The Nation's Tears: Pink Stripes


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
KenTremendous said:
I have to say, I kind of dig that. It's corny, and I wouldn't buy one of them, but the Seattle fans are super into their young and exciting team and I like it. I was at the game and they were twice as loud as the Pats fans, and although there were some dummies afterwards, the majority of them I saw or talked to were courteous and pleasant (SSS alert, I guess).
I know this is an Eff tha haterz thread, but I don't include the Hawks fans in that group FWIW. 
Well, no...I take this as an Eff the haterz who were rooting for the Seahawks for no other reason than they were not the Patriots. And these haterz were on the verge of having all those horrible Patriots fans suffer a third miserable Super Bowl defeat.  And they were all configuring in their minds, and some probably were already typing on their laptops, some narrative about choking in the big one, and not getting the job done when it mattered, and they can't be the best ever because blah blah blah, and it was going to be great because you know the Patriots beat my team, or me when I was a player, or a coach, or a GM,  or Belichick humiliated me in front of my peers by belittling some incredibly stupid question I asked him, or I read on my Facebook feed they are CHEATRIOTS!!! And then like that (!) was gone.  And so now these haterz are furious at the Seahawks because THEY took it all away from them.  It must be so, because it can't be that Tom Brady is the new and improved Joe Montana and torched the Doom for fourteen fourth quarter points or that Belichick's team is so well coached that an undrafted free agent rookie was able to make the most inconceivable wicked awesome game-saving defensive play ever.  Nope.  Their anger is at poor Pete Carroll....he is the one that did this to them!!! 
It's all too good.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
KenTremendous said:
I have to say, I kind of dig that. It's corny, and I wouldn't buy one of them, but the Seattle fans are super into their young and exciting team and I like it. I was at the game and they were twice as loud as the Pats fans, and although there were some dummies afterwards, the majority of them I saw or talked to were courteous and pleasant (SSS alert, I guess).
I know this is an Eff tha haterz thread, but I don't include the Hawks fans in that group FWIW. 
Totally agree.
The Seahawks fans that I am friends with have been awesome throughout the entire two week (and really the last couple seasons).  I think most of them recognize that this was an awesome game, and it sucks that one of the teams had to lose, although I am glad it was theirs.
The friends who are really bitching about the Pats winning are the Ravens fans (obviously, because Ravens fans are dicks), and the weird one (and the one who I'm pretty sure unfriended me last night, when I went off on him for complaining that the game was fixed) is the Chiefs fan.... but he is a St Louis Cardinals fan, so he has always been kind of a sports douche.


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum
snowmanny said:
Well, no...I take this as an Eff the haterz who were rooting for the Seahawks for no other reason than they were not the Patriots. And these haterz were on the verge of having all those horrible Patriots fans suffer a third miserable Super Bowl defeat.  And they were all configuring in their minds, and some probably were already typing on their laptops, some narrative about choking in the big one, and not getting the job done when it mattered, and they can't be the best ever because blah blah blah, and it was going to be great because you know the Patriots beat my team, or me when I was a player, or a coach, or a GM,  or Belichick humiliated me in front of my peers by belittling some incredibly stupid question I asked him, or I read on my Facebook feed they are CHEATRIOTS!!! And then like that (!) was gone.  And so now these haterz are furious at the Seahawks because THEY took it all away from them.  It must be so, because it can't be that Tom Brady is the new and improved Joe Montana and torched the Doom for fourteen fourth quarter points or that Belichick's team is so well coached that an undrafted free agent rookie was able to make the most inconceivable wicked awesome game-saving defensive play ever.  Nope.  Their anger is at poor Pete Carroll....he is the one that did this to them!!! 
It's all too good.
This is exactly right.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
grsharky7 said:
Yeah how could I forget about 86....brainfart. To much booze the last 24 hrs
Because game 6 wasn't the end of the series. They had a whole other game left to play.

Butler's INT almost literally ended the game.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
drleather2001 said:
Because game 6 wasn't the end of the series. They had a whole other game left to play.

Butler's INT almost literally ended the game.
But not before Brady and Bill having a little conference about the hard count. Maybe that's why everyone hates Belichick, too god damned smart.


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
LesterFan said:
@5:26 and @8:13 are the two where I really feel bad for the kids.  Their parents are at a loss for how to comfort them.  @5:26, the mom was ready to film her child being really excited and then suddenly she had no idea what to say to comfort him.  I felt bad for them because they seemed like simple good folks.
There was another one with a little girl, who was distraught, and the Dad is following her around basically teasing her about it.  Douche.
Those videos remind me of how I felt as a kid in the 90's when the Red Sox/Patriots would lose in the playoffs.  I also remember ripping my Pedro T-shirt to shreds in 2003 as a 19 year old.


SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2006
You record your child's reaction to terrible news when they're in a vulnerable state and then upload it to the Internet and they're "simple good folks?" 


SoSH Member
Jun 4, 2011
LesterFan said:
8:57 is gold
I felt bad for the 1st guy with the weird hat and the kids. I've been watching vids like this all day, with immense pleasure, but I can't laugh at that guy or the kids. I feel like it's a dick move to record your child being miserable and upload it to the internet.

Edit: Ribo beat me to it.


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
riboflav said:
You record your child's reaction to terrible news when they're in a vulnerable state and then upload it to the Internet and they're "simple good folks?" 
Obviously I'm going on limited information to call them "simple good folks."  I am mostly thinking of the Mom and her son.  Something about them struck me as decent human beings.

But yes, point taken... uploading your distraught child onto the internet for other people to laugh at is generally not a compassionate thing to do.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
The kid saying "it's not over, it can't be over" actually bummed me out a little bit, I remember the first time I felt that way.  The adult-focused ones were generally fantastic. 

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Oh please ... the Seahawks were the Super Bowl champions, and these people are upset that Seattle didn't repeat? 


New Member
Jan 26, 2015
Stevie1der said:
I know that New England has its fair share of bandwagon fans, but I think I saw a max of two or three pieces of fan gear that were made and purchased before last year.
If you notice, the pats fan behind those two... people has on an "old" Reebok jersey. 

I'm fairly confident that only around 1.5% of Seahawks jerseys worn yesterday weren't made by Nike. 


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
E5 Yaz said:
Oh please ... the Seahawks were the Super Bowl champions, and these people are upset that Seattle didn't repeat? 
Don't get me wrong.  I've been relishing in schadenfreude all day, but there's something that doesn't feel right about enjoying the misery of a child.  Otherwise, I've been grinning like an idiot, watching "The Twelves" lose their shit.  I guess the twelfth man just didn't give his best effort this year.


SoSH Member
Jul 3, 2000
"It's not over" is definitely me as a kid for just about every horrible Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox loss of the early 90s.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
I love how BB was more pumped about drawing Bennett offsides than the INT.
Classic BB, you just know they drilled that situation in camp, as players rolled their eyes over the unlikelihood of it ever coming up.
Oh, and:


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
The Allented Mr Ripley said:
But the Sox didn't lose it all in that same moment, unlike the Seahawks. They had another shot.
Absolutely but

Has there ever been a championship moment where total victory was so close only to be ripped away that quickly? 
Total victory was very, very close and then ripped away quickly.
You're right, it's totally different, exactly because of Game 7, but it fits the criteria--that's what made me think of it. 


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
LesterFan said:
8:57 is gold
My favorite is about 2:45
"Holy shit! Why did he do that shit? Oh these dumb motherfuckers!"


New Member
Jan 26, 2015
Ferm Sheller said:
Glad it's not us.
Exactly. I feel awful for some of those kids who were so distressed. I mean, the "It can't be over" kid was really kinda depressing. 

But at the same time, if they had scored the touchdown, there would be just as many kids crying about the Pats losing. I know several myself. And between kids who are the fans of the Pats crying, for kids who are fans of the Seahawks crying, it's no fucking contest. 


broke her neck in costa rica
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2006
Northampton, Massachusetts
E5 Yaz said:
Oh please ... the Seahawks were the Super Bowl champions, and these people are upset that Seattle didn't repeat? 
Seriously. They were reigning champions. This is nothing compared with what we all experienced as kids. Hell, this is nothing like what we experienced in XLI, with the perfect season on the line and the stupid spygate thing.
Plus, I have no sympathy for people who film themselves watching championship games. It's bad karma. And look how freaking arrogant they were right as the play was unfolding. I mean, I'm sure there were plenty of Seahawk fans not like that and I'm sure there are plenty of Patriots fans who would be chomping at the bit there, but no one I know who is a real hardcore fan would be doing that. They didn't score yet. They were still behind. A lot can go wrong. 

RememberTheGronkans said:
Exactly. I feel awful for some of those kids who were so distressed. I mean, the "It can't be over" kid was really kinda depressing. 

But at the same time, if they had scored the touchdown, there would be just as many kids crying about the Pats losing. I know several myself. And between kids who are the fans of the Pats crying, for kids who are fans of the Seahawks crying, it's no fucking contest.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
I love that the blank-stare-gum-chewing Pete Carroll reaction shot is identifiable in virtually all of these clips.  


broke her neck in costa rica
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2006
Northampton, Massachusetts
The hairy man who somehow lost his shirt (tore off his jersey, perhaps?) was funny because it's so silly, but I can identify with how it feels. The dude smashing frozen glass bottles over his head and the one who destroy his big screen TV and fucking morons who deserve to lose, though. 


