Why Do I Continue to Read Peter King?


SoSH Member
Jul 7, 2007
I didn't even get to Mr. Starwood Preferred Member Travel Note of the Week II, I just came straight here after reading #1 to check out the reaction. He really is a contemptible wanker. Plus he used the word "gal".


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
It's staggering that he doesn't realize what a complete and total asshole he comes across as.....
It's staggering that Sports Illustrated's editors and management haven't noticed that their lead football writer is a complete and total asshole.


A dash of cool to add the heat
SoSH Member
Sep 19, 2005
The Eastern Suburbs
Why do you think that? As if they give a fuck.

His column's read by a zillion people a week - including us - and that's all they care about, as long as he doesn't say anything that means they have to fire him.


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
That might be my most-hated "King Travel Notes" piece ever, because he is A) specifically shitting on one person that is clearly less-advantaged than he is, specifically calling out her level of intelligence. And in so doing, he is clearly making the evil assumption that she is stupid because of the job he holds, on the basis of one isolated incident that occurred in the middle of the night.
That piece embodies so much of what sucks about his attitude and writing, and why this thread is sadistically fun to read, thanks in particular to your posts. I feel like joining in and ranting on this one.

Not quite believing she asked this question
Yes, it is truly unbelievable when these damn plebs have mundane mental lapses. Why bother rubbing those couple empathy neurons of yours together? You're the weary, haggard, industrious, eminently cultivated traveler. You're the one perturbed by this momentary disruption of your slumber AND this encounter with an epic folly. Who wouldn't be flabbergasted? All you want is to resume drooling and dreaming - of Sean Payton returning your calls again, to frolic together in an elegant biergarten alongside a Starbucks - when you get smacked in the face by this tsunami of dumb.

Surely she's thrilled to be working the nightshift of a tedious job for little money and hasn't likely been standing here for hours bored out of her fucking mind. It's not like you could possibly be one of the few people she'll be interacting with during her entire shift. Maybe, just maybe, she's glad to have someone to talk to briefly, even if it is a wretched sack of shit such as yourself? Nah. How dare she ask for your name after instead of before! How dare she not serve you - in the form of a mindless, error-free drone like you had expected to encounter in this Sandusky palace - when you're merely wanting as few obstacles as possible between your chauffeured SIESNFLTCT van and plodding your globular ass towards the kind of crude room and shoddy pillows that only a $119-a-night hotel has to offer.

Thank you, Peter King, for mocking this woman both to her face and publicly. She's indeed guilty of saying the stupidest thing ever, and the consequences couldn't have been more dire. Consider this a job well done, sir. Now you can also add Arbiter Of Stupid and Brain Fart Prosecutor to your résumé to boot, all before breakfast.

So he seizes the opportunity to try chiding her with a sarcastic, belittling gag and this is the creative name he pulls out? Not Hoomanawanui or Spooneybarger or Skimbleshanks or Cockshott? I wouldn't be surprised if Spaceballs reflects what the inside of this asshole's mind looks like. Or if it just looks like a rectum. Either way, my guess is it's full of parodies and polyps. Also, he'll be kicking himself when he realizes he could've gone with Vandelay.

Just curious -- why'd you ask me my last name when I just handed you my license and my credit card?
His "just curious" might as well be "I know I'm deliberately trying to sneer at your intelligence and blatantly insult you based on a trivial gaffe, but prefacing my question to you like this absolves me of any affront. So retard..."

His little story (and his column at large) wreaks of someone who is so delighted by his observations that he thinks he can write about the most humdrum matters and his readers will be entertained or even enlightened. He's proud that he noticed this inconsequential logical inconsistency. It's a detail that non-douchebags would probably notice and simply filter out subconsciously because IT DOESN'T MATTER. Most people let innocuous shit like that go without a second thought. Most people are also aware that they've had similar brain farts and would, if anything, playfully joke about it. Meanwhile, he's turning into a giddy schoolboy and antagonistic pissant because a woman asked for his name when she didn't need to. It must be nice to suck a cushy living out of bullshit like this.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2002
New York City
Why do you think that? As if they give a fuck.
An acquaintance works for ESPN. Once I told him that he must get this all the time, but that I just despise Stuart Scott and think that Scott makes the network look like buffoons. His answer? Their goal is for everyone to have opinions about all their talent, good or bad.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
I remember sitting with Luck at the Scouting Combine in the hotel room of his agent, which overlooked Lucas Oil Stadium.
Oh, you remember sitting with him, do ya? Must have really had to rack your brain to remember all the way back to late February, huh?

