That was then: Celebrating what was


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
Yeah, IIRC, the narrative was "the Vikes with their two stud space-eater DTs are so stout up front - the Pats won't be able to run at all!"

And in the game, it was, "the Pats will just throw the ball over the stud space eaters, who will play the role of Yao Ming's chair(s) while being irrelevant to the action around them."

Good times! But yeah, that's kind of the definition of "what was"


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2010
Regular season only, that game against SF represented the most passing yards Brady had ever thrown in a loss. 443 pass yards on 65 (!) attempts.

And I know it's been mentioned here or in the Brady thread, but he threw 50+ passes 39 times in his career - counting both regular season and post season. Of those 39 times:

reg season: 29 times, 19 wins, 10 losses
post season: 10 times, 6 wins, 4 losses

So 39 times throwing 50+ passes: 25 wins, 14 losses, .641

That's absolutely insane.

EDIT: Just for comparison's sake, here's the same data for Peyton Manning.

reg season: 17 times, 4 wins, 13 losses
post season: 0 times

But he did throw 40+ times in the postseason 12 times and went 3-9 in those games.

For the vast majority of QBs, throwing a ton of passes happens in losing efforts. But for Brady, it usually led to victories. Overwhelmingly so actually. And a large data pool to observe. The opposite of being a "system quarterback", it turned out that more than anyone else, teams rode Brady's arm to victory.

This Kerry Byrne tweet is from 2022, but the numbers are eye opening:
Most wins 50+ pass attempts in game: #TomBrady 22-10 .688 (3-1 2021) #WarrenMoon 5-5 .500
#DanMarino 5-11 .313
#DonovanMcNabb 4-2 .667
#DrewBledsoe 4-9 .308
#PeytonManning 4-13 .235
@drewbrees 4-15 .211
Several QBs 3 wins

All QBs not #TB12 117-470-8 (.194)


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
Regular season only, that game against SF represented the most passing yards Brady had ever thrown in a loss. 443 pass yards on 65 (!) attempts.

And I know it's been mentioned here or in the Brady thread, but he threw 50+ passes 39 times in his career - counting both regular season and post season. Of those 39 times:

reg season: 29 times, 19 wins, 10 losses
post season: 10 times, 6 wins, 4 losses

So 39 times throwing 50+ passes: 25 wins, 14 losses, .641

That's absolutely insane.

EDIT: Just for comparison's sake, here's the same data for Peyton Manning.

reg season: 17 times, 4 wins, 13 losses
post season: 0 times

But he did throw 40+ times in the postseason 12 times and went 3-9 in those games.

For the vast majority of QBs, throwing a ton of passes happens in losing efforts. But for Brady, it usually led to victories. Overwhelmingly so actually. And a large data pool to observe. The opposite of being a "system quarterback", it turned out that more than anyone else, teams rode Brady's arm to victory.
The above is truly one of the most amazing stats of the Tom Brady era. He literally broke the statistic. "System QB" my ass!!! :p


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
The Patriots have had 28 seasons with 10+ regular season wins. 18 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have had 13 seasons with 12+ regular season wins. All 12 were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have been to 15 AFCCGs. 13 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have scored 400+ points 20 times. 15 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have had a point differential of +125 or greater 14 times. 13 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have had an average margin of victory of 7.5 points or more 14 times. 13 of them were in the BB/TB era.

Those were good days.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
The Patriots have had 28 seasons with 10+ regular season wins. 18 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have had 13 seasons with 12+ regular season wins. All 12 were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have been to 15 AFCCGs. 13 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have scored 400+ points 20 times. 15 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have had a point differential of +125 or greater 14 times. 13 of them were in the BB/TB era.

The Patriots have had an average margin of victory of 7.5 points or more 14 times. 13 of them were in the BB/TB era.

Those were good days.
And twice they went more than a year between losses.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
So the Pats are going to finish this year with a negative turnover differential which is no surprise. I'm kind of surprised they had a positive differential in 2020, and 2022.

But I'm really surprised that the last time they had a negative turnover differential was 2005. I'd have guessed it never happened from 2001 to 2019.


