This is now: BB and the direction of the Patriots

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Found no thrill on Blueberry Hill
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2008
Start? Name a time when people haven't felt that BB was messing up? Its a constant in this forum and I bet without any prompts people can name BB-lost-it posters including those who shared that sentiment prior to the last three championships. Moving on from Belichick has never been out of style and people can discuss it all they want.

It just doesn't seem realistic that a blowout loss to Dallas at home in week four of an expected middling season is the tipping point here. Maybe its is but that would be wildly inconsistent with how we have seen the Krafts operate to date.
I didn’t expect a middling season. I was hopeful that Patricia was the problem, that the offense would become more dynamic, that the defense would be good, and that paying a QB millions less than many top teams would allow money to be well deployed. I didn’t think we were the Chiefs or Bills, but hoped for better than middling.

I don’t imagine Bill is going anywhere before 2025 or 2026 at the earliest. But I was not expecting middling.


Yukon Cornelius
SoSH Member
Mar 19, 2004
Missoula, MT
I get it, we are all emotional about the Cowboys blowout. It wasn't pretty in any way.

Discussing the Patriot issues is legit. But let's make it a legit conversation. Use this thread for that analysis.


SoSH Member
Apr 22, 2016
New York City
I get it, we are all emotional about the Cowboys blowout. It wasn't pretty in any way.

Discussing the Patriot issues is legit. But let's make it a legit conversation. Use this thread for that analysis.
At least for me, it’s not really about the Cowboys game. Every team gets blown out sometimes (see: Bills 31-0 to start the 03 season). But we’re now we’ll into the post-Brady era and they’ve been mediocre to bad throughout.

Did I think they’d ever be the juggernaut they were with Brady? Of course not. Is it fair to expect better? Absolutely, particularly from an all-time great coach.

As AB says though, I think most of the issues are less with the coaching and more with roster construction. This current Pats team is easily bottom 5 in overall talent.


Renegade Crazed Genius
SoSH Member
Dec 6, 2003
Central NJ SoSH Chapter
I no longer believe that Belichick is equipped to rebuild this team into a contender as a GM.

That said, If we want to let him stay here and coach until he gets the record and leaves on his own terms, I guess it is what it is. But I'd really like Kraft to have a talk with him and tell him he is remaining as coach but that a younger more current GM will be coming in to evaluate talent as it relates to today's NFL.

Belichick can still coach. Lots of what coaches do translates across eras. But team building and playcalling have passed


Oct 19, 2008
I'm fascinated by this idea of an "expected middling season." It makes it sound like BB's got a long-term plan and we should all just get aboard and wait for something better.

And in term of "how the Krafts operate," they have operated by letting BB and Brady win lots of games for 20 years. I don't know how the Krafts operate when they start losing lots, and lots, and lots of games.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2002
Overland Park, KS
Wow, I was just listening to Tom Curran's podcast and he lit into Bill. The team has always fallen behind since the middle of last year. They continue to have dumb penalties and haven’t scored more than 3 TDs in a game since the Cleveland game last October.


Oct 19, 2008
Giving Mac another year to figure this out seems like insanity, but so does dumping Mac and giving BB another young QB with whatever else this team has. I honestly don't know where to go from here other than blow it up. If BB was in the middle of his career I'd say fine, but it just seems futile to try and run this all over again. Let champions part on agreeable terms and professionally begin a new chapter.


Does not enjoy the go
SoSH Member
May 23, 2014
Apologies to whoever posted this, but it was in some thread a few days ago and the gist was: “the Patriots dominated for so long because Belichick can turn any defense into a great defense, and Brady could turn any offense into a great offense.” I think that’s essentially correct. BB is a phenomenal defensive mind, I think he still is. He is, in my opinion, still great at drafting defensive players. But he is lost on offense, and Brady can’t bail him out anymore. The dream scenario is he stays as head coach and builds the defense, and allows Kraft to get an actual GM to pick the offensive talent and allows BOB or whoever to run the offense. I think that’s a legit recipe for success.

That said, he’s brought me so much happiness that I want him to go out on his terms. If that means another year of this shit then so be it. Opinions might (read: will) differ on this, and I don’t want to argue about it as it’s just a sentimental subjective feeling. But I would rather that than jettison the guy


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
Bellichick is an elite coach, particularly of defense, and a mediocre drafter.... you might be able to do better than that... but most teams don't consistently. I think going forward you perhaps if you are Kraft ask Bill to widen the circle of trust, bring in a few new people from the outside in scouting/analysis particularly to help with the offense. Whether BOB stays or not.