I cannot stand when he writes about this meaningless crap just so he can namedrop that he spoke to these guys privately in their personal hotel rooms.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
That piece embodies so much of what sucks about his attitude and writing, and why this thread is sadistically fun to read, thanks in particular to your posts. I feel like joining in and ranting on this one.

Yes, it is truly unbelievable when these damn plebs have mundane mental lapses. Why bother rubbing those couple empathy neurons of yours together? You're the weary, haggard, industrious, eminently cultivated traveler. You're the one perturbed by this momentary disruption of your slumber AND this encounter with an epic folly. Who wouldn't be flabbergasted? All you want is to resume drooling and dreaming - of Sean Payton returning your calls again, to frolic together in an elegant biergarten alongside a Starbucks - when you get smacked in the face by this tsunami of dumb.

Surely she's thrilled to be working the nightshift of a tedious job for little money and hasn't likely been standing here for hours bored out of her fucking mind. It's not like you could possibly be one of the few people she'll be interacting with during her entire shift. Maybe, just maybe, she's glad to have someone to talk to briefly, even if it is a wretched sack of shit such as yourself? Nah. How dare she ask for your name after instead of before! How dare she not serve you - in the form of a mindless, error-free drone like you had expected to encounter in this Sandusky palace - when you're merely wanting as few obstacles as possible between your chauffeured SIESNFLTCT van and plodding your globular ass towards the kind of crude room and shoddy pillows that only a $119-a-night hotel has to offer.

Thank you, Peter King, for mocking this woman both to her face and publicly. She's indeed guilty of saying the stupidest thing ever, and the consequences couldn't have been more dire. Consider this a job well done, sir. Now you can also add Arbiter Of Stupid and Brain Fart Prosecutor to your résumé to boot, all before breakfast.

So he seizes the opportunity to try chiding her with a sarcastic, belittling gag and this is the creative name he pulls out? Not Hoomanawanui or Spooneybarger or Skimbleshanks or Cockshott? I wouldn't be surprised if Spaceballs reflects what the inside of this asshole's mind looks like. Or if it just looks like a rectum. Either way, my guess is it's full of parodies and polyps. Also, he'll be kicking himself when he realizes he could've gone with Vandelay.

His "just curious" might as well be "I know I'm deliberately trying to sneer at your intelligence and blatantly insult you based on a trivial gaffe, but prefacing my question to you like this absolves me of any affront. So retard..."

His little story (and his column at large) wreaks of someone who is so delighted by his observations that he thinks he can write about the most humdrum matters and his readers will be entertained or even enlightened. He's proud that he noticed this inconsequential logical inconsistency. It's a detail that non-douchebags would probably notice and simply filter out subconsciously because IT DOESN'T MATTER. Most people let innocuous shit like that go without a second thought. Most people are also aware that they've had similar brain farts and would, if anything, playfully joke about it. Meanwhile, he's turning into a giddy schoolboy and antagonistic pissant because a woman asked for his name when she didn't need to. It must be nice to suck a cushy living out of bullshit like this.
Have you considered The Lurker Challenge?


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
Dude. You're making me feel like Dirk Diggler when he catches Burt Reynolds and Julianne Moore wooing some new guy to be the next big porn star.
You have nothing to fear. In truth, I couldn't even engage--as you alluded to above, King is breaking new ground in everything that has gone wrong in his tone and attitude. Every time I, or someone else, refines something that is offensive about what he's doing, he seems to double down on it. Like, just in case you thought it was some misunderstanding, no, really, it's that awful.

