I wasn't a fan. Mainly because the gay jokes by nature intimate there's something negative about being gay, but also because they just weren't very funny.This was kind of my reaction as well. I thought the homophobic stuff was a bit off the charts, particularly in how casually they were all implying how bad it was to be perceived as gay for Tom or whatever. I get that it was a roast, but it seemed over-the-top to me. I would be interested in how it came across to the LGBTQ+ crowd.
I made my girlfriend who is decidedly not a big sports fan watch it with me and she was like "they think that stuff is funny?" about most of the gay jokes. We laughed out loud at Nikki Glaser, she was far and away the best.
Best: Nikki Glaser, Drew, Edelman, BB, Peyton, KK was better than I expected
Meh: Ron Burgundy (I don't know why people find this char so funny), Gronk, Jeff Ross, Sam Jay (even though she is from Boston and I like her, I feel like this isn't her arena)
Worst: Affleck (Jesus Christ he was bad, he just wouldn't commit to actually roasting Tom and he is not funny naturally), Kreischer and Segura, Dana White, Kraft
Would have loved to see Bill Burr, I saw him open for Luenelle recently and he's still amazing. Guessing he turned it down for some reason. I don't find Kevin Hart mega funny, but he's charming and I thought he did a great job keeping the train on the tracks. Stand up is extremely difficult and making it look smooth from one bumpy ride to the next with a bunch of drunk non-comics takes serious skill.
I thought Tom's last word was just okay. If he fully embraced being a villain it could have been fun, but it smelled too strongly of schtick and he came across far too douche bro instead of villain-y, if that makes sense. Overall it was worth the watch.