RIP Toucher and Rich Show ... It was fun while it lasted


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
I turned it on right as Fred was crying and at first thought it was a bit.  Then he said "leukemia" and my heart sank and felt terrible as he revealed more.  Just an emotional and tough segment to listen to. 


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
This just sucks so much.  Rich seems to be one of the nicest, most genuine and most enthusiastic guys around, let alone in sports media.  I don't know much about what he and his family will face but I really pray that they are able to come through with health and (if possible) good spirits.  


SoSH Member
Nov 5, 2007
Not that any cancer or leukemia is good, but does anyone know if this type can be treated effectively if caught early enough?  I really do hope so.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
dirtynine said:
Rich seems to be one of the nicest, most genuine and most enthusiastic guys around, let alone in sports media.
Bruce Allen seems to confirm this at BSMW.
Before we get to everything WEEI and Glenn Ordway, I would like to take a moment to send my thoughts and prayers to Rich Shertenlieb and his wife, Mary, who was diagnosed with leukemia.  As his co-host on the morning drive show, “Toucher and Rich,” Fred Toettcher, pointed out several times, Rich is truly a great person. Most know of his workdeveloping the Miracle League in Massachusetts; but, in my opinion, his involvement isn’t extolled as much as it should be.

On a personal note, next to Rob Bradford, I owe much of my own success to Shertenlieb. Two years ago, shortly after I started writing at BSMW, I reached out to Rich to come on my podcast. There was no benefit to him — no exposure bucks and certainly no financial compensation — yet, without hesitation, he came on and spent an hour talking to me about work ethic, failures, triumphs and how he always tries to raise the bar in sports radio. Since then, even while working with WEEI, I’ve exchanged occasional emails and caught up with him at Celtics games. Rich, as he’s wont to do, is always gregarious toward me, and seems genuinely interested in me “making it.” A good dude in a cynical world. That’s all. And as Toettcher alluded to this morning, he feeds off his listeners; if you have a moment, shoot him an email or a tweet. It will mean a lot to him.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2001
Durham, NC
No inside info on this case, but t twenty years ago I witnessed my dad lose a year long struggle with it. He died at 44. He was strong healthy in shape and ran forty to fifty miles a week.

In eleven months he went from prime of his life to it was a mercy he died. He had his care and bone marrow treatment out of new England medical center.we got to know a lot of families on that floor as many of the folks were preparing for bone marrow treatments. I would guess ten to twenty were still alive. This could be off but lets just say despite the statistics well over fifty percent died.

Chemo and bone marrow transplant prep mean eradicating your immune dad spent weeks in a isolation room where only my mom was allowed in. We could only talk to him via phone art the door. I could tell lots of stories of the effect of this but I spouse every family has stories like this.

They basically told him he was in remission but a high percentage of adults fall out with in five years and the odds of getting back to remission then or having a successful bone marrow transplant were very low. They gave him eight percent odds on the bone marrow transplant. With four kids between twelve and seventeen go underwent the bone marrow transplant.

His body accepted the transplant but the transplant rejected his body something called graft versus host disease.five more months of isolation and no real immune system and he was killed by an opportunistic infection that turned into sepsis. The doctors were right he did not die from leukemia but he died nonetheless.

I would not wish this on anyone. The odds were not and as I understand are not super good for an adult.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
The Allented Mr Ripley said:
For clarifiation, Ryan Hadfield wrote that piece about Shertenlieb on BMSW, not Bruce Allen.
Oh yeah, well fuck you too.


SoSH Member
Feb 26, 2009


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
Prayers for Rich and his wife, I hope things work out for the best.
They didn't publish a podcast for hour three today, would've liked to hear the audio from Fred.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Patriot_Reign said:
Prayers for Rich and his wife, I hope things work out for the best.
They didn't publish a podcast for hour three today, would've liked to hear the audio from Fred.
No, you really wouldn't. It wasn't unreal / over the top, but I don't blame them for not putting it online. It was pretty sad.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2003
FYI Rich is calling into the show in a minute
Edit: FYI Fred just said they did put up Hour 3 on the podcast now from yesterday.