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
Has this been posted anywhere? This may be the greatest single Patriots podcast of all time.

Gronk at his absolute best. Spends large stretches of the podcast talking about how much he hates the Colts. Shares a theory that they retired Andrew Luck because he felt defeated never being able to beat the Patriots.

Tells the story of what he gave Bill O’Brien as an answer when asked “what’s the most adversity you’ve ever faced?”

Also shares his belief that Connecticut is not a part of New England.

All gold.

Last edited:


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
With BB's departure, we're officially in "celebrating what was." (and it was glorious. But we're on to next.).

I loved this post that @CR67dream putin another thread, and thought it belonged here, too, as we think about where the arc that stretched into football's greatest dynasty stretches from here.

It may be the power of suggestion, but I think I remember that too. Tippet was a freak of nature in that era, and remains one of my favorite Patriots of all time. I can only imagine the intoxication involved that affected the judgement of a punter enough to start shit with the man.

I was 18 during their '85 run, and man, was it magical. Surreal even. Even with a stellar regular season, no one dared even imagine a Super Bowl appearance. After beating Cincinatti at home to clinch a playoff berth and an 11-5 mark, the fans ripped down the goalposts, and several were electrocuted while marching them down the street. At that point, the Pats hadn't won a playoff game since 1963, four years before I was born. When they were in the AFL.

Then came the road warriors. Off to the Meadowlands they went, walking out with a 26-14 triumph. Next up the Raiders, a 27-20 win so improbable that almost 40 years later I am still gobsmacked. Speaking of smacked, the only time I had any respect for Pat Sullivan was watching him trash the Raiders while bleeding from the gash Matt Millen put on his forehead with his helmet. Mosi Tatupu was a beast that day, as I'm sure @doldmoose34 would attest. Still a top 10 game in Pats history for me. I started to believe New Orleans was in reach.

Next up, the Fish. I will never forget Tippet at the rally they held before heading south promising that they were going down there to "rip their faces off". And rip them off they did. Miami turned the ball over six times, four fumbles and two Marino picks. Tony Eason threw the ball just twelve times, going 10-12 for 71 yards. The ground game was insane, picking up 255 yards on 59 attempts. They just ground the dolphins into the dust. The Fish were squished.

We all know what happened next, but it is still by far the least painful Super Bowl loss I've experienced. What. A. Run.

This all started off thinking about Tippet, but it also reminds me just how unbelievable it is that this once joke of a franchise, whose fans were so excited to even get to the dance that goalposts ended up as an electrical conduit, has now given to us all that it has. It also reminds me that success is fragile and vulnerable. In '85, it was 22 years since a playoff win. After '85. it was over a decade until the next playoff win. I've learned to take nothing for granted.

The Belichick/Brady era is by far the most impressive display of consistent excellence that I've ever witnessed, and my gratitude is almost immeasurable. Yesterday hit me in a way that I didn't expect and that transcended football.

That said, I'll always treasure that first taste of glory, on par with the years they won the Lombardi except for the first.

I mean, the Bears weren't losing that year. I'll also note, they've won nothing since.

As I said, I've learned to take nothing for granted.

Manuel Aristides

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2009
The team was so good, for so long, it ruined me for football. For a decade+ now, regular season games barely moved the needle for me. I typically choose red zone over the pats because, yawn, another two score win over a bad team. To paraphrase the former president, they won so much I got tired of winning. My fandom was satiated. Maybe some day the hunger will return, but I kind of doubt it. We ate so well for so long, who could ever be hungry again?

The Social Chair

SoSH Member
Feb 17, 2010
The team was so good, for so long, it ruined me for football. For a decade+ now, regular season games barely moved the needle for me. I typically choose red zone over the pats because, yawn, another two score win over a bad team. To paraphrase the former president, they won so much I got tired of winning. My fandom was satiated. Maybe some day the hunger will return, but I kind of doubt it. We ate so well for so long, who could ever be hungry again?
This is not a common perspective. Most Patriots fans actually liked watching Tom Brady play.

