Kirk and Callahan: Done


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SoSH Member
Feb 26, 2004
Melrose MA
Has anybody ever wondered why Pete Sheppard is married but doesn't have kids? Does his thingy not work or is his wife just barren?
I'm married and don't have kids. What do you think this says about me or my wife? And do you think this gives you a right to insult me?


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I'm married and don't have kids. What do you think this says about me or my wife? And do you think this gives you a right to insult me?
I'm guessing that means you aren't worry about paying for them, their education and planning vacations instead?

That first post about it, has to be one of the most random posts I've ever seen. Who even goes through that thought process? "I hate Pete Shepard, let me see if he's married and has a family, no? Man he must be sterile, impotent or his wife's unable to have kids. I'm going to go to a message board and post this! I'll get him! Zinger!"


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
He said he wishes that someone would call up Pete and troll him with this, on a regular basis. Someone else, mind you.

I think "giant d-bag" is a vast understatement.
Oh, bad wording on my part. This is what I wish every time he goes on a rant. Once would be enough. Carry on.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
For those who disliked Meter: Can we all agree he was worlds better than Pete and Mikey? Low bars to hurdle, I know, but they are abominations and have made a sometimes tolerable show completely unlistenable thus far. Even D&C seem like they've lost their binky. Somewhat to be expected, I guess, but this can't be any kind of long-term plan, can it?


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
For those who disliked Meter: Can we all agree he was worlds better than Pete and Mikey? Low bars to hurdle, I know, but they are abominations and have made a sometimes tolerable show completely unlistenable thus far. Even D&C seem like they've lost their binky. Somewhat to be expected, I guess, but this can't be any kind of long-term plan, can it?
I didn't listen to Pete earlier this week, but I would think he'd be pretty good with D&C. He's an actual, genuine sports fan, something that Dennis clearly isn't anymore.

Is Pete too different from D&C to mesh with them? Maybe.

But ultimately, I don't think their ratings will be impacted by who permanently replaces Meter. Though the midday and afternoon shows seem to slightly fluctuate by the ratings book, it looks as if T&R are comfortably at the number one spot in the mornings. I'm not sure what D&C could do to climb out of third place.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
Gotta love Lupica. The basis for his assertion that Brady isn't the same QB as he was (when? I don't know, it isn't explained) is: when I see him play, I don't see the same guy (see: SEA game, grounding penalty, didn't close it out, etc.)....oh, by the way, I didn't watch the game.


SoSH Member
May 10, 2007
Burrillville, RI
Saw a bit of the show on NESN this morning. Jenn Royle is in as the flash girl today. Not sure how premanent she is but she was taking absolutely zero sh*t from either of them, Jerry especially.


SoSH Member
May 11, 2011
Saw a bit of the show on NESN this morning. Jenn Royle is in as the flash girl today. Not sure how premanent she is but she was taking absolutely zero sh*t from either of them, Jerry especially.
Watched a little this mornig as well. It was an interesting dynamic to say the least. HUGE step up from Shep, although a lot of the interactions were a little awkward. Two old chauvinistic sports writers and a ballsy chick made for some good back and forth for the most part.


will you be my friend?
SoSH Member
Nov 1, 2005
First he send in Bobby to clear out the dead wood of the Sox clubhouse, and then does the same thing with Royle and WEEI?

Lucchino is a genius! Let's just say when Rob Neyer starts hanging around the Fenway press level, Jerry Remy better watch his ass.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Glad to see a woman has finally brought some class to the D&C show. Friday we had talk about the size of Jen's boobs, why she pees in the shower and the effect of losing weight on a guy's dick size. Today we're back to more dick talk, complete with Jen's racially insensitive joke regarding the penis size of a Japanese man. You stay classy, Jen Royle!

I don't know what show other people are listening to, but I think Royle's been absolutely awful. But knowing Jason Wolfe, we'll soon be reading about her getting a 4-year contract to be the third wheel on the Big Show or something. If EEI's looking for a female voice, Kelly Malone is a fairly knowledgeable fill-in "flash girl", and better looking too.


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
3/4 Chicago, 1/4 Boston
Glad to see a woman has finally brought some class to the D&C show. Friday we had talk about the size of Jen's boobs, why she pees in the shower and the effect of losing weight on a guy's dick size. Today we're back to more dick talk, complete with Jen's racially insensitive joke regarding the penis size of a Japanese man. You stay classy, Jen Royle!

