September 2015 game thread

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
Wingack said:
Papelbon is such a colossal douchebag. It had to be torture for you guys to root for him.
I think he was just a plain moron when he pitched for us. Took too much time between pitches but I don't think he ever showed this kind of (roid?) rage. One of Tito's best lines about him, I think when he was on the cover of SI, was he wasn't sure Paps knew how to read. 

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
canderson said:
Funny enough this started because Papelbn was yelling at Harper for not running out a ground ball.
Which itself was due to Harper calling Papelbon out to the media the day before.

Not an excuse, but there is doucheness galore in the Nats dugout.


Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
Average Reds said:
Which itself was due to Harper calling Papelbon out to the media the day before.
Not an excuse, but there is doucheness galore in the Nats dugout.
Indeed. It starts from the manager. He is the worst in baseball in every aspect (dealing with players, on-field decisions, etc.).


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Remember how "toxic" the Sox clubhouse supposedly was during the 2011 collapse?  The Nats collapse since the end of July hasn't been as dramatic standings-wise but is easily 10X more "toxic" and far more public to boot.  Just goes to show (again) how good Tito was at keeping things in-house.  And how shitty Matt Williams is at every aspect of his job.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
Wait. What the fuck? Now Matt Williams is claiming he didn't know there was a dugout fight

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009

Montana Fan

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Oct 18, 2000
Twin Bridges, Mt.
Van Everyman said:
It's a good piece – the long and the short of which is that Paps may be a jerk but in this instance most players think he was doing the right thing.
And when Harper challenged him to "come on down" he came on down.


hillbilly suburbanite
SoSH Member
Feb 25, 2007
Wesport, MA
If Harper played in NY or Boston he would be lauded for his fiery attitude and passion. 
I'd trade anybody in this organization for Harper without any regret. 


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
@LaTroyHawkins32: @CJNitkowski loved the article CJ, Pap will take a beating for this from everyone who doesn't play the game. #EntitlementGeneration


persists in error
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Pioneer Valley
Hitting and choking takes it too far. If you are a veteran player and supposedly wise, say what you have to say, and if the other guy is a hothead, walk away. That is what a mature person does.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
rembrat said:
I'm actually with Papelbon here. 
I am also, to an extent. He's right to call him out, but could have avoided starting the physical confrontation. If Harper then went at him, all bets are off


Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
rembrat said:
I'm actually with Papelbon here. 
To call Harper out yeah, but not to attack him physically.
Harper has started the whole thing anyway, as mentioned upthread. I won't be totally shocked if he somehow tries to force Natstown to trade him this offseason.  


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
With the way Natstown is being run lately, I wouldn't be shocked if they actually do trade him.
canderson said:
 I won't be totally shocked if he somehow tries to force Natstown to trade him this offseason.  


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Even if you concede that Harper deserved to be called out for his lack of hustle on a play, is the right guy for that job a relief pitcher?  Let alone a closer who typically isn't dressed and in the dugout/bullpen until the middle of the game?  Let alone a closer who doesn't exactly comport to the "play the game the right way" model himself?
Wonder if Papelbon would have had the stones to call out a certain former teammate who also has a rep for not "hustling" down the line on a routine pop-up or ground ball?  Or is he only interested in policing the game's young "punks"?


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
Did you read CJ's article posted up above? Everything you need is in there.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
rembrat said:
Did you read CJ's article posted up above? Everything you need is in there.
So basically, unwritten code, blahblahblah, do things the right way, blahblahblah, respect that game, blahblahblah.  Same old boring archaic bullshit surrounding every stupid dust-up on a baseball field.

Awesome Fossum

SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Austin, TX
I don't get the "Harper deserved to be called out" line of thinking. Harper made it to first base. Had the ball been dropped, he would have been safe. What more do they want from him?
It takes a lot of balls to call someone out for driving without a seat belt when you're drunkenly veering across the median with your lights off.


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
Not throwing his teammate under the bus through the media. He can start there.