Manuel Aristides

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2009
This is not a common perspective. Most Patriots fans actually liked watching Tom Brady play.
Thanks for swinging in to call me weird? I deeply enjoyed watching Brady play, sorry for not properly revering all 29+ days worth of regular season football minutes he accumulated with the team.


SoSH Member
May 11, 2011
Thanks for swinging in to call me weird? I deeply enjoyed watching Brady play, sorry for not properly revering all 29+ days worth of regular season football minutes he accumulated with the team.
He said it was an uncommon perspective. Because it is. It’s a fairly entitled view of what we witnessed. Most of us watched every second. You didn’t, and that’s fine, it’s just not how the majority of us chose to experience it.


blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Based on what we've been hearing now that BB is gone - even if only part of it is true - I am going to say that the 2018 championship may be the most impressive of them all.

By this point there was clearly lots of internal tension within the organization - between Brady and Belichick, between Belichick and Kraft (especially Jonathan). The recent drafts hadn't gone very well and they were definitely not the best version of the Patriots. But they managed to go 11-5 and make the AFCCG, where they played one of the great games in franchise history against Mahomes and KC. A legendary fourth quarter and overtime led to the upset victory, and then came the masterclass in defensive coaching by Belichick in the Super Bowl, when clearly the offense was not remotely firing on all cylinders.

If you look back on that, with everything swirling around that organization, it's incredible that they won it all that year. A testament to all the men who had to put all those distractions aside for the good of the team, and they pulled it off. Amazing.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
Based on what we've been hearing now that BB is gone - even if only part of it is true - I am going to say that the 2018 championship may be the most impressive of them all.

By this point there was clearly lots of internal tension within the organization - between Brady and Belichick, between Belichick and Kraft (especially Jonathan). The recent drafts hadn't gone very well and they were definitely not the best version of the Patriots. But they managed to go 11-5 and make the AFCCG, where they played one of the great games in franchise history against Mahomes and KC. A legendary fourth quarter and overtime led to the upset victory, and then came the masterclass in defensive coaching by Belichick in the Super Bowl, when clearly the offense was not remotely firing on all cylinders.

If you look back on that, with everything swirling around that organization, it's incredible that they won it all that year. A testament to all the men who had to put all those distractions aside for the good of the team, and they pulled it off. Amazing.
I'd say it was the least probable aside from 2001. I mean they had Brady, Gronk, and Edelman, who the world knew as HOF'ers come 2018.

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009
Based on what we've been hearing now that BB is gone - even if only part of it is true - I am going to say that the 2018 championship may be the most impressive of them all.

By this point there was clearly lots of internal tension within the organization - between Brady and Belichick, between Belichick and Kraft (especially Jonathan). The recent drafts hadn't gone very well and they were definitely not the best version of the Patriots. But they managed to go 11-5 and make the AFCCG, where they played one of the great games in franchise history against Mahomes and KC. A legendary fourth quarter and overtime led to the upset victory, and then came the masterclass in defensive coaching by Belichick in the Super Bowl, when clearly the offense was not remotely firing on all cylinders.

If you look back on that, with everything swirling around that organization, it's incredible that they won it all that year. A testament to all the men who had to put all those distractions aside for the good of the team, and they pulled it off. Amazing.
Exactly. Not to take anything away from anyone but while Brady was TOM F’ING BRADY in the AFCCG against KC, it’s hard to argue the SB was “all Brady.” I know the last throw to Gronk was iconic but holy shit, that JMac breakup of the pass to Cooks in the end zone where he ran like 30 yards was nuts and one of my favorite plays of the dynasty.


SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2009
São Paulo - Brazil
Exactly. Not to take anything away from anyone but while Brady was TOM F’ING BRADY in the AFCCG against KC, it’s hard to argue the SB was “all Brady.” I know the last throw to Gronk was iconic but holy shit, that JMac breakup of the pass to Cooks in the end zone where he ran like 30 yards was nuts and one of my favorite plays of the dynasty.
In the last 9 games of 2018 (including playoffs) the Patriots passing game produced at the level of Kansas City's by EPA/Play. Of course the Super Bowl itself was won on defense (though they still had 410 yards of offense), but they held the Lombardi at the end of that season due to offense. Gronk wasn't Gronk anymore, Edelman was coming off an ACL tear, the rest of the options were horrible, they still threw the ball at an elite level when it was needed and then on top of it they figured out a way to run the ball.


