CoffeeNerdness said:
I missed the article that reported that he wanted to get put in general population, can you link that?
I can't get HTML to embed in Lombardis, but go here ( story) and check the video at 01:25.
CoffeeNerdness said:
I missed the article that reported that he wanted to get put in general population, can you link that?
DrewDawg said:Still confused as to what a guy in cuffs is doing alone in a hallway with no guards there.
RedOctober3829 said:He can't run the route tree in there, can he?
Rovin Romine said:
That's what it's been reported as - who knows what really happened.
Only one inmate is supposed to be in the area at a time, and the former NFL tight end has purposely been kept segregated from other prisoners because of his celebrity status.
Aaron Hernandez, 24, had kept his nose clean during his time in jail until Tuesday, when he was involved in a fight with another inmate.
Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson would not confirm who started the brawl, but said neither inmate needed medical attention and that the punchout was over within one minute. Three guards were nearby, Hodgson told the Daily News.
"Following our investigation, we'll be able to determine if one or both of the inmates will get any disciplinary action, from a rule violation to administrative discipline or it could rise to criminal charges if it's determined that one was involved in directly assaulting and battering another inmate," Hodgson told the News on Wednesday.
Hodgson said that the housing unit has eight cells total - six of which were occupied at the time of the fight.
“It’s a specialized unit, the procedure is one inmate allowed out at a time, so obviously that’s a concern to me and everyone here, that there was potentially a shortfall, a systematic failure in our procedures,” he said. “We’re going to look at, why were they out at the same time? Was it a judgement error on the part of a staff member, some emergency or something, what exactly was it?”
Hodgson said the claim that the unidentified inmate was handcuffed would be looked at as part of the investigation, which is expected to take a few days.
Inmates cannot interact physically with one another at the segregated housing unit, but Hodgson said they can verbally interact.
The other inmate reportedly was harassing Hernandez all day before the beatdown, according to reports.
Hernandez was out of his cell during his rec time, when he can “make phone calls, take a shower, what have you,” when the fight erupted, Hodgson said.
JimBoSox9 said:Forget about Aaron Hernandez for a second. If this other guy ran his mouth all day at a badder dude because he knew it was hear-but-can't-touch, and then got his ass beat down because a guard made a (honest or otherwise) whoopsie in the hallway....that's hilarious.
Rovin Romine said:
Oh yes. FL has very permissive void dire rules. I did the void dire - took about an hour and a half for my portion. Packed house - all the interns and a couple of my colleagues came to watch. The prosecutor was so turned about/embarrassed that she basically let me pre-try the case.
In fact, we were sort of surprised we ended up in trail - we thought the embarrassment/absurdity factor would drive down the offer to something reasonable. It still cracks me up. We tried to do it straight faced but couldn't. In retrospect, I think the laughter helped. Laughing juries are more likely to let something slide.
One prospective female juror (not seated) said something along the lines of: "and I don't know, isn't it like, like torture, to make someone stop halfway?" I soft-pedaled the response (don't even remember what I said), but my trial partner later told me he'd have given me nearly anything if I'd responded with, "God bless you ma'am!"
Marciano490 said:
Please tell me you made an 8th Amendment argument.
Additionally, who in the dark and crowded recesses of the YumYum Tree at 2:00 a.m. on July 6, 1974, was "offended"?
800.03 Exposure of sexual organs.--It is unlawful to expose or exhibit one's sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from such private premises, in a vulgar or indecent manner, or to be naked in public except in any place provided or set apart for that purpose. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. A mother's breastfeeding of her baby does not under any circumstance violate this section.
Rovin Romine said:Additionally, who in the dark and crowded recesses of the YumYum Tree at 2:00 a.m. on July 6, 1974, was "offended"?
At trial, there was evidence that appellant fondled the fully-clothed Jeffries in the pubic area for some five seconds with his right hand while holding aloft a tray full of glasses with his left hand.
For example, a lone male who endeavors to relieve the strain of tight undershorts while standing in a public place and being observed by a keen-eyed law official cannot be sure whether he has committed a criminal offense or not.
JimBoSox9 said:Forget about Aaron Hernandez for a second. If this other guy ran his mouth all day at a badder dude because he knew it was hear-but-can't-touch, and then got his ass beat down because a guard made a (honest or otherwise) whoopsie in the hallway....that's hilarious.
Probably not gonna make it any harder, either.axx said:Hernandez to be charged with assault for beating up the inmate. That's not going to make the murder case any easier, Aaron.
If you take guns out of a society, all of a sudden fewer people get killed in the course of assaults. Gun control!BigSoxFan said:Hey, instead of killing this guy like in the past, he just beat the shit out of him. I'd call that progress.
Peter Wilson @PetesWire 2m
BREAKING: Carlos Ortiz and Ernest Wallace charged with murder connected to the June, 2013 homicide of Odin Lloyd in North Attleboro. #wbz
Corsi said:Hernandez
Wesley Lowery @WesleyLowery 5m
Previously, Ortiz & Wallace charged w/ accessory to murder after fact. Under MA law, DA won't have to prove them gunman to convict of murder
Wesley Lowery @WesleyLowery 2m
With all 3 charged w/murder, prosecutor won't have to prove which was the shooter under MA's joint venture law. Not good for Aaron Hernandez