Oct 19, 2008
Apologies to whoever posted this, but it was in some thread a few days ago and the gist was: “the Patriots dominated for so long because Belichick can turn any defense into a great defense, and Brady could turn any offense into a great offense.” I think that’s essentially correct. BB is a phenomenal defensive mind, I think he still is. He is, in my opinion, still great at drafting defensive players. But he is lost on offense, and Brady can’t bail him out anymore. The dream scenario is he stays as head coach and builds the defense, and allows Kraft to get an actual GM to pick the offensive talent and allows BOB or whoever to run the offense. I think that’s a legit recipe for success.

That said, he’s brought me so much happiness that I want him to go out on his terms. If that means another year of this shit then so be it. Opinions might (read: will) differ on this, and I don’t want to argue about it as it’s just a sentimental subjective feeling. But I would rather that than jettison the guy
And it will never happen, because BB has contractual autonomy over the entire football operation. You get all of BB or nothing at all, that's the deal we all signed up for decades ago. I'm not sure why people think there's a world where BB only works on one part of the team. Because he'd resign as HC of the NEP on a fancier napkin this time.

I've always thought that this HC/GM combo arrangement was a terrible idea because that much autonomy is too much given the complexity of the current NFL, but the team was so successful that nobody cared. Nobody else does it. Now we're seeing what happens on the downside of this contract.

Also, the guy who brought you so much happiness already left, on his own terms.
Last edited:


Does not enjoy the go
SoSH Member
May 23, 2014
And it will never happen, because BB has contractual autonomy over the entire football operation. You get all of BB or nothing at all, that's the deal we all signed up for decades ago. I'm not sure why people think there's a world where BB only works on one part of the team. Because he'd resign as HC of the NEP on a fancier napkin this time.

I've always thought that this HC/GM combo arrangement was a terrible idea because that much autonomy is too much given the complexity of the current NFL, but the team was so successful that nobody cared. Nobody else does it. Now we're seeing what happens on the downside of this contract.

Also, the guy who brought you so much happiness already left, on his own terms.
I know about the contract, that’s why I said “dream scenario” and “allows Kraft.” I know it would never happen, maybe I should’ve said pipe dream to make that more clear.

And yea, I love Brady more than I love anyone other than my immediate family and my close friends. And due to that love I’ve always argued he was the cause of the success more than BB, like a 75-25 split. But I still love BB, and he still brought me happiness


SoSH Member
Oct 9, 2006
The guy is the best coach in the league and a top-15 drafter.

People keep complaining that he can not build a contender, but the reality is, if they had an average QB right now they would be 3-x (who knows how last night's game goes if the QB doesn't score 15 points for the other team). It took him 3 years to basically rebuild the entire team, and I don't think you can get a fair assessment of the offense when the QB can't throw a pass beyond 20 yards on a rope.

Unfortunately, you can't win in this league anymore without a top QB and the Pats clearly do not have one.

BB's biggest problem is that he is a good enough coach that his teams will always win enough to never bottom out.


queer eye for the next pats guy
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2009
I might not be telling this one 100% right but this reminds me of the book When Genius Failed about LTCM. In the beginning they found a strategy to basically “suck all these nickels out of the air” and got ridiculous profits but when others caught on they went to bad directional bets and lost. I’ll leave that there for a bit and come back to it.

My issue with letting BB have another crack at it with developing another rookie QB (if they decide Mac isn’t it) or trying to rebuild the offense in general is that they have been declining since the 2017 season. Now granted the roster was terrible in 2020 and they had Cam starting for them and Brady/Gronk/Jules are all gone but the 2021, 2022, and 2023 off-seasons have me worried too.

Mistake 1: overpaying for mid FAs at the skilled positions:
They paid 3 guys significant money, Agholor, Jonnu, and JJSS who either were a projection or coming off a big year. They could have gone with cheaper options. You can use FA to patch up holes but you don’t have to overpay for it.

That money prevented him from being able to acquire better WRs. Keep the powder dry. Also… do we have an offensive pro-personnel evaluation issue?

Mistake 2: no coherent offensive identity and multiple offensive coordinators.
Mac has had 3 different systems in 3 years here. Of course they all have Patriots staples but each system is unique. Year 1 was supposed to be a lot of 12 but that didn’t work, didn’t have the personnel. That went out the year after game 1. Year 2 was supposed to be this transition to a more Shanny influenced scheme. You can debate how much of that was media driven or not. Different system though that had Mac taking a lot of deep shots. No hots (or hots in theory but not practice, aka bad hots). They didn’t have the OL or the WRs to consistently execute a vanilla scheme. They also, according to the players ripped up the OZ stuff and went back to other shit that also didn’t work minus the run game, sort of. Year 3 it’s BOB. It’s this fast paced offense with guys who are supposed to play quickly. They don’t have the right guys or even protection for it.

