Moral panic is a strong cultural hallmark of America and has been lit on fire in this digital age. It is how we test boundaries of newly implemented rules, norms, or laws. Those who get caught early running afoul of new parameters often pay the steepest price. I hope Boutte is able to get off with next to nothing and have another go at the nfl.
I wholly endorse DDB's post about the hypocrisy, but I'm not sure this arrest stings of American-brand moral panic in particular. If he'd done this in England as a soccer player, he'd have been arrested just the same, for betting on his own team. Many countries around the world set
gambling ages at 21, or sometimes even higher.
And I have to say, in terms of my sympathy levels for how we mislead and abuse young adults, this doesn't ping very highly as an issue for me. Compare it to statutory-rape prosecutions of teenage lovers whose state just doesn't happen to have a romeo-and-juliet law, and wouldn't-ya-know they just happen to prosecute a black boy dating a white girl. Compare it to the abuses of college sports in general, where universities - theoretically a public trust run for the public good, hence nonprofit - spent decades and millions of dollars to try and prevent athletes who were severely injured playing for (and earning for) their school from collecting workers comp, because that would brand them "workers" and open pandora's box. Compare it to, well, just about anything
mentioned here that fits, like the
headline article.
I'll hazard a guess that if Boutte had bet on sports, but just
not his own team, we wouldn't have the FBI going about interviewing people and having charges filed, it would at most be an NCAA matter. And if so, then the but-for cause of his arrest and prosecution is his one act that nobody on here is going to defend, not you me DDB or anyone. The bright line that everyone who's played sports knows about, doubly so anyone involved with professional sports or even hoping to be. If they'd arrested him for betting on the horsies, my outrage-o-meter would be pinging much higher, but I think in this case I'll save it and just go with, "that was stupid, I hope they give him a fine and some community service".