Yankees must win for Red Sox to get passion again!

Blizzard of 1978

Sep 12, 2022
New Hampshire
Sorry, but it's boring since 2018. I am the biggest Red Sox fan, but they need to slay the dragon again as in New York Yankees. For real no one cares about Blue Jay's, Ray's and Orioles. So for this run I hope Yankees just kick ass so the Red Sox front office and Fandom wake up again.


late Bloomer
SoSH Member
Dec 7, 2008
Yeah that one game playoff between the Sox and Yankees last year was super boring

Blizzard of 1978

Sep 12, 2022
New Hampshire
Yes, I wish that lurkers couldn’t start threads.
Sorry. I am a newbie, even though a newbie I think it's best interests in Yankees to do great to light up Red Sox passion again. We be coasting these last few years. Settling for last place.If the Yankees win or go far that will get Red Sox Fandom not to coast anymore. Sorry, If I stepped over bounds. I apologize. Just want that 2003 to 2007 Red Sox passion again and sorry if I stepped over bounds. Love Red Sox and hate Yankees.

Two Youks

New Member
Jun 18, 2013
Within the last five years the Red Sox have won a World Series and were two games away from going to a second one. They have the most World Series championships since 2000.

Not being able to enjoy the most remarkable era of Red Sox baseball really seems more like a you problem than a team problem. I, for one, don't want to trudge through nearly another century of ineptitude and heartbreak simply to conjure up another dragon to slay.


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2005
During these playoffs, the talking heads have described both Atlanta and LA as perhaps the most successful teams of the 21st century. I guess it's how one defines success.... being a perennial playoff team or even division winner is one way, but each of those teams has but a single championship. The Red Sox have 4. But they also have an equal number of last place finishes.

The intense hunger and angst that was there in 2004 is not likely to be repeated anytime soon.

Sin Duda

SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
(B)Austin Texas
Yes, I wish that lurkers couldn’t start threads.

Seriously Blizzard, I could never root for the Yankees to win a championship. Afterwards, I'd be happy for Jon Abbey, and my brother, and other wayward baseball fans who follow the Yankees so passionately, but, no, I'd never root for them to win another championship.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
The intense hunger and angst that was there in 2004 is not likely to be repeated anytime soon.
Whose hunger are you talking about?
I agree that, say, Kevin Millar, Curtis Leskanic and Johnny Pesky aren't pining for another pennant, but their hunger doesn't really matter in 2023.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
The intense hunger and angst that was there in 2004 is not likely to be repeated anytime soon.
That hunger and angst was born from an 86-year championship drought. Definitionally, we're never going to see it again in our lifetimes. It was all of a time and it's over and can't be recreated. But that's okay. Live in the now.

Lose Remerswaal

Experiencing Furry Panic
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Love the screen name.

I am rooting for Ukraine to win, Covid to lose, global temperatures to go down, The Canadians to lose, the market to go up, and the Yankees to fail miserably.

Not necessarily in that order.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Right Here
Love the screen name.

I am rooting for Ukraine to win, Covid to lose, global temperatures to go down, The Canadians to lose, the market to go up, and the Yankees to fail miserably.

Not necessarily in that order.

Someone... a long time ago, had the tag line stating that the Yankees could go 0 - 161 to start the season. And that they'd still swear at the TV on the last day of the season if the Yankees were winning.

Kind of summed it all up for me.

Snoop Soxy Dogg

New Member
May 30, 2014
The opening post attracted a lot of this ridicule. A lurker, WEEI-style title and statement, etc.

So, I get the urge to mock him. I sneered a bit myself. But what about the larger point he is making? That the Yankees winning the World Series would increase pressure on the Red Sox a few notches?
I’m not saying the Red Sox would necessarily behave differently – but to pretend that having your biggest rival win it all would not impact the fan base, and therefore increase the pressure on the front office to do something (or be seen to do something) is silly.

The Astros winning it vs. the Yankees winning it is not the same for the Red Sox, if only emotionally.

Edit: looks like I'm back to lurking. What a fall from grace.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
That the Yankees winning the World Series would increase pressure on the Red Sox a few notches?
No, it wouldn't.
I’m not saying the Red Sox would necessarily behave differently – but to pretend that having your biggest rival win it all would not impact the fan base, and therefore increase the pressure on the front office to do something (or be seen to do something) is silly.
Yes, it is.

If finishing last in the division and missing the playoffs doesn't increase the "pressure" (whatever that is) to the maximum (whatever that is), then there really is no chance at improvement. This is the same whether the Yankees, the Mets or the Ruppert Mundys win the World Series.