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
grsharky7 said:
The video of the Seattle fans is just the best-pure elation followed by pure devastation.

Has there ever been a championship moment where total victory was so close only to be ripped away that quickly? Maybe the Indians in 97?
I've been racking my brain about this topic, and I'm pretty sure Butler's INT was probably the highest-leverage play in history by a decent margin. I know Win Probability is kind of a wonky/not-100%-accurate stat, but with Butler's INT, there was an 87% shift (from 12% to 99%). Thinking through all the other historical plays I can think of in all the 4 major sports (Mazeroski/Carter/Jordan/Vinatieri/Tyree, etc.) I can't think of another single play that would rise above the 50% barrier. If you expand the definition to include a series of plays, some of the games other people have mentioned (97 Indians/2001 Yankees) might come close, but I think what happened last night was pretty unparalleled.


broke her neck in costa rica
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2006
Northampton, Massachusetts
On November 17th, 2014 LaGarrette Blount made the best decision of his life by disrespecting his team and walking off of LP Field before the game ended. Heh.

Rough Carrigan

reasons within Reason
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SoSH Member
rmaher said:
@5:26 and @8:13 are the two where I really feel bad for the kids.  Their parents are at a loss for how to comfort them.  @5:26, the mom was ready to film her child being really excited and then suddenly she had no idea what to say to comfort him.  I felt bad for them because they seemed like simple good folks.
There was another one with a little girl, who was distraught, and the Dad is following her around basically teasing her about it.  Douche.
Those videos remind me of how I felt as a kid in the 90's when the Red Sox/Patriots would lose in the playoffs.  I also remember ripping my Pedro T-shirt to shreds in 2003 as a 19 year old.
I had the same reactions.  I feel sorry for those kids.
However, at the sight of the various gatherings of Seattle area rich kids in their . . entertainment rooms, the needle on the sympathy meter remains inert.

Rough Carrigan

reasons within Reason
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SoSH Member
HatcherStealsHome said:
I've been racking my brain about this topic, and I'm pretty sure Butler's INT was probably the highest-leverage play in history by a decent margin. I know Win Probability is kind of a wonky/not-100%-accurate stat, but with Butler's INT, there was an 87% shift (from 12% to 99%). Thinking through all the other historical plays I can think of in all the 4 major sports (Mazeroski/Carter/Jordan/Vinatieri/Tyree, etc.) I can't think of another single play that would rise above the 50% barrier. If you expand the definition to include a series of plays, some of the games other people have mentioned (97 Indians/2001 Yankees) might come close, but I think what happened last night was pretty unparalleled.
How much did Bobby Thomson's homer switch the win expectancy?


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Oakland California
E5 Yaz said:
Oh please ... the Seahawks were the Super Bowl champions, and these people are upset that Seattle didn't repeat? 
This. This is why last night isn't in the category of '78, '86 or '03. I feel bad for the kids, but damn, the adults? Grow a pair. That was us in 2008 in ALCS Game 7. Tampa Bay beat us, but we hardly had a drought.


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
Rough Carrigan said:
How much did Bobby Thomson's homer switch the win expectancy?
I was limiting it to championship games (World Series, Super Bowl, etc.), but Thompson is a good call. 71% is pretty big, and I don't think you're going to get much higher than that for a single play in a baseball game. I think Butler's INT was almost the equivalent of completing a Hail Mary (I just checked Super Bowl 46, and if Gronk had come down with that catch at the end, that would have been a 97% swing).


New Member
Aug 20, 2008
Zososoxfan said:
I consider myself a millennial and I would never do this for the exact reason other posts allude to - it's one thing to record the final play, or a celebration, but a whole game?!? This may be another example of the proposed divide between two subsets of millennials - leading Ms and following Ms.
You all are overthinking this. Setting up a camera to record some potentially entertaining shit and then sharing it with the world is easier than breathing these days. That means it's going to happen. They'd have been doing it during the Battle of Bull Run picnics back in 1861 if the technology was available.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 17, 2003
DrewDawg said:
My favorite is about 2:45
"Holy shit! Why did he do that shit? Oh these dumb motherfuckers!"
2:11 was going on at the bar I was at---it was 2/3 Seahawks fans and they were doing that same cheer right before the play.....sorry, Beast Moders.

Old Fart Tree

the maven of meat
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Jan 10, 2001
Boulder, CO
Dude, it was a GHASTLY loss with an inexplicable play call. Yeah, they're not burdened as a fan base, but was SB42 not painful because we had just won three? Yeah no.

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
Old Fart Tree said:
I have no hate for Hawks fans. Watching them react to that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Poor bastards.
They refer to themselves as the "12s" and buy jerseys with the number 12 an the name as "Fan". I find this stupid beyond words and unbecoming of a professional football team. Those things make it hard for me to find empathy.