iPhone App Thread


SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2003
Somerville MA
So the iPhone thread is a bit of a megathread at this point, and a thread to talk exclusively about useful applications would be good. I'll start it off with a question.

My friends and I use BillMonk pretty religiously. It's a great way to effectively and quickly track who owes who what rather than letting things get caught in a haze or dealing with a bunch of messy receipts every time you want to settle up. BillMonk seems like the perfect service to have an iPhone App for, but as far as I can tell there isn't one. Is there a bill-tracking type of app out there that has a web portal comparable to BillMonk's? Are there other good ways of doing this (and don't just say writing it down in a note and entering it all later, that's a pain).


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Just because it is so well-written, here's CHTP's App section from his review in the iPhone thread:

1. iRemote - Provided you have your iTunes library linked to your home wireless network, iRemote turns your iPhone into a portable remote controller for iTunes and AppleTV. This app is just fucking awesome in every way. (FREE)

2. Google Mobile - Everything you need on the go. A must have. (FREE)

3. Pandora - An online music streamer that allows you to name and create your own "station", and then streams said songs to you. You approve or disapprove of the songs it sends, which the program takes note of and caters the station more closely to your tastes over time. This program is free and one of the most innovative I have ever used anywhere. (FREE)

4. Palingro (just released) - A fully-featured IM program which allows for the exchanging of pics, etc. (FREE)

5. Box Office - This is is another must have. It gives you nearby theaters, reviews, fandango links to movie times for purchase, and directions/info for the theater. Just awesome. (FREE)

6. eReader - A fantastic mobile reader for the iPhone. Turns the iPhone into a tablet with downloads galore. I really, really love this app as I have used it before on my old pda phones. (FREE)

7. Yelp - An all-in-one informational app that finds you restaurants, gas stations, movie theaters, etc. based on your location, with reviews added. Now, while great, it is still lacking in database information as some places won't show up that should. (FREE)

8. MLB At Bat - Great for any baseball fan. I check this often. ($4.99)

9. eBay Mobile - a very intuitively built iPhone-centric app that has all you need. (FREE)

10. Jott - A voice note recorder than automatically turns voice notes into a to-do list. (FREE)

1. Phone Saber - A silly app that turns your iPhone into a light saber like star wars. The noises are quite legit. (FREE)

2. G-Park - For those who forget where they park at malls/stores, etc. all the time, this app will direct you back to your car based on GPS location. ($0.99)

3. Save Benjis - An app that pools prices for items on numerous sites to give you the best price. (FREE)

4. Twitteriffic - This would make the most useful list if I actually ever used it. I don't, but many actually do find it great and use it all the time. (FREE or $9.99 for Premium)

5. Shazam - An app that records snippets of songs and identifies them for you. (FREE)

6. Bulbous Ventures, LLC Baseball (Stats) - The elias database for the iPhone. Quite amazing in its depth of stats. (FREE)

7. MyLite - allows for the phone to be used as a flashlight in dark situations. (FREE)

8. Trism - A very addictive game similar to bejeweled, only far better. ($9.99)

9. Sudoku (Electronic Arts version) - Self-explanatory. ($7.99)

10. Cro-mag Rally - Caveman racing in cars. Simple, and very fun. ($9.99)
Everyone please do throw some more suggestions out there, it's tough to weed through all the apps in the store and decide what's useful and what's a waste of time.


juju all over his tits
SoSH Member
Dec 5, 2003
My computer has been down and out for a while, just now back up and running, but I've not yet installed the new firmware.

Did they reinstate Box Office? And also, where are the Fandango links on that app?

DLew On Roids

guilty of being sex
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SoSH Member
Aug 30, 2001
The Pine Street Inn
Pandora is perfect for the iPhone. I have the iPod Touch and I still use it all the time. I imagine that if I were truly mobile (the Touch just has WiFi) I'd use it almost exclusively.