When you look at the pass catchers as a group it’s hard to figure out what these guys would do well scheme wise.

Mistake 3: lack of supporting cast.
It doesn’t matter if Tom Brady, Dan Marino, Joe Montana, Peyton Manning, etc. could win with this line or set of pass catchers. Mac can’t. Mac couldn’t last year. And the upgrade was to draft two guys in the 6th round and swap Meyers for JJSS and Jonnu for Gesicki. And to sign a swing tackle and a guy who witnessed Moses to fight for RT. Oh and one fat middle-aged white dude for another at OC (granted BOB in theory was a big upgrade).I think Klemm will be fine btw.

Even if Mac isn’t the guy, a better QB coming out will still struggle under these circumstances.

Landing spot matters. Offensive coaching and support matters. Team personnel matters. Bill botched it big time years 1 and 2 and looks like year 3 is going to fall short even if they temporarily right the ship.

Now let’s bring back the original story. The Patriots for years found excellent pass catchers at discounted rates because they were sucking nickels out of the air. Now there are hardly ever any undervalued pass catchers in the draft, available from a team, or in FA. Bill switched to making a directional bet with Jonnu and 12 (Agholor as the speed X is important to give you space) and it bombed. Bill needs to invest more resources at pass catcher and he needs to learn that he absolutely has to keep drafting them highly until he has a stud.

I think I still trust him but I’m skeptical. He needs to develop another young offensive mind or get one who can work with what they like to do but keep innovating it. BOB isn’t a long term option (I don’t think anyway) at OC.


Oct 19, 2008
The guy is the best coach in the league and a top-15 drafter.

People keep complaining that he can not build a contender, but the reality is, if they had an average QB right now they would be 3-x (who knows how last night's game goes if the QB doesn't score 15 points for the other team). It took him 3 years to basically rebuild the entire team, and I don't think you can get a fair assessment of the offense when the QB can't throw a pass beyond 20 yards on a rope.

Unfortunately, you can't win in this league anymore without a top QB and the Pats clearly do not have one.

BB's biggest problem is that he is a good enough coach that his teams will always win enough to never bottom out.
You're clearly the biggest BB thumper on here, but in the nicest of words, you're absolutely delusional as to what's going on here.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Apologies to whoever posted this, but it was in some thread a few days ago and the gist was: “the Patriots dominated for so long because Belichick can turn any defense into a great defense, and Brady could turn any offense into a great offense.” I think that’s essentially correct. BB is a phenomenal defensive mind, I think he still is. He is, in my opinion, still great at drafting defensive players. But he is lost on offense, and Brady can’t bail him out anymore. The dream scenario is he stays as head coach and builds the defense, and allows Kraft to get an actual GM to pick the offensive talent and allows BOB or whoever to run the offense. I think that’s a legit recipe for success.

That said, he’s brought me so much happiness that I want him to go out on his terms. If that means another year of this shit then so be it. Opinions might (read: will) differ on this, and I don’t want to argue about it as it’s just a sentimental subjective feeling. But I would rather that than jettison the guy
Well Bill O’Brien is supposedly a top notch offensive guy so bringing him on board should, in the next couple of years, bear fruit when it comes to improving the offense, yes?


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
All of it. Aside from the Pats not having a top QB. You get that one. Everything else is wrong.
Are you planning to contribute anything useful to these threads?

As for the topic, BB is here this season for obvious reasons. It's impossible to say what happens after that as this season is still a work in progress. Clearly the rebuild of the offense hasn't worked. I doubt the problem is with the schema; talent issues have been acknowledged in multiple threads. You can "blame" BB for drafting Mac Jones, but it's not like they could have drafted Trevor Lawrence and the rest of the QB's taken in that draft are nothing more than career backups at best. But Bill does need to take the blame for the rest of the offense.

The Krafts could ask him to revamp his scouting staff and overall approach (wrt to offense) this offseason. Maybe they will all be on the same page and pin it on the QB, but that seems unlikely at this point.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
QB aside they do not look like a well coached team and haven't for a number of years now. Backbreaking penalties, turnovers, stupid mistakes, these things that we almost never saw for 20 years appear in almost every game now, and they do not have a talented enough roster to overcome the mistakes.