King is in that rarefied area where I fantasize that ghosts of other sports writers will appear to him in the night and shame him.


mad dog
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2003
New York City
Dude. You're making me feel like Dirk Diggler when he catches Burt Reynolds and Julianne Moore wooing some new guy to be the next big porn star.
You should feel like Reed Rothchild, not Dirk. That way, you can be the Chest Rockwell to Winkle's Brock Landers. Not enemies. Not amateurs. Friends, compatriots, stars.

How much can you bench? You tell me first. . . .


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
I apologize for the following digression, but this little gem of King's from last week has been bothering me off and on since I read it:

d. Michael Phelps should be everyone's hero

Might I ask why? Because he swims so well? Because he won a lot of Olympic medals? Why the hell should I or anyone else consider Phelps to be a hero due to his swimming performances at the Olympics? Is King suggesting that physical achievements=heroism? Perhaps to him, but not for many of us. How about these candidates for hero"

Stephen Siller: An FDNY firefighter, he was off duty and ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel on 9/11 with sixty pounds of equipment on his back in order to help people at the WTC. He left behind a wife and five children. http://tunneltotowersrun.org/stephens_legacy.aspx

Or Welles Crowther: A young man who worked at Sandler O'Neill in the South Tower of the WTC. He led at least two groups of people to safety after the second plane hit and was on his way back up with a group of firemen when the tower came down. If you haven't seen this video, you should: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwWzjjbIISw

Or finally, how about US Navy LT Michael Murphy http://www.navy.mil/moh/mpmurphy/ or MA2 Michael Monsoor; http://www.navy.mil/moh/monsoor/?

All the guys I suggested did was help to save lives and served a cause greater than themselves.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2005
I apologize for the following digression, but this little gem of King's from last week has been bothering me off and on since I read it:

d. Michael Phelps should be everyone's hero

Might I ask why? Because he swims so well? Because he won a lot of Olympic medals? Why the hell should I or anyone else consider Phelps to be a hero due to his swimming performances at the Olympics? Is King suggesting that physical achievements=heroism? Perhaps to him, but not for many of us. How about these candidates for hero"

Stephen Siller: An FDNY firefighter, he was off duty and ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel on 9/11 with sixty pounds of equipment on his back in order to help people at the WTC. He left behind a wife and five children. http://tunneltotower...ens_legacy.aspx

Or Welles Crowther: A young man who worked at Sandler O'Neill in the South Tower of the WTC. He led at least two groups of people to safety after the second plane hit and was on his way back up with a group of firemen when the tower came down. If you haven't seen this video, you should:

Or finally, how about US Navy LT Michael Murphy http://www.navy.mil/moh/mpmurphy/ or MA2 Michael Monsoor; http://www.navy.mil/moh/monsoor/?

All the guys I suggested did was help to save lives and served a cause greater than themselves.
I think you underestimate how fast Phelps can swim.

EDIT: Seriously though. Athletes get called heroes all the time. It's excessive, but not unique to King.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001

If you haven't go back and read some of the comments at the end of MMQB. There are some people taking King to task about the way he treated the hotel worker and there are just as many who are defending him, "You can't help stupid, Peter!". Ha, ha! Get 'er done!

I'm not above making fun of folks, but at the same time have we come to a point in our civilization where if people aren't 100% accurate in every, single thing that they do FOR us, we act like spoiled teenagers? Because that's what King is doing. He's ripping on some person who had the gall to work the overnight shift at some hotel because she asked for his name. And when she didn't chuckle at his "joke" (Ha! Ha! Schwartz! You guys, look at King he is SO not a Jew!") Peter got a little pissed and probably a bit embarrassed at the lameness of his guffaw and decided to rip this girl a new one in front of his friends (ie, us -- the readers).

I would love for someone to track this girl down* and find out her side of the story. Because like many people in this thread have said, I am sure that there is a perfectly logical reason for her asking King his name. Because when you sit down and think about it for more than 20 seconds, who the fuck wants to make small talk with some fat asshole at three in the morning? I honestly wished that she took a pen and stabbed him in his oversized hand.

* It wouldn't surprise me if King made this entire episode up, or at least heavily embellished it. I'm not sure why, probably because I don't trust Peter King's story where he has the "witty" one-liner that (he feels) will break up his audience.

