Why Do I Continue to Read Peter King?

Carmine Hose

SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2001
Dorchester, MA
A little public record digging in the Suffolk County registry of deeds finds that the Kings bought their South End condo (I won't divulge the address) on 9/11/2008 for $1,260,000, with only a $350,000 mortgage. That's a whopping $910,000 down when they hadn't even sold their NJ house yet. They also have a $200,000 home equity line on the place. Not too shabby.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Factoid of the Week That May Interest Only Me

The St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort and Spa must be doing quite well in the face of the economic downturn. I attempted to eat breakfast at two of its restaurants Sunday. I was turned away at one, with the place half-empty, because I was not a guest in the hotel. I was turned away at another because I was not a guest at the hotel and I did not have a reservation.

All those without a black AmEx card had better be full when they walk in the door here.
I'm honestly not sure what he's trying to convey here. Is he trying to big time these place: "I have an American Express black card. I should be able to eat any where I want." I'm not positive what he's doing in this paragraph.

This one is a bit easier, he's just being a spoiled cunt:

Enjoyable/Aggravating Travel Note of the Week

Some of the media, SI included, chose not to fork over the $425 a night at the St. Regis and ended up a couple of miles down the Pacific Coast Highway at the Marriott Laguna Cliffs, a lovely place in its own right.

With one serious flaw.

Sunday morning, 6:17, I stumble down to the lobby, desperately needing coffee. Any coffee. I look in the quiet lobby for a coffee urn, a coffee station, a coffee shop open to get a to-go coffee.

"Sorry, sir,'' the front-desk guy said. "No coffee on the weekends 'til 7 a.m.''

That's what I call a full-service hotel. Want a coffee at 6:30 on a Saturday or Sunday? Get in your car and go find one.
Don't most hotels have coffee makers in their rooms now? Wah, wah, wah.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Give me a fucking break. Like he personally gives a shit what the hotels cost: SI pays for it.

The attempt at trying not to look spoiled by citing the high cost of a hotel as a reason for not staying there...a decision likely made for him by his employer...is weak.

E5 Yaz

polka king
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2002
Don't most hotels have coffee makers in their rooms now? Wah, wah, wah.
Seems like more people thought the same thing:

• I EVEN GET IN TROUBLE WRITING ABOUT COFFEE. From Craig Meyers of Aiea, Hawaii: "Not a question, but a comment. You really need to get a reality check when complaining about having to wait 30 minutes for coffee. I've never been in a hotel that doesn't have a coffee maker in your room, and if that's too tough, then just wait. I think you're a great writer, but given the way things are these days, whining about coffee while staying in a $250/night room is sad.''
It's $179 a night. And you don't think it's, well, a bit lacking that a hotel charging $179 a night doesn't have coffee available in the lobby or the restaurant or anywhere at 6:17 in the morning?
But that's just it, Peter; they DID have coffee available at 6:17 ... in your room


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I ran into to him the other day in the south end. He actually looks great and was friendly.
That's all.
I have no doubt he's a generally decent guy. I just question how much he's actually in touch with the average person who reads his column, and contend that he shouldn't try to elicit sympathy or do the "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?" routine when he isn't sure of his audience.

I mean, the guy is staying, for free, in sunny California, to cover a sporting event. He's getting paid lots of money to do this and report back to people who read SI/SI.com. Many of these people are losing their jobs, have lost their jobs, or have to work extra hard to keep their jobs due to the economic climate. They read SI to get a break from their lives. Peter King knows this, so he tries to tack on some good ol' boy "You know what I'm sayin'?" at the end of each column. He wants to connect. How does he connect?

By saying that, in the $200 beach-front hotel he gets to stay at for free while he covers a sporting event, he had to wait 30 minutes for store-bought coffee. Coffee, by the way, that will also be free once he turns in his expense report. You can understand that, can't you people? Doesn't that SUCK when that happens? God, all he wants to do is drop $7 on a Starbucks in this bitch, and the MAN won't even let him do it. Shit.


SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2006
St John's, NL
Seems like more people thought the same thing:
But that's just it, Peter; they DID have coffee available at 6:17 ... in your room

From KissingSuzyKolber:

(UPDATE: The commenters have astutely pointed out the Laguna Marriott, like every other hotel, HAS COFFEE MAKERS IN EVERY FUCKING ROOM. But get this: they aren’t Krups! Is it really a coffee maker if it doesn’t froth milk?)


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Lynn, MA
"f. Coffeenerdness: I'll say this about England: It has to work on its espresso, in a big way."

Peter. FYI - Boston runs on Dunkins.