I find it hard to believe BB just lost it in terms of being able to turn almost any roster into a smart, well coached team that plays good situational football. But this team doesn't, and really hasn't in three years. I don't think if you swap out Mac for a league average QB these other mistakes go away. I don't have any answers and as I said in another thread at any given time there are only a small handful of humans on the planet capable of being an above average NFL head coach, so chances are if we move on from BB we end up with someone worse. For that reason alone I'm in favor of sticking with him for as long as he still wants to do it. But I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some doubt now. Nobody can do it forever. He's in his 70s now, hard not to think this might be the start of the inevitable decline.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
South Dartmouth, MA
Agree with last couple posts from @Ralphwiggum & @lexrageorge. Question regarding blame/mac/the future….does bill deserve a certain amount of blame for mac’s regression and/or not maximizing his skills? My gut tells me yes but I really don’t know enough about that stuff to say it definitively. And if the answer is yes, it gives me some doubt about bills ability to both buy the groceries and cook going forward.


New Member
Nov 10, 2006
Where I’m at with the BB situation is that I understand paying for past performance is not a winning formula moving forward. However, we’ve seen how hard it is to rebuild with shiny new GMs getting a a chance and completely blowing it.
For every Eagles ‘17-‘23 rebuild there are multiple Cardinals or Browns rebuilds that have failed over and over again. The Cardinals signed their QB of the future to a premium deal and many expect them to be in the conversation to draft a QB in the first round this year.

I’ll continue to bet on Bill, the guy with 6 SBs and 299 wins, turning it around rather than wandering the desert with whichever person *might* turn them around.

Toe Nash

SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2005
The guy is the best coach in the league and a top-15 drafter.

People keep complaining that he can not build a contender, but the reality is, if they had an average QB right now they would be 3-x (who knows how last night's game goes if the QB doesn't score 15 points for the other team). It took him 3 years to basically rebuild the entire team, and I don't think you can get a fair assessment of the offense when the QB can't throw a pass beyond 20 yards on a rope.

Unfortunately, you can't win in this league anymore without a top QB and the Pats clearly do not have one.

BB's biggest problem is that he is a good enough coach that his teams will always win enough to never bottom out.
I don't think an average QB does much better than Mac in the first two games with the line they had. He basically put up average numbers, everyone on here was defending him (mostly correctly) by pointing out his stats relative to the league.

He was terrible yesterday, and I don't think he can consistently perform against better teams, but the problems on offense are far deeper than Mac and they start with BB who put the offense together and as SMU Sox says hasn't moved things in a positive direction over multiple offseasons. They need to make changes on that side of the ball, whatever decision process they have is not working.


SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2009
Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Next off-season is make or break to me. He'll have the cash, the cap space and a very clear picture of what this team needs to make the next step. If they aren't in the playoffs in 2024, he should be done.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
I don't think an average QB does much better than Mac in the first two games with the line they had. He basically put up average numbers, everyone on here was defending him (mostly correctly) by pointing out his stats relative to the league.

The problems on offense are far deeper than Mac and they start with BB who put the offense together and as SMU Sox says hasn't moved things in a positive direction over multiple offseasons. They need to make changes on that side of the ball, whatever decision process they have is not working.
Average probably not, but Top 5-10 QB probably does, and in reality that’s what you need in order to end the Futility Cycle in the NFL. Really, you can argue Top 5 is needed based on results the past 30 years or so.


Oct 19, 2008
QB aside they do not look like a well coached team and haven't for a number of years now. Backbreaking penalties, turnovers, stupid mistakes, these things that we almost never saw for 20 years appear in almost every game now, and they do not have a talented enough roster to overcome the mistakes.

I find it hard to believe BB just lost it in terms of being able to turn almost any roster into a smart, well coached team that plays good situational football. But this team doesn't, and really hasn't in three years. I don't think if you swap out Mac for a league average QB these other mistakes go away. I don't have any answers and as I said in another thread at any given time there are only a small handful of humans on the planet capable of being an above average NFL head coach, so chances are if we move on from BB we end up with someone worse. For that reason alone I'm in favor of sticking with him for as long as he still wants to do it. But I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some doubt now. Nobody can do it forever. He's in his 70s now, hard not to think this might be the start of the inevitable decline.
This sums it up for me. I've said this elsewhere, but all of the trademarks of a well-coached Pats team that seemed independent of having a GOAT QB seem to be gone - the false starts, the excessive penalties, the conservatism on 4th down. This team gets out-coached in addition to its talent discrepancy week in and week out. If BB isn't coming up with creative ways to work with the talent he's given himself, then I just don't know what advantage he's bringing anymore. This isn't a one-year thing, this team has been poorly coached for several years on both sides of the ball.


Oct 19, 2008
Where I’m at with the BB situation is that I understand paying for past performance is not a winning formula moving forward. However, we’ve seen how hard it is to rebuild with shiny new GMs getting a a chance and completely blowing it.
For every Eagles ‘17-‘23 rebuild there are multiple Cardinals or Browns rebuilds that have failed over and over again. The Cardinals signed their QB of the future to a premium deal and many expect them to be in the conversation to draft a QB in the first round this year.

