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Just a bit outside

SoSH Member
Apr 6, 2011
Monument, CO
Green has always been a bully. The Warriors have encouraged it because it helps them win and the league has been good with it because the Warriors are a draw. He should have been thrown out of nearly every game the last few years but because he is Draymond he has gotten away with it. Draymond has been allowed to cross the line before. This is just an extension of who he has always been. It will be interesting if he finally went to far.


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way
Warriors have to suspend him, and he has to go along with it (if he has any brains). They'll put this behind them because they have enough leadership on that team to overcome two guys who hate each other.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Warriors have to suspend him, and he has to go along with it (if he has any brains). They'll put this behind them because they have enough leadership on that team to overcome two guys who hate each other.
Yeah i dont know about that. Poole has to deal with this too now that the video is out.

I'm fine being wrong but im writing them off for this year. Your team doesnt recover from this type of shit.


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Yeah i dont know about that. Poole has to deal with this too now that the video is out.

I'm fine being wrong but im writing them off for this year. Your team doesnt recover from this type of shit.
Don't really see how you can write them off. They're clearly one of the best teams in the league this year and have a lot of growth potential from the young guys. I think it'll definitely be somewhat of a distraction. We'll have to see how much based on what the Warriors or league officially decide to do. Seven months from now, this story could be a distant memory. The variable here is that Draymond doesn't shut his mouth so he might make things worse to prevent the Warriors from burying it.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Wow, that’s a punch punch. Whatever Poole might’ve said before, he was clearly trying to defuse the situation and put his head down when Dray walked over to him. I guess you can flick off a punch if someone pushes you, but Dray jumped into that one against a guy on his heels with his hands down. Pretty damn cheap and gross.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
Right? Reading about this and the pretty mild Warriors reaction, I assumed it was a tussle that got out of hand or whatever,
I mean, that's assault. Like, in nearly any other profession if you do this to a coworker you get fired at the minimum and cops are probably called.
Yep. It is flat out assault. How on earth can the Warriors be saying there'll be no suspension? That is really bush league. It does make Myers comments about being glad Poole wasn't hurt make more sense....but all the more it means they're letting an assault go by largely unpunished.

Wonder if after this leak they'll have to change course. If not, the NBA needs to step in.

And, yeah, kudos to whomever leaked this...gotta wonder who that was.

edit: Just to add a lot of the reports have Poole pushing Green and Green responding with a punch. Which is sort of technically true. But Green walked over to him/over him and Poole putting up his arms and pushing Green away shouldn't be conflated with any sort of aggressive push.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
Green has always been a bully. The Warriors have encouraged it because it helps them win and the league has been good with it because the Warriors are a draw. He should have been thrown out of nearly every game the last few years but because he is Draymond he has gotten away with it. Draymond has been allowed to cross the line before. This is just an extension of who he has always been. It will be interesting if he finally went to far.
By went too far you mean if the media, the team, the league and refs will stop having a completely different set of rules for him? Oh, and his coach, who thinks that Marcus Smart crosses a line when he dives for a loose ball but Draymond is always justified?

My magic 8 ball says outlook not so good.


Head Mason
SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2006
Draymond has gotten away with so much bullshit for so long, I have trouble believing this should be the thing that finally gets him the punishment he deserves. The guy is a punk and acts like a borderline personality 95% of the time and is treated like basketball royalty. It's disgusting. This is on another level, of course.


New Member
Apr 16, 2020
Springfield, MA
Don’t worry the Warriors are on top of it and investigating the situation.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Reporting w/ <a href="^tfw">@wojespn</a>: The Golden State Warriors are taking “every legal course of action” to discover how video of Draymond Green punching Jordan Poole during a scuffle at practice on Wednesday was made public, sources told ESPN.</p>&mdash; Ramona Shelburne (@ramonashelburne) <a href="View:
">October 7, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
I have a ton of respect for both Myers and Kerr, both for basketball savvy but also in the case of Kerr being such an intelligent positive force. If they're literally prioritizing a Nixonian chase for the leaker, the need to pay a price.