Andy Merchant

SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2010
I don't tweet, so I wanted to send Rich a quick email.  I found it by navigating the labyrinth that is the awful 98.5 web site and figured I'd share in case anyone is interested in dropping him a note:


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
AML has a number of sub types with the best type having a 70% 5 year survival rate and the worst at 15%.  She is what , only 29?  talking 5 year survival rates with folk this young is awful.  Jinocho is right, this is not a good treatment, it's definitely one where the treatment can be worse than the disease unless you get lucky and get to the other side intact.


stands for life, liberty and the uturian way of li
SoSH Member
Aug 18, 2001
doc said:
AML has a number of sub types with the best type having a 70% 5 year survival rate and the worst at 15%.  She is what , only 29?  talking 5 year survival rates with folk this young is awful.  Jinocho is right, this is not a good treatment, it's definitely one where the treatment can be worse than the disease unless you get lucky and get to the other side intact.
She's 37. Rich's age


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Hello everyone. This is Rich with an update on Mary. Today is the last day of Mary's 7 day long chemo treatment and she is doing fantastic. She's very sleepy and exhausted, but that is to be expected after the 7 day butt-whooping she just went through.

For the next 7 days, Mary will be in the "nadir" period which lasts 7 days. It's a waiting period where the hospital sees how Mary's body reacts to the chemotherapy. During that time, we will get the results of her bone marrow test and find out if she needs a transplant.

Tomorrow we will be having a small party in the hospital room, not only to celebrate finishing her chemo, but also to cut her hair for the Locks of Love charity, so she can donate it to sick children before it falls out.

Mary's friends and family have been amazing. Since the moment she arrived last Thursday, Mandy has not left her side once. Every night she has slept next to her and there is no one who knows more and has more info about what Mary is going through than her sister Mandy. Mandy feeds her, makes her laugh, motivates her, inspires her. Mary truly could not do this without her. She is a godsend.

Mary's mother has been in Boston and watching our boys before Mary was even admitted to the hospital. Her boundless energy is no match for even our 2 year old Max.

My parents have been amazing with Mary, helping me behind the scenes to get our lives organized during this time of temporary chaos.

And this bump in the road has truly shown us just how many friends we have. So many friends volunteering to watch our boys, setting up care websites, making dinners for the family, so many big and great gestures to name...Mary truly thanks you all.

(Mary told me to add the following) "My husband has been unbelievable, running back and forth between the hospital and watching the guys, getting the housing situation set up for family. And because I can't see the guys for at least a month, he's been giving the little guys much needed hugs."

Mary is the toughest person I know. Yet she is handling this with such positivity and grace. Thank you so much for all of your emails, thoughts, & prayers. They help more than you will ever know.

-Rich & Mary


New Member
Aug 28, 2011
Rich just posted this on the Toucher and Rich Facebook account

"I'm sitting here speechless after reading a letter Chuck Pagano just personally wrote my wife and me. Our friend Albert Breer when hearing about Mary's leukemia contacted him, and he wrote the single most inspirational email my wife and I could have received. Thank you Coach Pagano. You made my wife a little bit stronger today."

What a class act Pagano is.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Amazing news this morning guys- just found out that Mary will not need a bone marrow transplant, and that her numbers are looking much better!

We will know this weekend more info on how her body is responding to the first round of chemo, which will determine where we go from there.

Mary has been unbelievably strong through all this & has taken this thing head on. Couldn't be more proud of her. 

Barring something unexpected, I will be back on the air with Fred, Jon, Adolfo, Dan, Mike & Boomer this Thursday morning. Can't wait to get back. Seriously missed talking with you guys.

We honestly couldn't get through this without you guys. We're forever thankful for your thoughts, prayers, love, and support. Keep those prayers coming, they're working!



SoSH Member
May 10, 2007
Burrillville, RI
NortheasternPJ said:
That's great news.
Hopefully Lil' Poopy gets some good news today too!
What exactly was going on with that this morning? I was only in my car for a brief bit but it was when Fred was railing against someone for busting him for attempting to gets someone on the show. Before i got out, i gathered that it had something to with Lil Poopy


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
Gerry Callahan was doing on about how despicable Fred was for glorifying Lil Poopie. "Aren't they a sports station" was one line I heard.

They were trashing it on WAAF as well.


SoSH Member
Feb 8, 2006
The Dirty Shire
Haunted said:
Gerry Callahan was doing on about how despicable Fred was for glorifying Lil Poopie. "Aren't they a sports station" was one line I heard.

They were trashing it on WAAF as well.
People still listen to Hillman in the Morning? Weird. 