I’ll continue to bet on Bill, the guy with 6 SBs and 299 wins, turning it around rather than wandering the desert with whichever person *might* turn them around.
Next off-season is make or break to me. He'll have the cash, the cap space and a very clear picture of what this team needs to make the next step. If they aren't in the playoffs in 2024, he should be done.
I think these posts are made with the idea that BB is going to characteristically find this team and they're going to manage 8-9 wins and look respectable. I think both of your tunes will be different if this team wins in the 4-5 range and we see more games like this. Yesterday was the performance of a bottom-five team, and if their two best defensive players miss any significant time, it could be even worse than that.


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
This sums it up for me. I've said this elsewhere, but all of the trademarks of a well-coached Pats team that seemed independent of having a GOAT QB seem to be gone - the false starts, the excessive penalties, the conservatism on 4th down. This team gets out-coached in addition to its talent discrepancy week in and week out. If BB isn't coming up with creative ways to work with the talent he's given himself, then I just don't know what advantage he's bringing anymore. This isn't a one-year thing, this team has been poorly coached for several years on both sides of the ball.
The FG down 3-0 at 4th and 1 was a chickenshit call. Maybe we get stuffed but you absolutely have to try for the TD there.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
I think these posts are made with the idea that BB is going to characteristically find this team and they're going to manage 8-9 wins and look respectable. I think both of your tunes will be different if this team wins in the 4-5 range and we see more games like this. Yesterday was the performance of a bottom-five team, and if their two best defensive players miss any significant time, it could be even worse than that.
Yesterday’s Miami performance was that of a 4-5 win team as well, getting utterly blasted by Buffalo, turning it over twice, and committing 8 penalties for 98 penalty yards.

Every single week some teams put up real stinkers. Even good teams.


New Member
Aug 9, 2015
To me it seems they come into every game with a pretty good plan. BB still has the biggest football brain there is. But then they can't execute or adjust, whether because of personnel (which BB also bears responsibility for) or conservativeness/stubbornness. I also think 2024 could be the last dance. And this is going to be a long year. I really hope Gonzo's injury is not serious. Judon I think they can compensate for.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
QB aside they do not look like a well coached team and haven't for a number of years now. Backbreaking penalties, turnovers, stupid mistakes, these things that we almost never saw for 20 years appear in almost every game now, and they do not have a talented enough roster to overcome the mistakes.

I find it hard to believe BB just lost it in terms of being able to turn almost any roster into a smart, well coached team that plays good situational football. But this team doesn't, and really hasn't in three years. I don't think if you swap out Mac for a league average QB these other mistakes go away. I don't have any answers and as I said in another thread at any given time there are only a small handful of humans on the planet capable of being an above average NFL head coach, so chances are if we move on from BB we end up with someone worse. For that reason alone I'm in favor of sticking with him for as long as he still wants to do it. But I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some doubt now. Nobody can do it forever. He's in his 70s now, hard not to think this might be the start of the inevitable decline.
I’ve been pondering the “well coached teams don’t make those mistakes” notion for a long time now. Not just about the Pats, but for several teams I follow.

I’m starting to wonder if those issues — penalties, poor execution, turnovers, etc. — are much more about talent. Obviously coaching can make a difference at the extremes. But it may be that there are a lot of guys on recent Pats teams who simply wouldn’t have seen the field in prior seasons, because they’re not talented enough. And with that lesser talent comes mistakes.

I mean, a below average OLman is going to jump early because he needs that extra millisecond to hold his block. Likely not because the coach hasn’t yelled at him enough to not jump early.

I guess this is my post about how BB the GM isn’t getting it done since Brady left.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
The guy is the best coach in the league and a top-15 drafter.

People keep complaining that he can not build a contender, but the reality is, if they had an average QB right now they would be 3-x (who knows how last night's game goes if the QB doesn't score 15 points for the other team). It took him 3 years to basically rebuild the entire team, and I don't think you can get a fair assessment of the offense when the QB can't throw a pass beyond 20 yards on a rope.

Unfortunately, you can't win in this league anymore without a top QB and the Pats clearly do not have one.

BB's biggest problem is that he is a good enough coach that his teams will always win enough to never bottom out.
Is he a top 15 drafter? In recent years?

Just perusing to see guys who have made a real impact…

2018: Wynn, Michel, Bentley
2019: (no one left on the team) Harris & Winovich
2020: Dugger, Uchee, Jennings, Onwenu
2021: Mac, Barmore and Rham
2022: Marcus Jones, Jack Jones

I won’t pretend to know what league average is, there are folks here who can tell me I’m way off with this perspective. But I see one really good draft, and others with a couple of guys each, at best.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Is he a top 15 drafter? In recent years?