SoSH Member
Mar 24, 2006
Jamaica Plain
Harper is the best player in the league and has been on the team for four years. He had every right to call out a moron reliever who has been there for 15 minutes for starting a pointless beanball war. That's a much better example of leadership than Papelbon strangling him over a popup he would have beaten out.

AB in DC

OG Football Writing
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Jul 10, 2002
Springfield, VA
I'm all for veterans trying to exercise some leadership, but you could list a hundred things that the Nats have to do better before you got to "Harper not running full speed on a routine fly ball". 
If you're working in a crappy office that has failed to achieve most of your organization's goal, you don't make it better by yelling at the best employee for leaving his desk five minutes early.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Awesome Fossum said:
I don't get the "Harper deserved to be called out" line of thinking. Harper made it to first base. Had the ball been dropped, he would have been safe. What more do they want from him?
Harper was benched once this season already for lack of hustle. This isn't an isolated incident. We might not understand why this stuff matters so much, but we're not in a dugout all season, either

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
This thread is all sorts of amusing to me ...
It's no secret that Bryce Harper is an entitled brat.  He was that way in the minors as an 18 year old kid hitting bombs/blowing kisses at the pitcher while he rounded the bases (hell, we had a thread about that at the time) and he's still that way as a 22 year old calling out Papelbon for hitting Machado because he thinks he might get hit in retaliation.  His act can be annoying and I'm sure he rubs teammates the wrong way. 
All that is true and yet his teammates still need to get over it and accept him.  Because while he does not have a lot of false humility, he's damn close to being the best player in the game at age 22.  If Papelbon thinks it should fall to him to straighten out Harper after all of two months with the team, he is sadly mistaken.  Because having a confrontation in public with the best player on the team isn't a fight he can or should win.
Would not shock me to see Harper demand a trade this off-season.

Oil Can Dan

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Jul 31, 2003
0-3 to 4-3
Paps wouldn't have been so concerned about the integrity of the game if Harper hadn't called him out in the press the day before. This wasn't Paps taking it upon himself to do what must be done, this was Paps being passed off and looking for a fight.

Personally I'm more with Paps than Harper. But the confrontation should have happened pregame behind closed doors and hopefully without fists flying. Although I suspect the fists were going to fly no matter what.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
Oil Can Dan said:
But the confrontation should have happened pregame behind closed doors and hopefully without fists flying. Although I suspect the fists were going to fly no matter what.
That is precisely what I am saying.  If Paps wants to start a public fight, he's going to lose in more ways than one. 
A smart player handles it in the clubhouse.  But we all know Paps is not that player.

Orel Miraculous

SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2006
Mostly Airports and Hotels
How exactly is Brycr Harper "entitled"? He works incredibly hard, hustles more than anyone, and is massively talented. That combination has made him, essentially, the best baseball player at every level he's ever played at, including the major leagues (and he accomplished that feat historically quickly). The word "entitlement" evokes the sense that he hasn't earned something. What the hell has Bryce Harper not earned at this point?

You can say he was too young to be as confident/cocky as he was, but who cares when that confidence/cockiness has been so thoroughly backed up at every level? At this point, it's hard to see any critique of Harper's attitude as anything more than "kids these days.."

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Orel Miraculous said:
How exactly is Brycr Harper "entitled"? He works incredibly hard, hustles more than anyone, and is massively talented. That combination has made him, essentially, the best baseball player at every level he's ever played at, including the major leagues (and he accomplished that feat historically quickly). The word "entitlement" evokes the sense that he hasn't earned something. What the hell has Bryce Harper not earned at this point?

You can say he was too young to be as confident/cocky as he was, but who cares when that confidence/cockiness has been so thoroughly backed up at every level? At this point, it's hard to see any critique of Harper's attitude as anything more than "kids these days.."
He's been sat down before for lack of hustle.