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
I flipped it on when T&R went to comercial this morning. I lasted about 2 minutes, just long enough to remember why I don't listen.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
The gist of the Fred/Poopie story is that Fred found Lil Poopie somewhere on the interwebs a few weeks or so ago. He was excited because he found a kid rapper from the area with Poopie in is name.

I think on the day that Rich announced the news about Mary (before that news was broken) Fred was "excited" and announced that he had been in touch with Poopies people and he would be doing a rap for or about T&R. Never heard anything after then.

Poopie hits the fan the last few days and Big Poopie might lose Little Poopie to the State and it looks like D&C and Hillman were trying to link Fred to it which is pretty despicable if you ask me.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
HomeBrew1901 said:
The gist of the Fred/Poopie story is that Fred found Lil Poopie somewhere on the interwebs a few weeks or so ago. He was excited because he found a kid rapper from the area with Poopie in is name.

I think on the day that Rich announced the news about Mary (before that news was broken) Fred was "excited" and announced that he had been in touch with Poopies people and he would be doing a rap for or about T&R. Never heard anything after then.

Poopie hits the fan the last few days and Big Poopie might lose Little Poopie to the State and it looks like D&C and Hillman were trying to link Fred to it which is pretty despicable if you ask me.
I agree.  Considering both are Entercom stations (and share a PD), is there a chance that it was a Wolfe directive to talk about it?


New Member
Apr 23, 2010
steveluck7 said:
What exactly was going on with that this morning? I was only in my car for a brief bit but it was when Fred was railing against someone for busting him for attempting to gets someone on the show. Before i got out, i gathered that it had something to with Lil Poopy
He was trying to get Lil Poopy's dad on. 


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Haunted said:
Gerry Callahan was doing on about how despicable Fred was for glorifying Lil Poopie. "Aren't they a sports station" was one line I heard.
Gerry Callahan telling somebody to "just talk sports" is fucking rich.  


Ask me about total zone...or paint
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003
Falmouth, MA
Toucher & Rich Facebook Page
Today at 5PM, all of our prayers were answered. Mary’s Doctor delivered the amazing news that the chemo worked, there is no more cancer in Mary’s body, and she is officially in REMISSION!
Adding to the great news, they informed Mary that she would be able to go home in one to two weeks and for the first time since her diagnosis, will be able to finally see Hank and Max.
As soon as her numbers rise to acceptable levels, she we be able to journey home. What will follow is six to seven months of outpatient chemotherapy which will comprise of six “sessions”. A session is basically one week in and out of the hospital of chemotherapy (not nearly as strong as the one she just endured) followed by about three weeks off. If everything goes as planned, this will all be over by the end of the Summer.
Since Mary’s hair was already falling out in bunches (one bunch that she has formed into a very strange “hair gerbil” named “Ferbie” that sits on her shelf), Mary decided to go ahead and shave off the rest of her hair. And unlike her husband, her head is perfectly shaped and she looks gorgeous. 
It would be an understatement to say that this is the best news I’ve ever received. I just watched my beautiful wife endure something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, and she did it all with a smile, sense of humor, and grace. Throughout this process when I started to feel even the slightest bit upset, I would think about how Mary has been through hell and back and never once kept anything but the most positive of attitudes. I’d think to myself “If Mary can endure this, than I can endure anything.” She truly is an inspiration.
The fact that Mary came in to the hospital 16 days ago with what the doctors were calling one of the highest blast cell counts they had seen, and is now cancer free, is truly nothing short of a miracle. I hope and pray that if anyone has to endure what Mary went through, that they have the same amazing love and support from their family and friends that Mary has had.
We thank you all for your prayers, they worked. They really worked. Mary is cancer free, and soon she will be back home with the little guys she loves so much.


SoSH Member
May 10, 2007
Burrillville, RI
So Adolfo got punched in the face doing the drunken recaps after the B's game last night.  He actually handled it fairly well... he didn't have the reaction you would expect him to when getting hit in the face


SoSH's Doug Neidermeyer
SoSH Member
Oct 25, 2007
Between here and everywhere.
steveluck7 said:
So Adolfo got punched in the face doing the drunken recaps after the B's game last night.  He actually handled it fairly well... he didn't have the reaction you would expect him to when getting hit in the face
I missed it - how did he react?