Just perusing to see guys who have made a real impact…

2018: Wynn, Michel, Bentley
2019: (no one left on the team) Harris & Winovich
2020: Dugger, Uchee, Jennings, Onwenu
2021: Mac, Barmore and Rham
2022: Marcus Jones, Jack Jones

I won’t pretend to know what league average is, there are folks here who can tell me I’m way off with this perspective. But I see one really good draft, and others with a couple of guys each, at best.
This past year we’ve had a long, in depth discussion about the Patriots and the draft (and the NFL as a whole). Every single team has lots of failure in the draft. But BB tends to have less failure than most. I know it doesn’t feel that way to us because we see the failures up close and they’re right in our face, but we’d feel even worse if we were fans of most other teams. He may not be THE BEST at drafting, but he’s better than most.


Oct 19, 2008
This past year we’ve had a long, in depth discussion about the Patriots and the draft (and the NFL as a whole). Every single team has lots of failure in the draft. But BB tends to have less failure than most. I know it doesn’t feel that way to us because we see the failures up close and they’re right in our face, but we’d feel even worse if we were fans of most other teams. He may not be THE BEST at drafting, but he’s better than most.
Where would you rank the talent level of this team overall, 1-32? Would you call it top 15?


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Isle of Plum
I’m not taking anything away from his past success. Unparalleled.

However, I hate to say it but this is likely the last year of Bill Belichick’s retirement tour. He’s given the Pats zero success chance in half the post Brady years (between Patricia/Judge and Cam Newton) and not much chance in the other two. I grade extra harshly (where some offer ‘rebuilding’ as a kind of explanation) for not having a post Brady plan. You told us it would be better this way and drove Brady to the airport…to pick up Cam? My goodness.

If BB can get this team back to 500 this year that’s great and he will have earned the chance for more. That said, frankly Kraft got us Parcells & BB and I trust him more than Bill at this point. Mayo get ready to come on down as the infrastructure is pretty clearly in place already for B to go if necessary. Kraft no fool.

You can’t separate Bill the GM from the couch because the players he picks on O are the ones that could theoretically execute his scheme. which doesn’t work. The entire method of offense development in his program looks ready for the glue factory.

No way I’m letting him any where near my next qb and these last couple teams don’t even seem well coached. Hope he turns it around (of course!) and love the game planning aspect of Bill. He’s clearly some kind of savant there, maybe he would be great as Mayos Ernie Adams.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Where would you rank the talent level of this team overall, 1-32? Would you call it top 15?
Special teams are good. Lots of really nice talent on the DL and in the secondary. I think Bourne and Parker are solid NFL WR but they have no elite players at the skill positions, which shows up BIG TIME.

The big talent gaps are at QB, WR, and OL. All of which are glaring. But lots of talent elsewhere. This team is a middle of the pack team so I’d say average talent overall.

But if your next response is going to be that that shows that they aren’t good at drafting, I’d remind you that there’s lots that go into building a team, including free agency and trades. They’ve had some significant misses in free agency which have hurt because those also cost a lot of money, which makes it hard to build in other areas.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
I’m not taking anything away from his past success. Unparalleled.

However, I hate to say it but this is likely the last year of Bill Belichick’s retirement tour. He’s given the Pats zero success chance in half the post Brady years (between Patricia/Judge and Cam Newton) and not much chance in the other two. I grade extra harshly (where some offer ‘rebuilding’ as a kind of explanation) for not having a post Brady plan. You told us it would be better this way and drove Brady to the airport…to pick up Cam? My goodness.

If BB can get this team back to 500 this year that’s great and he will have earned the chance for more. That said, frankly Kraft got us Parcells & BB and I trust him more than Bill at this point. Mayo get ready to come on down as the infrastructure is pretty clearly in place already for B to go if necessary. Kraft no fool.

You can’t separate Bill the GM from the couch because the players he picks on O are the ones that could theoretically execute his scheme. which doesn’t work. The entire method of offense development in his program looks ready for the glue factory.

No way I’m letting him any where near my next qb and these last couple teams don’t even seem well coached. Hope he turns it around (of course!) and love the game planning aspect of Bill. He’s clearly some kind of savant there, maybe he would be great as Mayos Ernie Adams.
Kraft didn’t get us Parcells. That was Orthwein. Kraft and Parcellas clashed and that’s why he fled for the Jets. Kraft then got us Carroll.