AOL Radio is pretty cool, too. Streaming WFAN with one touch everywhere you get a signal.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Pandora is perfect for the iPhone. I have the iPod Touch and I still use it all the time. I imagine that if I were truly mobile (the Touch just has WiFi) I'd use it almost exclusively.

AOL Radio is pretty cool, too. Streaming WFAN with one touch everywhere you get a signal.
While I agree that those 2 apps and the last.fm app are very cool, the only drawback I find is that you can't back out of the apps and have them continue playing (as far as I can tell). If I wanted to use the internet or send a text, the music stops. Minor quibble, but i've noticed it.

Still, they are very useful.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Anyone have any good respositories for the 2.5G version? Looking for new items for installer.app and cydia which I have installed on my 2.5G iPhone.


Dr. Bluetooth
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SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
My computer has been down and out for a while, just now back up and running, but I've not yet installed the new firmware.

Did they reinstate Box Office? And also, where are the Fandango links on that app?
Not yet. The links to fandango purchasing are through the live links for showtime listings within each theater and movie list. When it shows Pineapple Express showing at numerous times for that day at your theater, just press the live link for the showtime you want and it redirects you automatically to purchase it via fandango. As convenient as it gets. It also has live Rotten Tomatoes reviews for each film. It sucks that this is gone for many to be able to see, but even after the 2.0.1 upgrade I still have full functionality of it, which surprised the shit out of me. I just don't understand what harm it represents to Apple or how it violates the rules of Apple's SDK development process. Que sera.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
further to the remote app from CTHP's review, here's this on how to use it to replace the need for a Sonos system. I am so doing this (er, once i get my house built and buy an i phone, that is -- October/November?)

sonos replacement?

sonos must not be happy.


This douche is not worth 2 clicks
SoSH Member
Mar 4, 2004
Has anyone found an App for stock portfolios?

I love the Bloomberg App- but it doesn't show you portfolio value- how much it's worth- what you lost/gaines today/this week- etc...


juju all over his tits
SoSH Member
Dec 5, 2003
Has anyone found an App for stock portfolios?

I love the Bloomberg App- but it doesn't show you portfolio value- how much it's worth- what you lost/gaines today/this week- etc...
I wish I could get an easy Google Finance app on the phone.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
A few more apps to check out.

1. Simplify Media: An app that lets you remotely listen to or share with up to 30 friends, for free (temporarily, first 100,000 downloads are free). This app is beyond a must-have. GET IT NOW!

2. MobileFinder: A folder view of your iPhone's contents, allowing for the transfer to and from your pc and iPhone. It is free, but web-based, with potential security risks. (A $6 app that does the same thing but isn't web-based, is called DataCase.)

3. Comic Touch: Nothing more than a guilty pleasure. Take photos from your iPhone and allows for the adding of bubble captions. You create the bubble type and caption text within it. If you don't mind burning $5 that is. A similar app called FaceMelter (only $3) allows you to bend/distort any area of photos making them look Mad Magazine-esque, or possibly Salvador Dali-esque, depending on your intent.

4. vCaddy: the cheaper answer to skycaddy for the iPhone. For the golfers out there, there are thousands of courses already entered. They have some bugs to work out, but very promising. ($10)

5. EpocratesRX: For the medical professional on the go, this app lets you search a VERY extensive database of all prescriptions/pills, and alerts you to drug interactions, gives you pics of the pills, etc. A very cool app. (FREE)


This douche is not worth 2 clicks
SoSH Member
Mar 4, 2004
IntelliScreen- You have to be jailbroken to have this- but probably one of the best utilities.
A few things it does- on your locked screen it can give you sports scores, weather, news, missed emails, missed texts. So no need to "slide" to see what you've missed.

Even more important- in the top right corner of your screen it leaves icons for emails, texts, missed calls, voice mails.

A really needed utility.