I don't know what show other people are listening to, but I think Royle's been absolutely awful. But knowing Jason Wolfe, we'll soon be reading about her getting a 4-year contract to be the third wheel on the Big Show or something. If EEI's looking for a female voice, Kelly Malone is a fairly knowledgeable fill-in "flash girl", and better looking too.
yeah...this is miserable...i couldn't stand her when i listened to her on the Balt station


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
On Friday, Callahan got away with an f-bomb when he and Dennis were ont he phone with Rob Bradford. When Mike Napoli's name came up, he quipped, "Wait until Gary Tuck works his magic on him, though. He'll be f-----g Johnny Bench!" (It's archived at, starting around 8:45).
The online stream isn't censored, so it's likely the archived stuff isn't either. Pretty sure they dumped out of the curse on air.


SoSH Member
Caught 30 seconds of them (with the always insightful Fred Smerlas) this morning discussing the Cabrera/Trout MVP decision.

First, I heard someone say that they were so happy that the MLB writers had "looked past narrow stats like WAR and VORP and actually looked at the whole picture of each player, using whole statistics like HRs and RBIs." (emphasis mine, obviously)

Next, Smerlas was thrilled that the MLB writers had been able to overcome the "stat geeks," comparing their bravery to "going to a poli sci class at UMass and saying something negative about Fidel Castro or Barack Obama."

My mind touched the void for a moment.


late Bloomer
SoSH Member
Dec 7, 2008
Callahan loved the Cabrera vote purely because it made Nate Silver look wrong for advocating for Trout, he was ranting on twitter in favor of Cabrera.

We'll ignore the fact that really it didn't make Silver look bad at all, just the people who actually had votes.


New Member
May 31, 2008
Caught 30 seconds of them (with the always insightful Fred Smerlas) this morning discussing the Cabrera/Trout MVP decision.

First, I heard someone say that they were so happy that the MLB writers had "looked past narrow stats like WAR and VORP and actually looked at the whole picture of each player, using whole statistics like HRs and RBIs." (emphasis mine, obviously)

Next, Smerlas was thrilled that the MLB writers had been able to overcome the "stat geeks," comparing their bravery to "going to a poli sci class at UMass and saying something negative about Fidel Castro or Barack Obama."

My mind touched the void for a moment.
Be thankful this season of being thankful. You possess something Callahan, Dennis and, particularly, Fred "The Christmas Donkey" Smerlas never will - a mind.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
"You've made a fool out of yourself on a yearly basis-"
"You make a fool out of yourself on a DAILY BASIS!" lol


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
The funny thing is those are both true statements and about sums up my view on these two men. So I guess Borges "wins" that one.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
For all of Sheppard's faults, the one thing that he is (at least to me) genuine. In that he genuinely likes the four Boston teams. Does he wave the pom-poms a bit much for the Patriots? I guess. Is he a loud-mouth who stutters, stammers and says stupid stuff? Yes. But he seems to give a shit.

On the other hand, Borges doesn't give a crap about anything. He says the most outlandish things because he thinks he's the Al Davis of the press box. He desperately wants to be a maverick and he wants to be the guy in the black hat the guy hated by all of New England, basically he wants to be Belichick's Col. Egan. But he's not. He doesn't have the intelligence, he doesn't have the writing skills and he simply isn't clever enough. The sad thing is that since his scandal broke a number of years ago, he's become more and more irrelevent. When was the last time someone brought up a Ron Borges column? He's not that dumb that he doesn't realize this, so he has to resort to things like this.

It's all so transparent.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'll side with Pete Sheppard on this argument.


SoSH Member
Jan 11, 2008
Groton, CT
For all of Sheppard's faults, the one thing that he is (at least to me) genuine. In that he genuinely likes the four Boston teams. Does he wave the pom-poms a bit much for the Patriots? I guess. Is he a loud-mouth who stutters, stammers and says stupid stuff? Yes. But he seems to give a shit.

On the other hand, Borges doesn't give a crap about anything. He says the most outlandish things because he thinks he's the Al Davis of the press box. He desperately wants to be a maverick and he wants to be the guy in the black hat the guy hated by all of New England, basically he wants to be Belichick's Col. Egan. But he's not. He doesn't have the intelligence, he doesn't have the writing skills and he simply isn't clever enough. The sad thing is that since his scandal broke a number of years ago, he's become more and more irrelevent. When was the last time someone brought up a Ron Borges column? He's not that dumb that he doesn't realize this, so he has to resort to things like this.