And that whole thing about the Browns is meaningless nonsense. Basically he wanted to say, "When a new owner buys a team, especially a bad one, it is usually followed by a shakeup." but he didn't think that the above statement had any gravity, so he put all the bullshit in front of it. To which I say, no shit Peter. No fucking shit.


SoSH Member
May 1, 2008
Peabody, MA
As a manager of a bank, I can tell you without a doubt that licenses don't always equal the names people use. While it is obviously more common for women, as same sex marraiges become more and more accepted, I've wound up updating a number of people's names in our system to names that are not the same as their (currently un-updated) licenses and credit cards. Furthermore, it often happens with writers who write under pen names (most use it for both their checks and reservations). And lastly, it IS entirely possible that the woman DID know who PK was (which adds a certain level of double dickishness?), because as PK has so modestly told us in the same column, he's known as a go-to source for NFL knowledge, and many times people with some level of fame will book reservations under different names at hotels, with the reservation having notes that the person checking in will have a different name, so that employees can't skim the list of incoming reservations and let friends/media know that someone famous is rolling in and have them harassed.

And that's ignoring all training/policy/security protocols as well.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Why do you think that? As if they give a fuck.

His column's read by a zillion people a week - including us - and that's all they care about, as long as he doesn't say anything that means they have to fire him.
Speak for yourself, consumer of shitty journalism. I read dr.leather every week. I haven't spent a click on Peter King's articles in several months.

And editors should really care about the quality of the product. Allowing King to become a kvetching, whiny assface in every column is lazy. Telling King to include more football anecdotes and less criticism of hotel employees is what an editor SHOULD do.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
And editors should really care about the quality of the product. Allowing King to become a kvetching, whiny assface in every column is lazy.
I don't disagree with you that King is a whiny assface. But like I said, read the comments at the end of MMQB, just as many people thought that King was in the right on this issue. So apparently his is the asshole contingency.


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2012
* It wouldn't surprise me if King made this entire episode up, or at least heavily embellished it. I'm not sure why, probably because I don't trust Peter King's story where he has the "witty" one-liner that (he feels) will break up his audience.
That wouldn't surprise me either. He does exhibit some traits of the Jonah Lehers of the world. The pressure to provide his loyal readers a witty Mr. Starwood Preferred, Coffee Nerdness, or Beer Nerdness must be immense.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005

If you haven't go back and read some of the comments at the end of MMQB. There are some people taking King to task about the way he treated the hotel worker and there are just as many who are defending him, "You can't help stupid, Peter!". Ha, ha! Get 'er done!

I would love for someone to track this girl down* and find out her side of the story. Because like many people in this thread have said, I am sure that there is a perfectly logical reason for her asking King his name. Because when you sit down and think about it for more than 20 seconds, who the fuck wants to make small talk with some fat asshole at three in the morning? I honestly wished that she took a pen and stabbed him in his oversized hand.

* It wouldn't surprise me if King made this entire episode up, or at least heavily embellished it. I'm not sure why, probably because I don't trust Peter King's story where he has the "witty" one-liner that (he feels) will break up his audience.
I'm right with you.

I'm 99% sure what happened is this: half-asleep, bored-stiff, 20-year-old Toledo State Sophomore is thinking about some guy she may or may not want to bang last weekend.


"Oh, what the fuck..."


[walks to the front desk]

Girl: "Hello sir. Um...what um...are you checking in?"

[Fat man doesn't look up, thumbs frantically on blackberry, holds up finger] "One sec....Heheh....heheh....heeee...yeah, ok."

"What can I do for you?"

"Checking in."

"Oh, ok. Can I see your license and credit card?"

"Oh, sure, uh...hold on." [drops shoulder bag, rifles around pockets, throws keys and blackberry on counter. After 10 seconds of frantic scrambling, pulls out requested items from velcro wallet. Hands to girl.]

[Girl takes the cards, without looking at them, places them down next to computer]

"What's the name on your reservation?"

[Man types obliviously on blackberry]

"Sir, what's the name on your reservation? Sir?"

"Huh? King."