Mooseyed Farvin
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Here is a neat one to use in your car: http://dynolicious.com/

0-60 times, lateral Gs, horsepower calculation, 1/4 mile times if so inclined. Some very interesting things baked in, $12.99 price.

Played around with it in a friends car, it was definitely fun. Messing with it in your hand is almost equally fun I will admit, but hey, what isnt.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Palingro, one of the apps I listed to get in my review, was just updated. It's an IM protocol that allows for chat among numerous (read: EVERY) different chat program at once. The sweet addition came today, with the news courtesy of the BoyGeniusReport:

BoyGeniusReport said:
The most notable addition of course, is Push-to-Talk (PTT) support. PTT, or vocal IM as they often call it in this case, is the feature that sets Palringo apart from competitors on various other platforms and now the great functionality is available to iPhone users as well. So how does it work? Just like standard PTT services, simply select a contact from your contact list and hold a [virtual] button while speaking. Finish talking, release the button and your audio recording is quickly delivered to the recipient. Incoming PTT messages can be played automatically or manually depending on your settings and they will play right from within the app. Of course Palringo also supports messaging to a variety of other IM platforms such as GTalk, Yahoo and AIM and they aren’t left out when it comes to PTT.


Fredo Corleone
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SoSH Member
Feb 25, 2007
South Boston, MA
I hate iphones for a variety of reasons, but being that i'm in apple's hometown, they are everyfreakingwhere. i saw this app "listen" today. FREAKING SWEET. You put it up to a speaker for about 10 seconds and it tells you the artist, song, album, etc.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I hate iphones for a variety of reasons, but being that i'm in apple's hometown, they are everyfreakingwhere. i saw this app "listen" today. FREAKING SWEET. You put it up to a speaker for about 10 seconds and it tells you the artist, song, album, etc.
{Evil Madman's monotone voice} Good to know... {/}

Shazam also does this, as well as a couple others. This phone does everything but your laundry at this point.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I purchased and set up WinAdmin on my iPhone last night. It's an RDP Client that gives you full remote access to your home or work PC (or any you want to connect to FTM). This thing is now legit. I am in heaven since finding a good RDP client. ($11.99)

EDIT: In short, using the remote access provides for flash support on the iPhone, as you're actually using your desktop on the phone. Phenomenal piece of software for this phone.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2005
1 Infinite Loop
speaking of apps, there is mounting evidence that a lot of issues can be avoided by ONLY adding/updating apps via iTunes and not OTA. I personally haven't tried, but it's worth noting. CTHP, you heard any more about this?


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
I purchased and set up WinAdmin on my iPhone last night. It's an RDP Client that gives you full remote access to your home or work PC (or any you want to connect to FTM). This thing is now legit. I am in heaven since finding a good RDP client. ($11.99)

EDIT: In short, using the remote access provides for flash support on the iPhone, as you're actually using your desktop on the phone. Phenomenal piece of software for this phone.
Does this mean I could watch MLB.tv on an iPhone?


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
No way in hell will this RDP be more than a quick file access tool (which still makes it worth it). It loaded firefox in a somewhat decent rate with numerous tabs, but the refresh rate is garbage. Any video is garbled and new frames load only once every 10 seconds. Anything with flash is out for serious use. Still cool as hell though.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
While I agree that those 2 apps and the last.fm app are very cool, the only drawback I find is that you can't back out of the apps and have them continue playing (as far as I can tell). If I wanted to use the internet or send a text, the music stops. Minor quibble, but i've noticed it.

Still, they are very useful.
that is about the only thing that is bugging me, too.

pandora is just awesome.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2005
1 Infinite Loop
two great apps that I have been playing with:

1) Instapaper -- you install this on your computer browser via a java bookmarklet, and you do a 2 second reg on their site. Then, when you are reading an article online that you would like to read later on your phone, you just click "read later" and it syncs up in the background. The best part is that it reformats the article to text only, and make it completely available offline if you have no data or wifi coverage. It's really great for some longer reads that you want to get back to. They also offer a "pro" version that $10, but offers some additional features, one of which is the ability if use the built in accelerometer to slightly tilt the phone to scroll, so you don't have to manually scroll at all. Seems great, and i'll probably upgrade to that soon.

