Lomb is right. Pretty much every city in America has a checkered history when it comes to racism.I’ll bite. What makes Boston markedly worse that this keeps being brought up?
But there are tons of Boston fans who cry "WHAT? NOT HERE!" every time it's brought up about Boston. Do we need to dredge up the Adam Jones story - and the subsequent reaction to it - from a few years back? I have no doubt that Boston fans hurled racial epithets at him - just like I have no doubt that fans in other cities do the very same. But any time the subject of Boston fans being racist comes up, people get WAY too defensive. Nobody is saying that ONLY Boston fans are racist. Nobody is saying that Boston fans are the MOST racist fans in the United States. But c'mon - black athletes have had a rough go of it in the city.
To bring it back to the subject at hand, Deadspin's hard-on for the subject is fucking nauseating. They're using a very real issue as a cheap shot to insult an entire city.