"Thank You."

"Hey, why didn't you just look at my license?"

"Well, sometimes reservations are made under different names than the person checking in. It's easier to just ask."

"Well, what if I said, oh, I dunno. Brett Favre?"

"Well, we don't have a Brett Favre in the system. Besides, you don't LOOK like Brett Favre."

[Frowning] "What's THAT supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, just...you don't look like an NFL quarterback."

"What a rude thing to say! Why don't you give me an extra pillow."

"Um. Ok. Here it is. And your key, room 322. You're all set. Good night sir."

"Hmph. What a dump."

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Leather, that's probably exactly what happened. And King laid awake in his bed stewing over what just happened.

Nice touch on the velcro wallet. If anyone has that type of wallet, it's Peter King.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
To reiterate Shelterdog's comment above, most editors recognize that having a writer that people "love to hate" is sometimes even more valuable, click-wise, than a writer that people just plain love. For whatever reason, especially in the age of social media, people are much more likely to re-post a story with a comment like, "can you believe this asshole!?!," than they are to re-post a story with a comment like, "this story is a must-read."

Many cynical editors will encourage writers to take outlandish positions just for the sake of the pageviews and "controversy." I don't think that's what happens with King - he's just a dick - but his editors certainly aren't going to ask him to polish out those stupid observations. They know - either with data or anecdotally - that those stupid asides of his drive pageviews from haters and followers alike.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
King is so milquetoast on first glance, though. I don't think they'd care, but I bet King's editors/colleagues would be shocked to find this level of vitriol directed at King.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Yeah. King definitely isn't served up as a guy people love to hate.

He's just an idiot.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
King is so milquetoast on first glance, though. I don't think they'd care, but I bet King's editors/colleagues would be shocked to find this level of vitriol directed at King.
Well, KSK has made some pretty good hay out of crushing him every week. I'm sure they're aware, but agree they don't care, and, just the opposite, love it. Drew didn't do this week's - has he stopped? I haven't been paying attention.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Amongst the stupid, I managed to gloss over this:

Detroit: Running game, meh. If it's mediocre again, the Leos need someone like tight end Brandon Pettigrew (speaking of meh) to finally play worthy of his first-round pedigree.
Brandon Pettigrew is "meh"? The guy had 83 receptions last season, good for 3rd most in the NFL by a tight end. I don't think the Lions are exactly disappointed with taking him in the first round.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2002
New York City
King is so milquetoast on first glance, though. I don't think they'd care, but I bet King's editors/colleagues would be shocked to find this level of vitriol directed at King.
I'll bet they were initially--some random guy sends in a snail mail screed just going apeshit on a field hockey article and they sit around saying "the hell was that"--but King has been so prominent a douche for so long that they must know by now.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
I'm right with you.

I'm 99% sure what happened is this: half-asleep, bored-stiff, 20-year-old Toledo State Sophomore is thinking about some guy she may or may not want to bang last weekend.


"Oh, what the fuck..."


[walks to the front desk]

Girl: "Hello sir. Um...what um...are you checking in?"

[Fat man doesn't look up, thumbs frantically on blackberry, holds up finger] "One sec....Heheh....heheh....heeee...yeah, ok."

"What can I do for you?"

"Checking in."

"Oh, ok. Can I see your license and credit card?"

"Oh, sure, uh...hold on." [drops shoulder bag, rifles around pockets, throws keys and blackberry on counter. After 10 seconds of frantic scrambling, pulls out requested items from velcro wallet. Hands to girl.]

[Girl takes the cards, without looking at them, places them down next to computer]

"What's the name on your reservation?"

[Man types obliviously on blackberry]

"Sir, what's the name on your reservation? Sir?"

"Huh? King."

"Thank You."

"Hey, why didn't you just look at my license?"

"Well, sometimes reservations are made under different names than the person checking in. It's easier to just ask."

"Well, what if I said, oh, I dunno. Brett Favre?"

"Well, we don't have a Brett Favre in the system. Besides, you don't LOOK like Brett Favre."

[Frowning] "What's THAT supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, just...you don't look like an NFL quarterback."