2) Wurdle (game) -- it's basically like boggle. Really simple and fun. You use the touch to drag across the letters of the screen. I love it because it's quick, easy and fun, and also because it's really nicely designed.


Huge Member
SoSH Member
Apr 3, 2001
Citrix is in internal beta testing on their iPhone client.

Cisco is in internal beta testing for their Softphone client.

I'm a billion percent in love with Evernote


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
The bump of this thread brought me back in to say that the Remote App might be the coolest thing ever. Since we have an Aiport Express connected to the stereo downstairs, I can really embrace my laziness and sit in the recliner while controlling the music. This is a godsend on Friday nights when I just want to sit there, have a couple beers and watch the Sox, without listening to the commentary. Fantastic.

I'm going to do some searching tonight for more apps, but does anyone know of a good one to track cigar quality? Probably similar to the wine ones that are there. I haven't looked yet, but am asking in advance.


SoSH Member
Dec 5, 2003
ME/NH Border
Hi all,
I'm wondering if anyone has the old school nintendo setup on their IPhone/Touch? I've only heard a little about it and when I checked around the net it seems to lead me to nothing good as far as info goes. Is this an app that I can purchase from ITunes? What about games (how much $$, what games play the best on the small screen)? Any help would be cool...Thanks!


juju all over his tits
SoSH Member
Dec 5, 2003
Oh, my, god. Instapaper.

As long as that Java bookmark works on our padlocked work PC's, my life is complete.

Norm loves Vera

Joe wants Trump to burn
SoSH Member
Dec 25, 2003
Peace Dale, RI
I hope this is the right thread to ask this. Getting a Curve tomorrow which has the ability to store and play music. I have never downloaded, burned or whatever music online.

What site is the safest (Virus) and highest quality sound? I don't mind paying for a peace of mind and higher quality. I am not sure if the phone will come with software to enable uploads to it, but I am kinda psyched and wanted to start downloading music before the phone arrives.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I hope this is the right thread to ask this. Getting a Curve tomorrow which has the ability to store and play music. I have never downloaded, burned or whatever music online.

What site is the safest (Virus) and highest quality sound? I don't mind paying for a peace of mind and higher quality. I am not sure if the phone will come with software to enable uploads to it, but I am kinda psyched and wanted to start downloading music before the phone arrives.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Here would be the thread for any cellphone other than an iPhone.

To answer the question anyway, you will need a microSDHC memory card if you will be putting a good amount of mp3's on your Curve to play (the largest right now is 8GB, but 16GB cards will be released this month). You insert the card and tell the phone to "format the card", which will setup the correct folders. Then you can use the desktop software or a memory card reader to transfer the music (or other files like pictures, ringtones, etc.) files. As to where to get high quality mp3's, that's not my cup of tea.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2005
I am a huge evernote guy.

housing prices drove me 1.25 hours from work each way. I can only be entertained by people for so long but I would love to obsess over my evernote somehow.

Anyhow set it up so I have Jott auto-emailling task updates to evernote. It works really fucking awesome but costs me $13/month which I doubt is worth it. I tried Reqall but to be honest it took so fucking long to convert to text I'm not sure how viable it'll be. Really damn cool.

For anyone looking to see the future of text entry check out WritingPad. A similar technology was invented by the same guy who invented the T9 texting that we know and love from texting on flip phones and the like. They say you shoud be able to do 50wpm in under a few days.


SoSH Member
Jan 3, 2006
Little Silver, NJ
I am a huge evernote guy.

housing prices drove me 1.25 hours from work each way. I can only be entertained by people for so long but I would love to obsess over my evernote somehow.