It's all so transparent.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'll side with Pete Sheppard on this argument.
I side with him as well, and even though he can be a bit of an idiot at times I like having one voice who's a genuine fan of all the teams here. I guarantee 100% that Borges never brings up the "debate" on playing important starters on special teams if anybody other than Belichick had one of his players get hurt.

But Sheppard could have done a lot better if he didn't keep going off on stupid tangents like accusing Borges of having dinner with Drew Bledsoe for about 5 straight minutes.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
For all of Sheppard's faults, the one thing that he is (at least to me) genuine. In that he genuinely likes the four Boston teams. Does he wave the pom-poms a bit much for the Patriots? I guess. Is he a loud-mouth who stutters, stammers and says stupid stuff? Yes. But he seems to give a shit.

On the other hand, Borges doesn't give a crap about anything. He says the most outlandish things because he thinks he's the Al Davis of the press box. He desperately wants to be a maverick and he wants to be the guy in the black hat the guy hated by all of New England, basically he wants to be Belichick's Col. Egan. But he's not. He doesn't have the intelligence, he doesn't have the writing skills and he simply isn't clever enough. The sad thing is that since his scandal broke a number of years ago, he's become more and more irrelevent. When was the last time someone brought up a Ron Borges column? He's not that dumb that he doesn't realize this, so he has to resort to things like this.

It's all so transparent.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'll side with Pete Sheppard on this argument.
Spot on. When you're fighting with Pete Shepard, it says something about how very irrelevant you are. Next up for Borges: Meterperel or Wallach?


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2003
I side with him as well, and even though he can be a bit of an idiot at times I like having one voice who's a genuine fan of all the teams here. I guarantee 100% that Borges never brings up the "debate" on playing important starters on special teams if anybody other than Belichick had one of his players get hurt.

But Sheppard could have done a lot better if he didn't keep going off on stupid tangents like accusing Borges of having dinner with Drew Bledsoe for about 5 straight minutes.
The dinner thing was laughable, but again shows that Borges has ZERO credibility. Check out this tweet from Bledsoe yesterday.
@johnpumatang: @doublebackwine(Drew Bledsoe) did Ron Borges ever eat dinner at your house?Him and Pete Sheppard we arguing about it on WEEI” Yes.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
At some point, journalists should just drop the facade of being "objective" because it never works. There are people that you're going to get along with and people you won't, it's silly to pretend that a journalist (especially someone with a personality like Borges or Lupica or any BIG TIME journalist) is going to get along and treat everyone equally.

If Borges said, "Yeah, I went to eat at Bledsoe's house because he's a friend of mine and I think that he got a raw deal by Belichick." would anyone really have a bone to pick with Borges? But Borges is an ass and has to pretend that he's smarter than everyone else by flat out lying. You hear it from sports writers over and over and over and over again when an athlete gets caught in a lie, "It's not the initial lie, it's the cover-up." Yet they rarely ever take their own advice.

Jut own it, man. It's ok if you don't like Belichick, he makes your job dificult. He's kind of an ass. He gave your buddy a raw deal. I may not agree with you, but I understand the reasons. Don't blow smoke up my ass and say that you're objective and you're writing about the Belichick era in an objective manner because that completely insults my intelligence. But again, Ron Borges is the cleverest man in the room, so ...

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
Must disagree that BB gave Bledsoe a raw deal. Drew lost his job to a significantly better player. The fullness of time has shown that pretty clearly. Tough shit, pal. That's pro sports for you. Yes, Brady got his chance because Bledsoe got hurt, but so what?

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
Must disagree that BB gave Bledsoe a raw deal. Drew lost his job to a significantly better player. The fullness of time has shown that pretty clearly. Tough shit, pal. That's pro sports for you. Yes, Brady got his chance because Bledsoe got hurt, but so what?
I think JMOH was saying that no one would get too up in arms over Borges holding the opinion, not that he agreed with it.

The funny part about Borges' constant denials about his animus toward BB is that he'd actually be, for once, INTERESTING if he came clean.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I think JMOH was saying that no one would get too up in arms over Borges holding the opinion, not that he agreed with it.