"What a rude thing to say! Why don't you give me an extra pillow."

"Um. Ok. Here it is. And your key, room 322. You're all set. Good night sir."

"Hmph. What a dump."
Extra pillows often either doesn't exist anymore in $119/night rooms in Sandusky palaces or only does if there are extras from people who booked rooms at the Great Wolf Lodge.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Lynn, MA
Well, KSK has made some pretty good hay out of crushing him every week. I'm sure they're aware, but agree they don't care, and, just the opposite, love it. Drew didn't do this week's - has he stopped? I haven't been paying attention.
Love it.

The van we’re driving around the country in is courtesy of EvoShield, the protective-equipment manufacturer.
Oh sorry, apparently there’s a pop-up ad in the middle of this football column. HO HO JUST KIDDING – IT’S JUST PETER KING HAVING NO PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Well, KSK has made some pretty good hay out of crushing him every week. I'm sure they're aware, but agree they don't care, and, just the opposite, love it. Drew didn't do this week's - has he stopped? I haven't been paying attention.
Magary stopped doing it around the Super Bowl and Christmas Ape took it over. While he's not as good as Drew, he's gotten much better since February.


SoSH Member
Brandon Pettigrew is "meh"? The guy had 83 receptions last season, good for 3rd most in the NFL by a tight end. I don't think the Lions are exactly disappointed with taking him in the first round.
-43 DYAR and -12.6% DVOA last year, 66% catch rate, very average YAC for a tight end. Those catches aren't leading to much production - FO's numbers have him below luminaries like Greg Olsen last year.

I would bet three of my last five nickels that King's never even heard of those stats, but he's not wrong here. Pettigrew's fantasy value outstrips his real-world value by quite a bit - he's not even a 2nd-tier starter right now, which makes him somewhat mediocre return on a 1r pick.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Somebody (from Melrose, Mass--hmmm?) asked him about his calling out of refs:

"Read and enjoy your column every week. But, please: can you lay off the replacement refs? Obviously, they are a downgrade from (in theory) the best football refs in the world, but the nit-picky things you are harping on are, at best, unfair and at worst, malicious. A guy misspeaking a team's name deserves ridicule in a nationally read article? Stuff like that happens with the "real" refs all the time. That's the equivalent of a typo for you. I saw a replacement ref face the wrong way when announcing a penalty the other night, but I chuckled. I didn't throw anything at the TV or scream that the guy is incompetent.
Have you seen any glaring officiating errors? I haven't watched nearly as much preseason football as you, but I haven't seen anything egregious missed. I think they are doing a decent job and deserve a little bit of a break.''
-- From Chris, of Melrose, Mass.
They're probably not going to get one from me. I realize they're in a tough spot, but they chose to put themselves in that spot. They, in effect, crossed a picket line in a nationally televised spotlight, and when one of them spots a punt at the 4-yard line and calls it a touchback -- I'm sorry, he's going to get skewered.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/peter_king/08/14/mail/index.html#ixzz23cwepTer

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
This is a typical Peter King answer, he always takes the tough-guy approach with someone is lower than him on the social ladder: 58th and 59th members of a football team, replacement refs, little kids at Spring Training games, hotel employees, people who are chilly on airplanes. But if it's Goodell, an owner or a star player: then it's kid gloves and blowies from the Tough Guy King.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Oh what-the-fuck ever, King.

This isn't a case of some factory workers on strike for a meager wage increase or to protest unsafe working conditions. 90% of NFL Refs have full-time employment elsewhere. In fact, that's a major point behind this whole mess: the NFL wants some to become full time NFL refs, and they don't want to do that. You know how much NFL refs get paid? $25,000 to $75,000 per season. For part time work, for only a portion of the year. So spare me the Norma Rae shit, King; it's an insult to people who actually rely on labor unions for what they are intended for: to balance the power between working-class workers and business owners.

What's really going on here is that King wants to make a stand with the Refs so he can pump them for information/quotes when he wants to. But he doesn't have the balls to personally attack the people responsible for hiring the replacements: the NFL executives. So what does he do? He goes after the "scab" refs who have the same motivations as the "real" NFL refs: make a few bucks and have a really cool side-job as an NFL referee. They aren't doing anything morally wrong, they are just trying to look out for themselves, just like the striking refs, NFL execs, and King here.