Anyhow set it up so I have Jott auto-emailling task updates to evernote. It works really fucking awesome but costs me $13/month which I doubt is worth it. I tried Reqall but to be honest it took so fucking long to convert to text I'm not sure how viable it'll be. Really damn cool.

For anyone looking to see the future of text entry check out WritingPad. A similar technology was invented by the same guy who invented the T9 texting that we know and love from texting on flip phones and the like. They say you shoud be able to do 50wpm in under a few days.

Is the Jott to Evernote relationship only useful when you subscribe to the Jott service? This is potentially a great productivity tool for me, but I'm not having much luck with the free Jott level of membership as of yet.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Thanks to Nip, I've discovered the SimplifyMedia app. It's a program you can use on your comp as well, allowing you to connect to your iTunes library from any computer.

However, the app itself allows you access to your whole iTunes library through the iPhone. As someone who is lazy in updating the music on my iPhone, this is a godsend. The setup was quick and painless, and I can play anything. I highly suggest checking it out.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Thanks to Nip, I've discovered the SimplifyMedia app. It's a program you can use on your comp as well, allowing you to connect to your iTunes library from any computer.

However, the app itself allows you access to your whole iTunes library through the iPhone. As someone who is lazy in updating the music on my iPhone, this is a godsend. The setup was quick and painless, and I can play anything. I highly suggest checking it out.
In post #13 above, I recommended Simplify on August 17th. Been using it for a long time now.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
In post #13 above, I recommended Simplify on August 17th. Been using it for a long time now.
Completely missed it, CTHP. I will give you due credit as well, my apologies.

Either way, it is well worth the bump in case other people missed it. Fantastic application.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Completely missed it, CTHP. I will give you due credit as well, my apologies.

Either way, it is well worth the bump in case other people missed it. Fantastic application.
Ah nada man.

My username is brok423, for anyone looking for more free random sharing. I only have a little over 1K tunes, but feel free to add me. I have 15 slots left.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
Anyone else psyched to play with the enhanced Google mobile app with voice? Should be out, for free, today...



Huge Member
SoSH Member
Apr 3, 2001
For all of those frustrated without a mint.com app for the iphone pageonce is a suitable replacement.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
it is amazing. sweet. that and 'say who' is incredible to quickly call up your contacts for a phone call without having to search.

boxoffice i guess is no longer, and showtimes sucks as an app. but 'now playing' is great for movie times/theaters/reviews.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2005
sea to shining sea
Just downloaded Google Mobile last night. All I can say is...wow.
I do a lot in the car (so shoot me) and this will make it very much easier and safer.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
it is amazing. sweet. that and 'say who' is incredible to quickly call up your contacts for a phone call without having to search.

boxoffice i guess is no longer, and showtimes sucks as an app. but 'now playing' is great for movie times/theaters/reviews.
I love 'Say Who?' as well. 'Now Playing' is Box Office. The designer changed the name for no reason really. I have spoke with him (name is Cyrus), and I'm trying to find someone who would write the code for RIM's 4.7 OS (or even 4.6) to parlay 'Now Playing' into a BB app. Cyrus said he would give me his code to allow someone to do it. I'm just eager to see the comparison of functionality and appearance within each OS. No luck yet on a software guru to write the app.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2005
1 Infinite Loop
holy shit, Amazon app is cool. Killer feature is "Amazon Remembers" which lets you snap a photo with the phone, and it then uploads to the Amazon page so you can remember and look for it next time you log in. Best part is that it tries to match products available with what is in the picture. Early results I have seen have been pretty accurate.


Dr. Bluetooth
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Slacker Radio is my new favorite. Pandora has been removed from my iPhone now. The main advantage it has over Pandora is that it already has preset stations for different music tastes. You can still create your own station just like on Pandora.


is not a republican
SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
Oh I missed this thread.

My favorite app right now is Mafia LIVE! Very fun, PM me if you get it.

Also, for the Mr. T lovers in the house, I've been having way too much fun with the iPity app.