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
Absolutely. I never need to again feel like I did in October 2003. Like the result of a game controlled my happiness, and I would never be happy.
Ditto. That kind of all consuming, have to see every pitch of every game passion ended for me probably after 2008. As great as the championship runs of 2013 and 2018 were, they weren’t quite the same. And the existential dread of the MFY winning another WS is long gone too. Still can’t stand ‘em, still want to beat their asses whenever we play them. But don’t obsess over them anymore. Still love baseball, still have a fairly strong interest in the Red Sox. But I doubt any of that level of intensity returns in my lifetime (late 50’s now).


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
This is like rooting for your wife to sleep with some asshole from high school so you can find her attractive again.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
South Dartmouth, MA
I disagree with the overall point in the OP, but I will say that I could very much see myself pulling for the yanks if they play the astros in the ALCS...cheating stuff aside I find the Astros core more detestable than the Yanks. It would be one of those things where I won't be entirely sure until I watch the first few innings.
As others have alluded to, the very fact that I would even consider being ok with a yanks ACLS win shows how long we have come since October 2003.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
This is Econ 101 playing out on SoSH.

A lot of Sox fans got satiated on World Championships and found the marginal utility of a future ring lower than the previous one.

We also got to eat a half-dozen Pats rings.

We got full and are just not as hungry as we used to be.

As for the MFY, their middle name says it all.

But they are ravenous.

Under no circumstances, save maybe them playing the Red Army Baseball Battalion (they are currently short on wooden bats) or The Daughters of Thanos for intergallatic bragging rights and survival of humanity, will I ever root for the MFY.

It may take a generation or two of ring-starved Sox fans for them to find the gnawing hunger and near-madness many of us had for so long.

I hope not.

But its nice to know there is something in the fridge just in case.

Others may find other solutions.

I'm going to have a second cup of coffee.

But it won' be as good as the first
Last edited:


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2001
Sorry, but it's boring since 2018. I am the biggest Red Sox fan, but they need to slay the dragon again as in New York Yankees. For real no one cares about Blue Jay's, Ray's and Orioles. So for this run I hope Yankees just kick ass so the Red Sox front office and Fandom wake up again.
This makes no sense. You've been bored since 2018, yet in 2021 the Red Sox 'slayed' the Yankees in the wild card game. Seems like Fenway was pretty awake then.

RSN Diaspora

molests goats for comedy
SoSH Member
Jul 29, 2005
Washington, DC
Sorry, but it's boring since 2018. I am the biggest Red Sox fan, but they need to slay the dragon again as in New York Yankees. For real no one cares about Blue Jay's, Ray's and Orioles. So for this run I hope Yankees just kick ass so the Red Sox front office and Fandom wake up again.
I missed you, bro.


SoSH Member
Nov 23, 2005
No love for Yankees, but not that much hate either! Red Sox can find mojo from other sources than a Yankees win!


SoSH Member
Feb 2, 2006
I disagree with the overall point in the OP, but I will say that I could very much see myself pulling for the yanks if they play the astros in the ALCS...cheating stuff aside I find the Astros core more detestable than the Yanks. It would be one of those things where I won't be entirely sure until I watch the first few innings.
As others have alluded to, the very fact that I would even consider being ok with a yanks ACLS win shows how long we have come since October 2003.
This is heretical. Aaron Judge is one of the most likable players in baseball, but no Red Sox fan should want to see him win another game with the Yankees again, never mind a pennant. It's the uniform, not the person.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
South Dartmouth, MA
This is heretical. Aaron Judge is one of the most likable players in baseball, but no Red Sox fan should want to see him win another game with the Yankees again, never mind a championship. It's the uniform, not the person.
To be clear, Id be rooting for any NL team against the yanks or the astros in the world series. But really Im rooting hard for seattle and cleveland so I dont have to make these kinds of difficult life decisions.


SoSH Member
Feb 2, 2006
To be clear, Id be rooting for any NL team against the yanks or the astros in the world series. But really Im rooting hard for seattle and cleveland so I dont have to make these kinds of difficult life decisions.
Yeah I saw that you weren't talking about rooting for the championship, just the pennant, so I edited mine but not in time. In any event, yes, it would be great if the Guardians could knock them out but that would require the Guardians being able to score runs.

My rooting interests rank as Red Sox winning everything, and after that, Yankees winning nothing, and after that, I don't really care. With that being the case, I want Houston to beat Seattle in order to make Yankee defeat more likely in the next round.


SoSH Member
Sorry, but it's boring since 2018. I am the biggest Red Sox fan, but they need to slay the dragon again as in New York Yankees. For real no one cares about Blue Jay's, Ray's and Orioles. So for this run I hope Yankees just kick ass so the Red Sox front office and Fandom wake up again.
Different strokes for different folks, but I'm guessing there aren't too many folks stroking to this idea.
This is like rooting for your wife to sleep with some asshole from high school so you can find her attractive again.
This made my morning.

walt in maryland

SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Woodbine, MD
During these playoffs, the talking heads have described both Atlanta and LA as perhaps the most successful teams of the 21st century. I guess it's how one defines success.... being a perennial playoff team or even division winner is one way, but each of those teams has but a single championship. The Red Sox have 4. But they also have an equal number of last place finishes.