The funny part about Borges' constant denials about his animus toward BB is that he'd actually be, for once, INTERESTING if he came clean.
MM has it right. I don't think that BB gave Bledsoe a raw deal at all, but it's apparent that Borges does. And it would be refreshing (or interesting) if Borges just admitted it.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
The Bledsoe thing also just shows how Borges still really doesn't get the new media environment in the same way that lots of athletes (and, well, famous people in general) don't. You can't lie nowadays because EVERYONE is accessible to everyone else. The days of controlling information are over.

Of course some D&C listener is going to tweet Bledsoe and of course Bledsoe is going to tweet back. Someone in the media should know that more than anyone, but Borges doesn't and makes himself look like an idiot (i.e., dumber than Meat Sheppard).

To quote Vampire Weekend, "Why would you like about something dumb like that/ Why would you lie about anything at all?"


Skrub's sympathy case
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
I think JMOH was saying that no one would get too up in arms over Borges holding the opinion, not that he agreed with it.

The funny part about Borges' constant denials about his animus toward BB is that he'd actually be, for once, INTERESTING if he came clean.
FWIW category:

I got into a prolonged e-mail conversation with Borges several years ago. Actually, "conversation" is too tame of a word because he was his typical insulting and borish self for a good chunk of it. At one point I accused him of having a vendetta against Belichick and being completely unobjective. In response, he let his guard down and suggested that he was right not to like BB because Belichick was a bad guy. He claimed that Belichick actively campaigned for Pete Carroll's job with Kraft while BB was still employed by the Jets and before Carroll had been fired.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
FWIW category:

I got into a prolonged e-mail conversation with Borges several years ago. Actually, "conversation" is too tame of a word because he was his typical insulting and borish self for a good chunk of it. At one point I accused him of having a vendetta against Belichick and being completely unobjective. In response, he let his guard down and suggested that he was right not to like BB because Belichick was a bad guy. He claimed that Belichick actively campaigned for Pete Carroll's job with Kraft while BB was still employed by the Jets and before Carroll had been fired.
That's funny given that Ron's hero Parcells allegedly did the same thing DURING SUPER BOWL WEEK to go from NE to NYJ.

Anyway, he's lying. The crux of the dislike has always been because Ron was close to Bledsoe (admitting on the old Sunday night sports shows that Bledsoe used to come to him for advice) and Ron was angry that Bledsoe lost his starting QB job to Brady. That's it; Ron claiming that BB's character is the reason is 100% Grade A bullshit.

Anyone with archives access to the Globe or with Westlaw/LexisNexis should read the article Ron wrote on Nov.22, 2001, the day after it was announced that Brady would be the starter the rest of the year, and see both the final heel turn Ron made against BB and how incredibly wrong Borges was in everything he wrote in that article. It's a work of art, really.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
That's funny given that Ron's hero Parcells allegedly did the same thing DURING SUPER BOWL WEEK to go from NE to NYJ.

Anyway, he's lying. The crux of the dislike has always been because Ron was close to Bledsoe (admitting on the old Sunday night sports shows that Bledsoe used to come to him for advice) and Ron was angry that Bledsoe lost his starting QB job to Brady. That's it; Ron claiming that BB's character is the reason is 100% Grade A bullshit.
You do realize that it doesn't have to be one or the other right? That he could really dislike BB for both reasons because he liked both Bledsoe and Carroll and he thinks both got a raw deal?

Now before you fly off the handle, I'm not saying either got a raw deal, just that someone that was close to both might believe that.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
You do realize that it doesn't have to be one or the other right? That he could really dislike BB for both reasons because he liked both Bledsoe and Carroll and he thinks both got a raw deal?

Now before you fly off the handle, I'm not saying either got a raw deal, just that someone that was close to both might believe that.
A reasonable person who understands the way pro sports work would not believe that. Ron's a crazy person. Besides, he didn't even like Carroll; he's the one who got into a shouting match with Pete at a presser after a game and essentially labelled him too soft to be the coach of the team.

So, no, I don't believe that. I fully believe that Ron's real reason for hating BB is the one I gave above. His writings reflect that; there is a sharp change in content and tone starting the day I mentioned and continuing ever since.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
What's funny about this whole situation is that the one guy who was most affected, Bledsoe, while obviously pissed off initially, appears to have long since moved on. He comes back to Foxboro from time to time (throwing a TD pass to Troy Brown during this season's home opener, that unfortunately did not count), and while he probably doesn't exchange Christmas cards with Belichick, he's never really shown any lingering bitterness.

