when I heard this.
Told if a league investigation confirms deflated footballs it will result in lost draft picks. Stay tuned.
jasail's Ballghazi Precis/Primerwith amendments:
1) Each team provides the NFL with game balls for use during the game and the NFL requires the balls to be inflated between 12.5 - 13.5 psi and weigh between 14-15 ounces.[/size]
2) 2 hours prior to the start of the game, NFL refs are required to inspect the psi and weight of game balls provided by each team. If the balls provided do not meet these specifications, then they will be adjusted by the refs.[/size]

3) Once the balls are returned to the teams, they are put in ball bags on each sideline but are not guarded by NFL personnel. Team ball boys will provide the refs with new balls at their request.[/size]

4) League sources have confirmed that Walt Anderson and crew inspected and approved all balls provided by the Colts and Patriots 2hrs and 15 min prior to kick off and returned them to their respective teams.[/size]

5) ESPN Radio reports that Walt Anderson and crew inspected the Patriots balls again at half-time and those that were under-inflated were re-inflated and put back into play.[/size]

6) ESPN Radio reports that Walt Anderson and crew then inspected the Patriots balls again after the game. No details have been released regarding the results of these tests.[/size]

7) Chris Mortenson reports that 11/12 of the balls provided by the Patriots were found to be 2 psi below the NFL specifications. It is uncertain whether this report is with regards to the balls tested at half-time, the end of the game or some combination thereof. [/size]

8) Adam Schefter reports [/size](Reported by Mortensenjust let it go.)[/size] the Colts had concerns about the level to which the Patriots inflated their balls following the November meeting between the teams and they raised this concern to the NFL prior to the AFC Championship Game.[/size]

9) WSCH of Portland showed their math in a pv=nrt equation to show that temperature change from time of measurement to game time could result in a potential reduction of PSI by 0.4. This presumed that the air inside the ball was at 68 degrees at time of initial measurement and then 51 degrees at game time. Therefore, it is unlikely that the change in pressure is solely the result of change in temperature.[/size]

This was identified as mistaken by several posters, most notably citing SumnerH here, as incorrectly using gauge pressure instead of absolute pressure; revised caluclations suggest a 1 to 1.5 psi loss would be possible given prevailing temperatures.[/size]
More updates:
If you have any updates, addendi, amendments or changes, please post them in this thread with the designation #inflatethis.
Thank you
- The Management


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
What? That makes no sense.

Weighing a ball wouldn't reveal anything about inflation. Cripes.


SoSH Member
Mar 2, 2009
Are you kidding me? Aren't the rules that the QB's can bring there own footballs and inflate/deflate it to their own liking? How would the Patriot's deflate the Colt's balls?


SoSH Member
Jun 4, 2011
The only balls I saw getting deflated were that of the colts shortly after kickoff.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
“@NEPatriotsDraft: If the balls were so deflated, you would have thought there weren't so many drops and bad passes by both teams.”


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
ilol@u said:
Are you kidding me? Aren't the rules that the QB's can bring there own footballs and inflate/deflate it to their own liking? How would the Patriot's deflate the Colt's balls?
By beating their balls senseless.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
MainerInExile said:
Who is this guy?
A long-time Indy columnist. He's not prone to wishcasting bullshit, or has not been in the past. 


SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2011
Are they alleging that the Patriots deflated Indy's balls or their own balls?


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
“@NEPatriotsDraft: Patriots knew they were going to run it and that the Colts would pass. Deflated balls help PASSING team.”


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Comfortably Lomb said:
Weighing balls to tell if they're deflated? ROFLCOPTER.

Basic physics since the air in the ball contains mass


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2004
Washington, DC
As a rebuttal against these allegations, might I point out that opposing defender Terrell Suggs said last week on national TV "Ball So Hard".

Tito's Pullover

Lol boo ALS
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Sep 12, 2007
Anytown, USA
Even if they took a ball out of play to find it weighed a few grams less, isn't the most likely explanation an accidental puncture? At the very least a deflated ball proves nothing.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
CaptainLaddie said:
List of things I'm worried about:
1. My balls getting kicked by a kangaroo
9999299349342193. This
This is why I refuse to move to Australia.  I am legitimately concerned that the Patriots may have used underinflated balls in this game, and if I had to figure out some number of trillions of other things to concern me more than that... well, I would never accomplish anything,

Two Youks

New Member
Jun 18, 2013
What would the advantage of a deflated ball be, anyway? And what are the rules/processes regarding ball inflation?

On the surface, it seems like Pagano or someone with the Colts complained and the referee crew decided to check it out.


SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2006
I was waiting for something like this since the third quarter. What took Kravitz so long?
LOL at those who thinks he's credible. He's been a BB-hater, Spygate-troller for years.


SoSH Member
Jun 4, 2011
I would suggest that everyone go to the official colts forum right now for some grade A comedy. Suspend BB, lose draft picks, etc etc Derp Derp


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
There was the delay before the first offensive plays of the second half, but the announcers said it was a mixup of kicking balls/play balls.


SoSH Member
Apr 16, 2003
Nightslyr said:
What would the advantage of a deflated ball be, anyway? And what are the rules/processes regarding ball inflation?

On the surface, it seems like Pagano or someone with the Colts complained and the referee crew decided to check it out.
A deflated football should be easier to grip and throw.
There was that weird instance in the game in which the refs halted play for a few minutes and tossed a ball to the sidelines and replaced it with a new one. The Patriots had the ball.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2004
Washington, DC
It makes no sense to weigh just one ball. If any team were doctoring balls you'd have to test a bunch of the balls to make sure you don't have a case where the ball was accidentally punctured.

Tito's Pullover

Lol boo ALS
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Sep 12, 2007
Anytown, USA
riboflav said:
Not to derail this very very serious and important accusation, but what is the purpose of special kickoff balls? Why can't there be 12 more balls and have them all be the same? I'm operating under the assumption that the only difference is that the k-balls are not prescuffed by the QB or his minions, so correct me if I'm off about that.


SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2006
I almost feel dirty for wanting to post the recent CHB column comparing Red to BB and how defeated foes and their fans would swear some good old-fashioned cheatin was going on while getting their butts kicked.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
riboflav said:
It says

Digest of Rules Main
The home club shall have 36 balls for outdoor games and 24 for indoor games available for testing with a pressure gauge by the referee two hours prior to the starting time of the game to meet with League requirements. Twelve (12) new footballs, sealed in a special box and shipped by the manufacturer, will be opened in the officials’ locker room two hours prior to the starting time of the game. These balls are to be specially marked with the letter "k" and used exclusively for the kicking game.

So they tested all the balls prior to the game? How did this become an issue then?