SoSH Member
Oct 9, 2006
Exactly. Not to take anything away from anyone but while Brady was TOM F’ING BRADY in the AFCCG against KC, it’s hard to argue the SB was “all Brady.” I know the last throw to Gronk was iconic but holy shit, that JMac breakup of the pass to Cooks in the end zone where he ran like 30 yards was nuts and one of my favorite plays of the dynasty.
The KC game is probably the perfect game to point to as to why it was not just because of Brady or just because of Bill.

In the first half, the defense was amazing and the offense played ball-control and it should have been 21-0 at half if not for a bad Brady pick. This is BB's greatness.

Then the second half where KC figures a few things out (including that the refs won't call pick plays). Brady has to work his magic multiple times to keep the Pats in the game and then win it with three amazing third and long connections.

Put any other QB with BB or any other coach with Brady and the Pats probably lose that game 75% of the time.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
20 years ago today Ty Law picked off Peyton Manning three times in the AFC Championship Game.
The first half of that game was probably my favorite half of the entire dynasty. I'd even place it above 28-3. It was the most ass kickingest ass kicking in the history of ass kicking. If you have an hour, sit back and enjoy.

As a reminder, the Colts had gone 12-4, scored 27.9 PPG (2nd in the league), and then scored 41 and 38 points in their first two playoff games, famously not punting.

Then, they came to Foxboro, and the snow. Their first half drives:
Snap over punter's head, safety

4 possessions. 4 turnovers. And they didn't punt for the 5th straight half! In fact, they only punted once because 4 of their second half drives also ended with turnovers (2 interceptions, 2 on downs).



don't Judge me
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2005
The first half of that game was probably my favorite half of the entire dynasty. I'd even place it above 28-3. It was the most ass kickingest ass kicking in the history of ass kicking. If you have an hour, sit back and enjoy.

As a reminder, the Colts had gone 12-4, scored 27.9 PPG (2nd in the league), and then scored 41 and 38 points in their first two playoff games, famously not punting.

Then, they came to Foxboro, and the snow. Their first half drives:
Snap over punter's head, safety

4 possessions. 4 turnovers. And they didn't punt for the 5th straight half! In fact, they only punted once because 4 of their second half drives also ended with turnovers (2 interceptions, 2 on downs).

The final score (24-14) doesn't do that ass-whipping any justice. I'm still annoyed they gave up points in that game. Dropped INT in the endzone could've kept a shutout intact. Who knows after that..


Well-Known Member
Gold Supporter
SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
The first half of that game was probably my favorite half of the entire dynasty. I'd even place it above 28-3. It was the most ass kickingest ass kicking in the history of ass kicking. If you have an hour, sit back and enjoy.

As a reminder, the Colts had gone 12-4, scored 27.9 PPG (2nd in the league), and then scored 41 and 38 points in their first two playoff games, famously not punting.

Then, they came to Foxboro, and the snow. Their first half drives:
Snap over punter's head, safety

4 possessions. 4 turnovers. And they didn't punt for the 5th straight half! In fact, they only punted once because 4 of their second half drives also ended with turnovers (2 interceptions, 2 on downs).

Yup. I don't know who was favored in that game but it certainly felt like everyone assumed the Colts were going to win that game. Just an amazingly satisfying win.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
Yup. I don't know who was favored in that game but it certainly felt like everyone assumed the Colts were going to win that game. Just an amazingly satisfying win.
Pats -3.5 per Pro Football Reference

But, everyone in the national media was taking Indy. Everyone.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
The final score (24-14) doesn't do that ass-whipping any justice. I'm still annoyed they gave up points in that game. Dropped INT in the endzone could've kept a shutout intact. Who knows after that..
That was the game that got Bill Polian to change the rules to make it easier for Manning to dominate. I guess we all knew they'd do that very thing the next year....

oh wait.