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
Leeds, ME
"f. Coffeenerdness: I'll say this about England: It has to work on its espresso, in a big way."

Peter. FYI - Boston runs on Dunkins.
weeba. FYI - Boston isn't in England.

In regards to this weeks column, I'm surprised he has the Browns at 32, but more surprised he has the Bears at 4. I can't imagine Cutler will be that good throwing to Devin Hester and their defense isn't nearly as scary as it has been in the past few years. The Browns are in a tough division, but they Lions and Rams are just not good right now. At least the Browns have some talent to work with.

Tough to be too critical of a post-draft, pre-preseason power rankings, or really any power rankings at all, but those two items really stood out to me.


SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005

July 20, Boston. Trip to the urologist. Regular checkup. Two docs. First doc examines me, and I should say he examines me thoroughly. He leaves and the other doc comes in. Very nice fellow, just like the first one. He puts on the rubber glove. Whoa! Whoa! This, uh, already happened! Second urologist wants to check out the situation for himself. Examines me a little more thoroughly. Other than the self-inflicted left-hand bite mark, all's right with the world. Gosh, I love vacation.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
This also sucked:

d. "Joey Chestnut Wins Hot-Dog Eating Contest.'' Whoever at ESPN thought of televising the Fourth of July contest from Coney Island and giving it some form of sporting glory ought to not only be fired but also sent to a class for education on world hunger. Here's a stat for you, according to world hunger organization Bread For The World: One in seven people on earth suffer from severe hunger daily. That's 963 MILLION people. The ratings suggest we are all guilty of promoting this grotesque custom. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves for giving ESPN reason for showing this.


Now, I'm going to go back to writing about the lives of grown men who happen to toss a oblong ball around a field once a week.

Clearly my life choices indicate a superiority over you morons who would dare watch this display without immediately airlifting their entire pantry to Mumbai. As a follow up, I will now spend 21 days on the road throwing tons of hydrocarbons into the air while I blog about all the wonderful food I will eat at the team buffets. In case your forgot in the last 10 minutes, I am a better person than you.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I was reading MMQB today and something stuck out, it was the story about Eric Mangini and his four-puke day when he went for his interview with the Browns' owner.

King says that the meeting took place in November. At the time the Jets were the number one team in the AFC East and arguably one of the top teams in the conference. There was talk of an all-New York Super Bowl, especially after the Jets took care of the Pats on a Thursday night ESPN game. Doesn't anyone find it a bit odd that Mangini went for a job interview at the absolute apex of his Jets' career?

I guess you can look at this way: strike while the iron is hot and get the best job that you can when you're a wanted commodity, but I was under the impression that Mangini liked being with the Jets. Furthermore why would you leave a team that has a shot to go to the Super Bowl for a team as crappy as the Browns? I'm not naive to the whims of coaches, maybe he heard he'd get more money or maybe he knew that nothing less than a Super Bowl win would save his job in NY, but that seems like a really strange time to be interviewing for a job.

I'm not saying that King made this tid-bit up or even exaggerated it. But I think that there was more to the story than just him puking four times and I wish that King got into a bit more.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
QUOTE (John Marzano Olympic Hero @ Aug 10 2009, 03:47 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2494935
I was reading MMQB today and something stuck out, it was the story about Eric Mangini and his four-puke day when he went for his interview with the Browns' owner.

King says that the meeting took place in November.

That has to be a misprint, I'm sure he meant January.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
Hm, that detail got lost amidst his genuflecting to the flag.

Honestly? He doesn't come across as 'patriotic'; he comes across as 'wanting to let everyone know how patriotic he is'.

Maybe it's just me, but this - balong with all his other attempts (planes, hotels, etc.) to seem 'normal' and 'down-to-earth' and 'like real folks' - comes across as strained and distracting from his, like, football writing.


New Member
Oct 2, 2008
Asheville, NC
Has to be a mis-print like JCD said.

It's so completely illogical that that's what actually happened. Especially without a single peep coming out until now in a MMQB article by tweedle-dee.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
The hotel thing was annoying and I'd probably be pissed too, but I found it hilarious that King was driving around the streets of San Diego looking for a hotel that seemingly didn't exist.

His line, "You have to stop apologizing" made it even funnier.

I wonder if his new hotel at least had free coffee in the lobby?


SoSH Member
QUOTE (bd11 @ Aug 17 2009, 09:20 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2513563
Today Peter revealed he killed a deer with his rental. Does Starbucks go with venison?