BoSox Rule

SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
He didn't run out a ground ball when his hamstring was injured. Williams was killed for that if I remember correctly.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Kid has been allowed to loaf for the past two years. Williams got crucified for benching him last year; media and fans took Bryce’s side so he kept doing it and wasn’t getting punished. Veteran finally said something; kid ran his mouth at the wrong guy and got beat up.
BoSox Rule said:
He didn't run out a ground ball when his hamstring was injured. Williams was killed for that if I remember correctly.
It was a tight quad, the week earlier

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Red(s)HawksFan said:
And if he deserved that again, that's for the manager to decide, not a blowhard closer.
Sure ... I'm just responding to idea that Harper is a saint

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
Orel Miraculous said:
How exactly is Brycr Harper "entitled"? He works incredibly hard, hustles more than anyone, and is massively talented. That combination has made him, essentially, the best baseball player at every level he's ever played at, including the major leagues (and he accomplished that feat historically quickly). The word "entitlement" evokes the sense that he hasn't earned something. What the hell has Bryce Harper not earned at this point?

You can say he was too young to be as confident/cocky as he was, but who cares when that confidence/cockiness has been so thoroughly backed up at every level? At this point, it's hard to see any critique of Harper's attitude as anything more than "kids these days.."
It's not terribly controversial to say that Harper has acted with a sense of entitlement from the day he stepped on the field in the minors.  He's been benched in the majors for lack of hustle.  He has a track record of sniping at teammates in the press and in the days before this incident he went to the media with this gem to kick things off with Papelbon:
"Manny (Machado) freakin hit a homer, walked it off and somebody drilled him. It’s pretty tired...I’ll probably get drilled tomorrow."
To a great extent, that's almost the definition of entitled behavior - he's calling out Papelbon (in the third person, no less) and throwing himself a preemptive pity party on the assumption that there might be consequences that involve him. So while Pap is an idiot, I can understand why this ticked him off.
At the same time, if you are focusing on my description of Harper as entitled, you are missing the core of what I'm saying.
Harper is one of the best players in baseball at age 22.  He doesn't have to show feigned respect for someone like Papelbon.  And whether Papelbon's anger is justified or not, he needs to settle it in private.  Because Papelbon failed to do that, he's an outcast and deservedly so.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
@Sawchik_Trib: Collision in left field between Bourjos and Piscotty in left field. Bourjos waves for trainers. Piscotty still down in left field.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
@LangoschMLB: Stretcher is out to take Stephen Piscotty off the field. Looked like he was knocked out cold after collision with Peter Bourjos.


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
E5 Yaz said:
Sure ... I'm just responding to idea that Harper is a saint
It's funny watching people fall all over themselves defending his actions.. His contemporary, Mike Trout, came up at the same age and is also an MVP caliber player yet he's never been called a loafer or a "young punk."

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Cardinals put 3 up in the 9th off Melancon. That should just about foil any thoughts the Pirates had of taking away the division in the final week


has the rich, deep voice of a god
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Jun 3, 2005
California. Duh.
3rd Degree said:
Kershaw throws a dominant CGSO to clinch the NL West in San Francisco
1 hit, 1 BB, 13 K's. He only had 2 strikeouts through 4, but whiffed the side in the 5th, 6th, and 8th.
He's got 294 K's for the season. He's got one more start, but will probably only throw a few innings. Needs 6 more to become the first with 300 since Johnson and Schilling in 2002.

E5 Yaz

polka king
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2002
Astros out of a playoff position for the first time since mid-April, due to their bullpen and the Angels' seven-game win streak.
Angels-Rangers series (4 games) is going to be intense


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As will today's Cards-Pirates doubleheader, although the Cards win the other day drained some juice from it.  
Part of me feels bad for the Astros and their fans, but I guess with all their young talent, their time is coming.  Still it always hurts to have the sort of finish they're experiencing after how well they started the season.  

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Remagellan said:
As will today's Cards-Pirates doubleheader, although the Cards win the other day drained some juice from it.  
Part of me feels bad for the Astros and their fans, but I guess with all their young talent, their time is coming.  Still it always hurts to have the sort of finish they're experiencing after how well they started the season.  
The fascinating thing about the Astros is that they've allowed the fewest runs in the AL and have the second best differential ... which really adds to the perception that, because of the pen's problems, they're losing a lot of close games.
Houston has won 6 of its last 10, so if they can finish well in Seattle and Arizona, they might have a chance of getting back in as a WC if one team dominates the Rangers-Angels series