King is a fucking self-serving bully, and he's a fucking idiot to boot.

EDIT: and you just KNOW that he got that "Hey, they're scabs! SCABS! They are trying to steal my livelihood!" shit from some Referee Union Rep, right? And King, who wouldn't know what NLRB stood for if you spelled it out for him, said "Oh yea! Totally! Wow, never thought of it like that before!" Meanwhile, he'll be the very first fucking guy to complain about an airline pilot refusing to report to the cockpit on time because it violates his union contract, because it means King misses the last call at the Atlanta Starbucks. "Do airline pilots really need a union! And I mean, come on, it's 30 minutes! Can't you violate your union contract just this once, buddy! UNBELIEVABLE!"


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Well, unless they work at the hotel front desk or don't know where the nearest Starbucks is.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Not to mention that his response totally misses the point of the criticism. If King's original article had given the replacement ref a hard time for calling a punt spotted at the 4-yard-line a touchback, that might have been closer to a legitimate point. Instead, King criticized the guy for what was basically a verbal typo and then argued that this was okay because some replacement refs made other, bigger mistakes not mentioned in the original column. It was like King spent 20 hours scanning every preseason game to find the most trivial error any ref could possibly make, then raked the poor guy over the coals for that.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Right. He basically admitted that he's going to use MMQB as a podium from which to stump for the striking referees. His position is: "I don't care how stupid the mistake was, I'm going to harp on the guy because he's a scab!"

Way to be an unbiased "journalist", fella. I mean, after this, how can anyone take his reporting seriously? He freely admits he lets his biases dictate what he writes.


OR, or...he realizes now how stupid he looks, and he just pulled this "Oh, well, he's a scab!" argument as a post-hoc justification. I'm not sure which is worse.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Not to mention that his response totally misses the point of the criticism. If King's original article had given the replacement ref a hard time for calling a punt spotted at the 4-yard-line a touchback, that might have been closer to a legitimate point.
To be fair to King, his original article did mention the punt at the 4 yard line being called a touchback. And while that's a bit bigger deal than the ref flubbing the team name, does King really not think the guy knows the rules? There was no allowance given for the replacement refs also being in, not only the first preseason game of the year, but based on what was going on, a situation with even more chances for nerves etc.

And the article this came in was titled "Don't rush to judgment with just one week of preseason down". You know, like he did. I mean the players should be given a few weeks to get reacclimated, but the repalcement refs? Screw 'em.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
From his Postcard from Bears camp today:

On The Menu

The bad: Dried out, leathery roasted chicken breast. The good: A fruit salad (blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe) a Tahitian resort would be proud to serve. Moral of the story: When the fruit looks that good and the breast that sketchy, skip the entrée; double up on the fruit. Grade: B-minus.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/peter_king/08/15/bears-training-camp-postcard/index.html#ixzz23eFhHQ7G

Yeah Peter--blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cantelope--those aren't usually South Pacific delicacies. Those are generally European/North American fruits. But, they sound tropical.

I wonder if there's a Starbucks in Bora Bora.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Thank god he explained what was in the fruit salad. I would'v been lost otherwise.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
That's not a "moral of the story." A "moral" in that context is some meaning, or lesson, that can be gleaned from a set of circumstances. It's not a suggestion.

So, if he had said: "Moral of the story: don't go into training camp expecting a three-course feast." It would have made sense.

But there's no moral to stating one's preferences.

Oh, and I guess the moral to this story is: even famous sportswriters can say stupid-ass shit without thinking about what they are really saying.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
That he doesn't know the difference between the moral of a story and his own creature comforts is the Rosetta Stone to the whole damned thing.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Peter King from this most recent episode of Hard Knocks. Feet up on the desk!



SoSH Member
Aug 25, 2009
Yeah I dislike PK as much as the next guy but I'm pretty sure he's just crossing his right leg over his left. Would be pretty ridiculous to have his feet on the desk.