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Now that BB is gone and the Golden Era of Patriots football is officially over, here's some of my favorite players and moments....

Favorite players:
Tom Brady - Obviously. The most impactful Boston athlete of my lifetime, and it's not close. He's not my favorite (Pedro is) but he's by far the most impactful.
Rob Gronkowski - How do you not love what this guy did in New England? Just a ton of fun and the greatest to ever play his position.
Matthew Slater - Special teams ace extraordinaire, just a class act all the way around and an all time great.
Ty Law - HOF player with the biggest play of SB 36. Love his work post-retirement too. Legend.
Julian Edelman - Never saw a guy put more into it and get more out of it than him. Absolute clutch performer in every way.
Tedy Bruschi - BB called him the perfect player. Played for years before the TB/BB era but was a huge part of three championships.
Vince Wilfork - Absolute stud and rock in the middle of the defense. Fun loving guy too. Easy to root for.

Favorite teams:
2001 SB champs - Yeah, the one that started it all. First group to be introduced as a team. Came following 9/11. Just epic.
2007 AFC champs - I know they didn't win it all, but I've never seen a team dominate their opposition all year like these guys. Got to see prime Brady-to-Moss.
2014 SB champs - This was the second most important championship the Pats have had, IMO. Will write a book about this team someday.
2018 SB champs - We knew it was winding down, and this wasn't the best team of them all, but the way they beat KC in the AFCCG, then stifled the Rams...awesome

Favorite moments:
Being introduced as a team in SB 36. Goosebumps. Chills. Incredible.
Vinatieri's kicks in the divisional round vs. Oak, and then the two to win SB 36 and SB 38.
James White running it in vs. Atlanta in OT to win SB 51.
Brady-to-Moss for Brady's 50th TD and Moss' 23rd TD. Just a thing of beauty.
Julian to Amendola for the TD against the Ravens in the Divisional Round.
The Manning Face after playoff losses to NE in 2003 and 2004. (technically the games were played in 2004 and 2005)
Ben Watson running down Champ Bailey after the pick. Not that that turned out well but it just was an epic moment that personified the Patriots.
Winning the SB vs Atlanta in a year in which Brady was stupidly suspended. Total FU to the league.
Ty Law sprinting down the left sideline with his hand held up after intercepting Kurt Warner.
Gronk throwing the Colt defender out of the club.
Jonas Gray's epic 4 TD game out of absolutely nowhere. Next man up mentality at work.

Man I could do this all day. Just an unbelievable time to be a Pats' fan. The Golden Era is over, but it was the single greatest dynasty the NFL has ever seen, and it will not be matched, ever. We got to live it, folks. We did. Patriots fans. Nobody else.


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way
The first half of that game was probably my favorite half of the entire dynasty. I'd even place it above 28-3. It was the most ass kickingest ass kicking in the history of ass kicking. If you have an hour, sit back and enjoy.

As a reminder, the Colts had gone 12-4, scored 27.9 PPG (2nd in the league), and then scored 41 and 38 points in their first two playoff games, famously not punting.

Then, they came to Foxboro, and the snow. Their first half drives:
Snap over punter's head, safety

4 possessions. 4 turnovers. And they didn't punt for the 5th straight half! In fact, they only punted once because 4 of their second half drives also ended with turnovers (2 interceptions, 2 on downs).

This is one of my all-time favorite games, like game 6 of the 2008 NBA finals. No apprehension, pure ass-kicking. They were talking pre-game about how the Colts punter hadn't even had to stretch his leg in the playoffs.

A buddy of mine was talking with me the week before and saying that he wished that he had a nice place to watch the game, so I called an old friend who owned a place in Brighton. He said that his main place was under reno but he had a new, second location. I asked about reservations for game day, and they didn't do that. But he said that he'd hold a table for us. So he and I show up with our wives, and I drop the owner's name at the front door and their eyes bug out. Apparently the guy had never reserved a table before, and we got the full Ray Liotta treatment, walked over to the table with three homemade "Reserved" signs on it, chairs brought out. We were halfway through our second beers, and the game was already over. Great day.
Oct 12, 2023
That's nuts.