Sox Puppet

SoSH Member
Dec 7, 2016
From the player whose "contributions" to the Finals included this type of play, nothing surprises me.


Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
After seeing the video, I'm pretty sure it was a basketball move. It was his natural reflexes taking over again. Surprised he didn't aim for the nuts.

The Mort Report

SoSH Member
Aug 5, 2007
Don’t worry the Warriors are on top of it and investigating the situation.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Reporting w/ <a href="^tfw">@wojespn</a>: The Golden State Warriors are taking “every legal course of action” to discover how video of Draymond Green punching Jordan Poole during a scuffle at practice on Wednesday was made public, sources told ESPN.</p>&mdash; Ramona Shelburne (@ramonashelburne) <a href="View:
">October 7, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
I'm no lawyer, but as people have said up thread, this is pretty obviously assault. If the Warriors kept the video to themselves, isn't what they are doing is basically covering up a crime? What kind of threshold is there that the team is liable to provide this information to law enforcement? I know it obviously won't matter in this case because it will never happen, but just curious what the law states

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Poole pushed him first, though Green did the bump thing that instigated the whole thing. Not sure if that would matter in a court of law or not.

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
I'm no lawyer, but as people have said up thread, this is pretty obviously assault. If the Warriors kept the video to themselves, isn't what they are doing is basically covering up a crime? What kind of threshold is there that the team is liable to provide this information to law enforcement? I know it obviously won't matter in this case because it will never happen, but just curious what the law states
GSW is under no obligation at this point to give the video to anyone.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
What? Draymond walks right into him first.
Yeah, the bump thing that instigated it. Would that be assault though? Poole's shove would be, at least isolated.

edit: I'm not a lawyer so I don't know how instigation plays into all of it. Or if the initial walk into the person is assault.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Or put another way, if this was a regular season game and Green didn't throw the punch... He continues to play while Poole is ejected.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
Sources: Warriors 'aggressively investigating' leak of practice scuffle video

The Golden State Warriors are taking "every legal course of action" to discover how video of Draymond Green punching Jordan Poole during a scuffle at practice on Wednesday was made public, sources told ESPN.

Green apologized to the team and Poole on Thursday, before Warriors coach Steve Kerr, general manager Bob Myers and teammate Stephen Curry addressed the media regarding the incident.

TMZ on Friday morning published video of the incident, which took place during a practice closed to the media.

In the video, Green steps up to Poole, who reacts by shoving the Warriors veteran. Green then punches Poole, knocking him down, before several people at the practice intervene to break it up. There was no video showing what led up to the incident.

Sources told ESPN that the Warriors have been "aggressively investigating" both the incident and the release of the video.

The Warriors are still in the process of disciplining Green, but Myers said before the video was released that he did not expect Green to miss any games due to punishment.
I would love to see GSW try and explain him missing zero games if they stick by that...

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Sources: Warriors 'aggressively investigating' leak of practice scuffle video
I would love to see GSW try and explain him missing zero games if they stick by that...
"This happens all the time in practice for every single team. The only thing different is that a video was leaked. We handle this in house and it was handled."

That or Poole isn't 100% innocent in the situation.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2001
I don't quite understand the shock and horror. This is who Green is. The modern day Artest or Oakley. I don't approve and I sincerely wish the LEAGUE had put a stop to his nonsense years ago. The people saying he wouldn't have done this to Boogie are correct, but Poole was absolutely playing with fire.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
"This happens all the time in practice for every single team. The only thing different is that a video was leaked. We handle this in house and it was handled."