The intense hunger and angst that was there in 2004 is not likely to be repeated anytime soon.
Not in any of our lifetimes, at least

Murderer's Crow

Dragon Wangler 216
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Garden City
OPs point is ridiculous.

It is also ridiculous to think the rivalry cannot be very very exciting again. A 7 game series that goes 7 with two very good teams who fought like heck for first place...a fight or two on the field during the regular season...a couple of aces with a tendency to plunk team favorite players. It really won't take more than that. The problem is that ESPN and the MLB will jump all over that to the point where actual fans of the teams would rather fast forward the broadcast to find out who wins.


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
The players make the rivalry exciting. Jeter and Nomar, Dustin and Cano. Pedro and Roger. Etc etc.

Now it’s “I actually really like Judge!” The hatred goes beyond the laundry, but because we have won so much recently (and they haven’t) - we are fat and spoiled.

jose melendez

Earl of Acie
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Oct 23, 2003
Geneva, Switzerland
They way to reignite the rivalry is for the Red Sox to win 20 plus rings over the next 80 some odd years, while the MFY win nothing in heartbreaking fashion.


Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
I’m kinda good with the fact that the peak intensity of the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry is gone, never to return. I lived it, and it was something else, but fucking hell do I enjoy watching a game without that special brand of anxiety and mindfuckery.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
Good. You know what's been awesome about the past decade plus? Just being able to watch baseball without a stupid holy war surrounding it.
Minor annoyance still that we have to see the Bucky Dent and Aaron Boone HRs on every GDMF ESPN telecast involving the two teams. And maybe some Big Papi heroics (YAY!).

Another annoyance is the always possibility of a four hour game involving the "greatest rivals in sports", which causes me to record and maybe watch later some of the games.

Hank Scorpio

SoSH Member
Apr 1, 2013
Salem, NH
You know what would be better?

The Yankees suck. For a long, long, time. They haven’t been a sub .500 team once in the past 30 or so years.

I want the Steinbrenner’s to lose the team to some shifty real estate developer, who then proceeds to take a beating in the market, and is forced to cut payroll to TB levels. Cashman leaves, all the talent leaves. And the Yankees average 97 losses per year for the next 25 years. They get a ton of top 5 picks over the years, but they never once “hit” on any of them. They’re not just prospects that fizzle out either. They just draft a bunch of angry trailer trash who keeps breaking their fists because they were punching walls or something.

Fuck the Yankees, past, present, and future.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
I heard that when John Henry learned that the Yankees had made the playoffs in September (or was it August?), he overturned his desk and threw a chair across his office. I don't think that we need the Yankees to win it all to see a big change in the way the Red Sox operate going forward.

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
They way to reignite the rivalry is for the Red Sox to win 20 plus rings over the next 80 some odd years, while the MFY win nothing in heartbreaking fashion.

I think what we need is a sign and trade for Judge in return for Henry paying for the production of Hadestown in perpetuity.


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
I’m kinda good with the fact that the peak intensity of the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry is gone, never to return. I lived it, and it was something else, but fucking hell do I enjoy watching a game without that special brand of anxiety and mindfuckery.
Agreed. But the wild card game and 2018 DS was definitely filled with angst even thought it was an ass kicking.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
I’m kinda good with the fact that the peak intensity of the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry is gone, never to return. I lived it, and it was something else, but fucking hell do I enjoy watching a game without that special brand of anxiety and mindfuckery.
True story. I recently opened a long lost treasure trove of bankshot memoribilia (long-story) and a few days ago, I came across a 1978 Red Sox program, labeled 3rd edition, with the Gerbil as cover-boy. So I opened it up. It was the program I bought for game 163 that year, and I scored that fucking game. That last entry, Yaz's pop-up to Nettles, simply entered as "5" still made me wince 44 years later.


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum

Someone... a long time ago, had the tag line stating that the Yankees could go 0 - 161 to start the season. And that they'd still swear at the TV on the last day of the season if the Yankees were winning.

Kind of summed it all up for me.
To be fair, this would be an epic game!

How heartbreaking would it be to have the Yankees so close to 0-162 only to have them squeak it out? Brutal. We'd all be screaming at our TVs to close the deal.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
In another decade the rivalry may return to a boiling point. Who knows. I’m sure the 1978 fans thought they’d never hate the Yankees as much again and then 2003 happened.

But I lived in NYC on 9/11 and I rooted against them every step of the way despite the whole country telling me I should. Fucked if I’m going to root for them now.