The following is a fictional blog entry from Peter King:

"That deer, in many ways, was like Brett Favre. Clearly suffering from mortal wounds, it tried to come back to form valiantly. Knowing it didn't have anything left to prove (to me, anyway), the deer still fought on. It showed a joie de vivre that made this deer at once an admirable, yet, polarizing creature. Part of you wanted it to just stop struggling and die in peace, while the other part yearned for it to somehow scrape itself off my fender and bound into the countryside for one last run."


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
Silver Spring, MD
Peter King has outdone himself this time:

MMQB - 8/23/09

Said it before and I'll say it again: Derek Jeter's the best baseball player of my lifetime.

As much as this sounds like a fictional Onion-like parody of King, he actually wrote it.

Luckily, we are also treated to his on-going saga with the Westin Hotel chain. This week's installment: Peter Talks to the Westin President!


SoSH Member
As annoying as PK can be sometimes (i.e. never read anything he writes about baseball), I still find that there are almost always nuggets of interest. Like in today's for example:

4. I think the Eagles are likely to use Michael Vick as a third quarterback this year in most games -- but not as the 46th, emergency-only backup. If they do the latter, they'd be creating a major personnel problem. Here's why.

The NFL allows teams to dress a 46th player, but only if that 46th player is the third quarterback dressing that day. Philly has a decision to make about Vick and how he will be accounted for on the roster. It wouldn't be smart to use a situational quarterback as the emergency quarterback because if the player is used in the first three quarters, then the first and second quarterbacks are ineligible to play from that point on. So when the Eagles play Vick, it's likely they'll do so as a legitimate third quarterback -- and thus will likely take one special-teams-type player out of the lineup on that particular day. It's risky, and it'll make the job of special-teams coordinator Ted Daisher a vital one as the Eagles go forward. Having Vick run around and make magic is all well and good, but if Andy Reid picks Vick to dress over, say, a defensive back who is an excellent gunner on the punt team, that decision could result in a long punt return. Interestingly, we'd probably never know it because Reid would never say, "We had Michael active today at the expense of Player X.'' But internally, it could be a hot potato on the coaching staff, with some assistants feeling that Vick is preventing a good kick-team player from performing.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...l#ixzz0P81CUIMY

That's just good football analysis.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Enjoyable, Aggravating Travel Note of the Week

Three German tourists walked into a Starbucks at Seventh Avenue and 55th Street in Manhattan Saturday morning. This particular Starbucks is a touristy place. Two males, one female. One male had a little Canon camera and took a photo of the 50ish man and woman walking into the coffee shop, then of them in line at the coffee shop (from three different angles), picking up the drinks at the coffee shop, sitting at a table at the coffee shop. They noticed me staring in amazement at all the photos, and the photographer said to me, "Coffee!'' I nodded. "Everyone likes coffee!'' Then he went over to the shelf with souvenirs on it and picked up a mug and held the mug in front of himself and took a picture of that.

You see all kinds of things in New York.

*Sigh*. Peter, what's more odd: Europeans in NYC goofily taking photos of doing a quintessentially American thing (going to Starbucks), or a famous American sports writer deciding to write about that same coffee establishment, apropos to nothing, week after week after week after week in the middle of a football column? And then having the balls to make fun of said Europeans for showing a hint of the same enthusiasm he does for that same coffee place?


Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
QUOTE (dynomite @ Aug 24 2009, 02:59 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2527454
As annoying as PK can be sometimes (i.e. never read anything he writes about baseball), I still find that there are almost always nuggets of interest. Like in today's for example:

That's just good football analysis.

Just noticed this and I have to respectfully disagree.

The Eagles made it clear that if Vick dresses for a game, he's going to be used. Not as an emergency QB, but as a versitile player who can be used in certain situations. And as King writes, you don't roster situational players as your emergency QB.

King is clearly correct about this. But as far as the analytical value is concerned, it's like saying that "President Obama probably will not order the use of nuclear weapons unless he feels that there truly isn't another option available to him."


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
quincy, ma
I dont know if anyone saw Peter King's top 12 QBs of all time, but he had Farve at #5, Manning at #6, Marino at #8, and Brady at #10.

First of having Marino ranked behind Farve is a crime in my book. Farve has spent the majority of his NFL life at his worst in the biggest moments- to me that takes you out of the alltime chatter. Marino not being ranked in the top 3 is a crime.

Manning I have no beef with, I might have him a bit lower based on post season play- but I am ok with that.

Having Brady at 10 is just bad, no need to go into Brady's achievments everyone knows them. It would be hard for me to put him behind guys like Manning and Farve just based on how he has played during the biggest of moments. But to have him five places behind Farve on the all time list is just mind fucking.

But I should not be surprised this is a guy who starts each morning with starbucks, hand cream, and picture of Farve to go along with his morning wood.