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
Where would you rank the talent level of this team overall, 1-32? Would you call it top 15?
Now this is an interesting question, and I think it depends how you grade, do you prioritize the most important positions? If so, this team is in the mid to low 20s somewhere because QB is that important.
If you're just going overall talent... 18-20 ish? The defense has a lot of talent, the offense has depth but no top end talent.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Isle of Plum
Kraft didn’t get us Parcells. That was Orthwein. Kraft and Parcellas clashed and that’s why he fled for the Jets. Kraft then got us Carroll.
Damn your facts :)

Maybe we could relitigate the parcells decison for old times sake


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
I think I'm just kind of ready to clean the slate entirely and start fresh. This is now 3+ seasons post Brady and there's been little to no improvement. I think Bill is still an elite coach that will drag a 5 win team talent wise to 8-9 or 9-8 but I don't really see a path to getting the team into contender status.

I'd like to add fresh eyes and thinkers to the organization and I don't know if you can do that while scaling back Bill's responsibilities. If it needs to be a clean split, so be it.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
I grade extra harshly (where some offer ‘rebuilding’ as a kind of explanation) for not having a post Brady plan. You told us it would be better this way and drove Brady to the airport…to pick up Cam? My goodness.
This is something I have been thinking about recently.

The thinking after 2019 was even if they found a way for Brady to stay, that at best, the 2020-2021 teams would maybe be as good as the 2019 team (which had a ton of issues on offense), and possibly/probably worse, and so it would be better to just rip the bandaid off and begin the "rebuild".

Ok, I can get behind that idea. No point in being maybe a little above average for a few years with Brady, and then being really bad for a couple years after he hung it up.

But fast forward four seasons later, and what do we have to show for it? 3 mediocre seasons. 1 playoff appearance, with a disastrous result. A rough start to this season, with a very tough schedule, and injuries already piling up. A team with similar skill position and offensive line issues that they had in 2019.

The franchise is, at best, in the same position as it was when Brady left, except BB is now 4 years older.

I don't think anyone would argue that the decision to move on from Brady was correct in retrospect (please, I don't want to get into the point about whether or not Brady wanted to leave. Let's just assume BB had decided to move on).

And FWIW, I think Mac Jones was a good draft pick, and even with how he played yesterday, I still think it was a good pick, because they didn't give up any capital to do it. He's making like $15M in total on his rookie deal. Whatever.

But what is the path going forward? Where is the plan, where is the hope?


New Member
Aug 9, 2015
I think I'm just kind of ready to clean the slate entirely and start fresh. This is now 3+ seasons post Brady and there's been little to no improvement. I think Bill is still an elite coach that will drag a 5 win team talent wise to 8-9 or 9-8 but I don't really see a path to getting the team into contender status.

I'd like to add fresh eyes and thinkers to the organization and I don't know if you can do that while scaling back Bill's responsibilities. If it needs to be a clean split, so be it.
Is BB on a year to year deal? I know this is notoriously opaque, but that could be a factor. Maybe he decides he wants to leave and tests the market for himself.

I also don't want to let the Krafts off the hook completely. I think they've been cheap with the cash spending, probably banking on BB "figuring it out". They also need to open the vault this Spring/Summer. Without TB, you have to spend to compete.


New Member
Sep 12, 2022
I think I'm just kind of ready to clean the slate entirely and start fresh. This is now 3+ seasons post Brady and there's been little to no improvement. I think Bill is still an elite coach that will drag a 5 win team talent wise to 8-9 or 9-8 but I don't really see a path to getting the team into contender status.

I'd like to add fresh eyes and thinkers to the organization and I don't know if you can do that while scaling back Bill's responsibilities. If it needs to be a clean split, so be it.
Right there with you. I know there are several posts about "keep BB the chef, stop letting him get the groceries" and I think that is impossible. BB isn't accepting a demotion. And in that case, I would be in favor of clearing the slate. BB is a legend and GOAT coach, but this isn't working any more.
Now realistically, that won't happen. Kraft tied his wagon to the BB horse and would rather ride it into the ground than trade horses. I think Kraft banked on the idea that BB would field some good frisky teams, maybe be a SB contender if everything breaks right and beat Shula's record with the Patriots. That looks bleak now and Kraft's "I want the playoffs" ultimatum (or whatever) is sort of forcing Kraft into an awkward position since the playoffs this year look unlikely.


Oct 19, 2008
Now this is an interesting question, and I think it depends how you grade, do you prioritize the most important positions? If so, this team is in the mid to low 20s somewhere because QB is that important.
If you're just going overall talent... 18-20 ish? The defense has a lot of talent, the offense has depth but no top end talent.
You're right, it really does depend on whether you want to weight positions, and it's tough to answer. But as someone else pointed out, there are at best a small handful of teams you wouldn't trade the skill position players for, and that drags down the entire team. This is really just trying to evaluate the assertion that BB is a top-15 drafter. I'm not sure that he is, but he's definitely not above average.