Meanwhile, Borges has become a cartoon character along the lines of Tom Jackson. How he's still employed is beyond me.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
What's funny about this whole situation is that the one guy who was most affected, Bledsoe, while obviously pissed off initially, appears to have long since moved on. He comes back to Foxboro from time to time (throwing a TD pass to Troy Brown during this season's home opener, that unfortunately did not count), and while he probably doesn't exchange Christmas cards with Belichick, he's never really shown any lingering bitterness.
That Bledsoe moment on the field with Troy Brown was so cool to see in person, as was his own induction last year, where the fans gave him one of the best ovations I've ever been a part of. Drew's lingering popularity with the fans in New England despite the way things ended for him here and in general in the league is exhibit A in what being a gracious and humble professional athlete does for your lasting legacy. That guy has something figured out, that's for sure.
Anyway, he's lying. The crux of the dislike has always been because Ron was close to Bledsoe (admitting on the old Sunday night sports shows that Bledsoe used to come to him for advice) and Ron was angry that Bledsoe lost his starting QB job to Brady. That's it; Ron claiming that BB's character is the reason is 100% Grade A bullshit.
Kerry Byrne wrote this scathing piece on Borges years ago, asking for Borges firing. http://www.bostonspo...roadsheet-bully

One of his arguments explains how lazy Borges is and how much more difficult his job got when Belichick replaced Bledsoe:

Borges thinks his job is too hard
Interestingly, it was the 2002 trade of Bledsoe, whom Borges continues to defend to this day, that sparked an increase in the reporter’s attacks against the organization. Sports insiders say the loss of Borges’ most coveted source (and even his friend) sparked his anger at the organization. There’s a reason, then, why Borges is often first in line to complain about the organization's unwillingness to share information with the media. Other reporters still seem capable of digging up great stories about the team, including Felger and the Boston Globe’s Mike Reiss, among others. But Borges just lashes out at the team, asserting that the team does everything it can to make his job as difficult as possible. New England is, of course, notoriously tight-lipped with the media. But we didn’t know making Ron’s life easy was part of the mission of the New England Patriots. We thought it was Borges’ mission to ferret out good stories and the organization’s mission to win Super Bowls and sell tickets. Well, only one party here is succeeding.

I also loved this snippet. Byrne includes Borges' comments from an ESPN Radio interview in 2006. What a fucking delusional blowhard:
“You know what I find interesting about this? People always like to do this, say, “You know, Borges, what do you got against Belichick? Blah, blah, blah. Anyone ever say ‘Hey, Belichick, what do you got against Borges? What’s your problem with him? Have you had anything to do with this?’ No one ever, ever does it.”


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
The last thing I want to do is defend Ron Borges, but if Pete Sheppard could bid in an auction to win the opportunity to clean Tom Brady's pool, he would empty his bank account. I'm guessing he would accept a dinner invitation too.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
The last thing I want to do is defend Ron Borges, but if Pete Sheppard could bid in an auction to win the opportunity to clean Tom Brady's pool, he would empty his bank account. I'm guessing he would accept a dinner invitation too.
Like SJH said, it doesn't matter that Sheppard loves Brady. We all know that he does and he doesn't hide it. Borges lies about it and writes story after story about how crappy the Pats are under the guise of journalistic integrity. And that's the bullshit everyone is calling him.

Besides, Sheppard and Borges don't have the same job. They are quite different.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
I love that Borges hates BB and therefore I guess the Pats because of what happened with Bledsoe, but Bledsoe himself seems okay with things.


Skrub's sympathy case
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
If Borges hates the Patriots over what happened with Brady and Bledsoe, I also love that. I mean, I could sort of understand being upset at the time. Drew was a franchise QB and lost his job while injured. (I wonder if any SF writers have assburn over Kaepernick-Smith). But It's not like Brady turned out to be Mark Sanchez. Anyone, anywhere who looked down his nose at the HC over his handling of Bledsoe has to admit that BB was on to something when he stayed with Brady.

But as much I believe that the Bledsoe angle factors in, life is rarely that binary. I'm guessing that in reality there are a multitude of reasons -- all of them asinine -- that underly why Ronny has decided that BB is the Devil. And it's not as if Borges waited for Belichick to make the right move with Brady-Bledsoe before he teed off on Belichick. Borges' moronic Seymour-Light-Terrell column came out after the 2001 draft and before the Bledsoe decision if I'm not mistaken.