More nuts, Kraft was the same age I am now in that picture. It's incomprehensible to me.

And I loved that season. I needed that season.

I'm glad Mr. Kraft is still here.
Each teams' best 5-year stretches during the TB/BB era:

View attachment 76770
Perhaps it’s the way you phrased it but the TB/BB era shouldn’t include the KC 2018-2022 run if that era is defined by when Brady was in New England with BB


New Member
May 16, 2017
Now that BB is gone and the Golden Era of Patriots football is officially over, here's some of my favorite players and moments....

Favorite players:
Tom Brady - Obviously. The most impactful Boston athlete of my lifetime, and it's not close. He's not my favorite (Pedro is) but he's by far the most impactful.
Rob Gronkowski - How do you not love what this guy did in New England? Just a ton of fun and the greatest to ever play his position.
Matthew Slater - Special teams ace extraordinaire, just a class act all the way around and an all time great.
Ty Law - HOF player with the biggest play of SB 36. Love his work post-retirement too. Legend.
Julian Edelman - Never saw a guy put more into it and get more out of it than him. Absolute clutch performer in every way.
Tedy Bruschi - BB called him the perfect player. Played for years before the TB/BB era but was a huge part of three championships.
Vince Wilfork - Absolute stud and rock in the middle of the defense. Fun loving guy too. Easy to root for.

Favorite teams:
2001 SB champs - Yeah, the one that started it all. First group to be introduced as a team. Came following 9/11. Just epic.
2007 AFC champs - I know they didn't win it all, but I've never seen a team dominate their opposition all year like these guys. Got to see prime Brady-to-Moss.
2014 SB champs - This was the second most important championship the Pats have had, IMO. Will write a book about this team someday.
2018 SB champs - We knew it was winding down, and this wasn't the best team of them all, but the way they beat KC in the AFCCG, then stifled the Rams...awesome

Favorite moments:
Being introduced as a team in SB 36. Goosebumps. Chills. Incredible.
Vinatieri's kicks in the divisional round vs. Oak, and then the two to win SB 36 and SB 38.
James White running it in vs. Atlanta in OT to win SB 51.
Brady-to-Moss for Brady's 50th TD and Moss' 23rd TD. Just a thing of beauty.
Julian to Amendola for the TD against the Ravens in the Divisional Round.
The Manning Face after playoff losses to NE in 2003 and 2004. (technically the games were played in 2004 and 2005)
Ben Watson running down Champ Bailey after the pick. Not that that turned out well but it just was an epic moment that personified the Patriots.
Winning the SB vs Atlanta in a year in which Brady was stupidly suspended. Total FU to the league.
Ty Law sprinting down the left sideline with his hand held up after intercepting Kurt Warner.
Gronk throwing the Colt defender out of the club.
Jonas Gray's epic 4 TD game out of absolutely nowhere. Next man up mentality at work.

Man I could do this all day. Just an unbelievable time to be a Pats' fan. The Golden Era is over, but it was the single greatest dynasty the NFL has ever seen, and it will not be matched, ever. We got to live it, folks. We did. Patriots fans. Nobody else.
Troy Brown needs to be on that list somewhere. All time clutch player who came up with big play after big play in every facet of the game. Not the most talented guy but he perfectly embodied the Patriot way from the start with his work ethic and preparation along with his insanely high football IQ. Without him the dynasty never even gets off the ground.

Granite Sox

SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2003
The Granite State
That was the game that got Bill Polian to change the rules to make it easier for Manning to dominate. I guess we all knew they'd do that very thing the next year....

oh wait.
I had just moved to Indianapolis two months earlier from Boston. Polian used to do an hour on the local sports radio station the day after games. I literally pulled into a parking lot to listen to him absolutely lose his mind for a full 60 minutes that day. It was phenomenal.