New Member
Sep 12, 2022
Is BB on a year to year deal? I know this is notoriously opaque, but that could be a factor. Maybe he decides he wants to leave and tests the market for himself.

I also don't want to let the Krafts off the hook completely. I think they've been cheap with the cash spending, probably banking on BB "figuring it out". They also need to open the vault this Spring/Summer. Without TB, you have to spend to compete.
I don't think the Krafts have been cheap. The problem is the guy they put in charge of spending that money (BB) just isn't very good at that. And moreover, he has to pay a premium in FA because his drafts have been largely horrific the last several years. I'm glad he can turn a UFDA into the 7th CB on the roster or whatever, but if you're missing on your picks at the top of the draft, consistently, that is going to cause problems.

ETA: I do agree that the Krafts shouldn't be let off the hook. During the Brady years, Kraft would point out he had 1 coach and 2 starting QBs. It must have been great to have that consistency and stability. I think Kraft values that. But now that the stability isn't working, he seems like he would rather lose with his known quantity than cut bait on what has been a great asset to the team, but is now stale.
Last edited:


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2006
BB is 26-27 since Brady left with almost all of the wins against crappy teams. The current roster is not going to yield a championship, or even a playoff spot. This year is pretty much toast. The good news? Jones is still on his rookie contract. All of the concerns scouts had on him during draft day turned out to be accurate.


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2006
BB could get away with head scratching draft picks during the Brady era. He can't now. Cole Strange, case in point.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
This is something I have been thinking about recently.

The thinking after 2019 was even if they found a way for Brady to stay, that at best, the 2020-2021 teams would maybe be as good as the 2019 team (which had a ton of issues on offense), and possibly/probably worse, and so it would be better to just rip the bandaid off and begin the "rebuild".

Ok, I can get behind that idea. No point in being maybe a little above average for a few years with Brady, and then being really bad for a couple years after he hung it up.

But fast forward four seasons later, and what do we have to show for it? 3 mediocre seasons. 1 playoff appearance, with a disastrous result. A rough start to this season, with a very tough schedule, and injuries already piling up. A team with similar skill position and offensive line issues that they had in 2019.

The franchise is, at best, in the same position as it was when Brady left, except BB is now 4 years older.

I don't think anyone would argue that the decision to move on from Brady was correct in retrospect (please, I don't want to get into the point about whether or not Brady wanted to leave. Let's just assume BB had decided to move on).

And FWIW, I think Mac Jones was a good draft pick, and even with how he played yesterday, I still think it was a good pick, because they didn't give up any capital to do it. He's making like $15M in total on his rookie deal. Whatever.

But what is the path going forward? Where is the plan, where is the hope?
Hope is an important element here.

The last time the Pats had a truly bad season was 2000. But that was Bill’s first season, so I figured he needed to tear things down to rebuild for future success. I didn’t anticipate the future being all of one year later, but I certainly had hope in 2000.

Prior to that I always had hope during the Carroll years. There was Bledsoe and a lot of talent on those teams.

Before that was Parcells, and I had hope from the moment he arrived that we could be good someday. And by the end of 1993 you could see he was building something.

Sooo, this moment may be my least hopeful since 1992, the end of the Dick MacPherson era.

I still think Bill is the best game coach in the league. I’m always hopeful that he can pull a rabbit out of his hat and scheme his way to a W in most games. But in terms of being hopeful for the future of the franchise? I’m not feeling it.


Oct 19, 2008
Hope is an important element here.

The last time the Pats had a truly bad season was 2000. But that was Bill’s first season, so I figured he needed to tear things down to rebuild for future success. I didn’t anticipate the future being all of one year later, but I certainly had hope in 2000.

Prior to that I always had hope during the Carroll years. There was Bledsoe and a lot of talent on those teams.

Before that was Parcells, and I had hope from the moment he arrived that we could be good someday. And by the end of 1993 you could see he was building something.

Sooo, this moment may be my least hopeful since 1992, the end of the Dick MacPherson era.

I still think Bill is the best game coach in the league. I’m always hopeful that he can pull a rabbit out of his hat and scheme his way to a W in most games. But in terms of being hopeful for the future of the franchise? I’m not feeling it.
The problem is that BB has gotten outcoached frequently over the last several years. We all marvel at games like the Buffalo wind game, but a coach with a fast offense and a mobile QB simply runs circles around his schemes these days. That coaching advantage is virtually non-existent at this point.
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