That or Poole isn't 100% innocent in the situation.
The issue here though is there is a video. And it's bad. So all the "this happens all the time" people are going to be upset when the nba steps in and sits his dumb ass down for 5-10 games. The video changed everything. We didn't see jordan punch kerr, we just heard about it. Yes it's dumb but it does make a difference in public opinion/pressure.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
I don't quite understand the shock and horror. This is who Green is. The modern day Artest or Oakley. I don't approve and I sincerely wish the LEAGUE had put a stop to his nonsense years ago. The people saying he wouldn't have done this to Boogie are correct, but Poole was absolutely playing with fire.
The shock is we saw a damn suckerpunch in a random practice before the season even starts. There's a video of it.

I'd also counter Poole playing with fire. Court trash talking isnt on the same level of how Dray responded.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
The issue here though is there is a video. And it's bad. So all the "this happens all the time" people are going to be upset when the nba steps in and sits his dumb ass down for 5-10 games. The video changed everything. We didn't see jordan punch kerr, we just heard about it. Yes it's dumb but it does make a difference in public opinion/pressure.
I'm not one of those people fwiw. I just see that as the excuse, it's always been the excuse. We've see how much difference a video makes, though.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Can you please explain why? I'm genuinely curious why a company doesn't have to report a crime, especially between employees
The law rarely makes you do everything. Do you want to be liable for not calling in a dangerous driver or a jaywalker or a fight or drug deal?

The Mort Report

SoSH Member
Aug 5, 2007
The law rarely makes you do everything. Do you want to be liable for not calling in a dangerous driver or a jaywalker or a fight or drug deal?
I know, I actually edited out a line understanding that a person isn't forced to report crimes, but it just feels odd that a company doesn't or shouldn't have to.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Poole a little bit dumb for not expecting that punch. Green has shown what a fucking unhinged clown he is previously so you need to be wary around a guy like that.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
Everything else aside, if I'm Poole, I tell the team that either he's gone or I'm gone. Forcing Poole to share the floor with him and force them to play nice? Kind of fucked up.

jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
So all the "this happens all the time" people are going to be upset when the nba steps in and sits his dumb ass down for 5-10 games.
Actually I think if that's what happens, no one will care as no one cares (or should care) about early season NBA.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
This thing just makes me really angry.

Complete fucking bully move. He runs up on Poole, knowing as an instinct Poole will push him off to give him free reign to clock him. And it was 100% a sucker punch. Dray knows Poole and the type of guy he is, he knew he could pull that.

Just gross.
He's the same guy who went back to Michigan State and got into multiple physical altercations with a member of the football team. He insists that his status allows him to do this to people. His apologies are worthless.

ESPN Story


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
Applying real world norms to professional sports continues to be dumb. You do something similar in hockey and get 5 minutes, maybe an added 10 minute misconduct. Similarly, I can’t lower my shoulder into my coworker and only get a charging foul. Sports operate with a different set of laws.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2004
Saskatoon Canada
From the player whose "contributions" to the Finals included this type of play, nothing surprises me.

We went through this at the time, and I'll take the heat again. But, this play is almost nothing. The ball goes in you don't call a foul. Tatum tried to hit him and whiffed, kinda like the McHale Mahorn play. Not flagrantly dirty at all. When competing for rebounds was a thing this type of stuff happened every play.

As for McHale I loved what he said about Draymond.

“I can guarantee you one thing, tall skilled beats small skilled all the time…a small skilled beats a big stiff all the time. … I would’ve loved having a Draymond Green guard me, I don’t care how many threes, what he would do. He couldn’t grow enough to guard me”

Sox Puppet

SoSH Member
Dec 7, 2016
You guys are such enablers.

Practice isn’t no contact.
Right, because it's common to sucker-punch a teammate in the face during a break in the game.

We went through this at the time, and I'll take the heat again. But, this play is almost nothing. The ball goes in you don't call a foul. Tatum tried to hit him and whiffed, kinda like the McHale Mahorn play. Not flagrantly dirty at all. When competing for rebounds was a thing this type of stuff happened every play.
Uh huh. A guy tries to box you out and you chop him across the neck from behind, then throw him backwards with both arms. Sure.
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