Aaron Hernandez charged with 1st degree murder; released by Patriots

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Aug 4, 2005
Even in a case with more than a few warts, this betrays an instinct for the capillary. Lawyers are at their core insecure. But we also love a joke, and it would be awesome if this were fucking with the NFL for the sake of fucking with the NFL. Which deserves no sympathy in any context.


Anderson Cooper × Mr. Rogers
SoSH Member
Jun 22, 2008
dcmissle said:
Even in a case with more than a few warts, this betrays an instinct for the capillary. Lawyers are at their core insecure. But we also love a joke, and it would be awesome if this were fucking with the NFL for the sake of fucking with the NFL. Which deserves no sympathy in any context.
How so? 
I know far less about this stuff than you, but my reaction was that the authorities handled the service in a low-key way (after the game rather than before, no cameras), such that the whole incident might have gone unreported had a Sports Illustrated reporter not happened to witness the interaction and hear snippets of the conversation. Once news coverage was inevitable, the authorities said just enough to ensure there wasn't a deluge of misinformation. They can't help that the local news outlets are treating this as a major break in the case, rather than simply a shrewd way of securing the appearance of a witness who lives and works out-of-state.


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Dec 22, 2002
I'm not sure if Maurkice Pouncey has been travelling with the Steelers due to his injury but I have a feeling he'll be skipping this trip to New England. 


Anderson Cooper × Mr. Rogers
SoSH Member
Jun 22, 2008
Globe beat writer @shalisemyoung reports (via Twitter) that BB declined comment this morning when asked on a conference call whether he or other Pats players or staff have been subpoenaed in connection with the investigation.

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
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Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
Pouncey seems like a minor issue thus far.  The evidence points to the fact that he might know something, hence the grand jury subpoena.  Not everyone subpoenaed by a grand jury ends up producing the information the GJ is interested in.   Many are not even called as witnesses at trial.   The GJ in this case may have already heard from many dozens of witnesses thus far.  


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Aug 4, 2005
The subpoena reportedly is in connection with an alleged interstate gun running operation AH was involved in out of FL. There is no aspect of gangsta he did not dabble in, evidently. The guy could certainly multitask, on and off field.
Dec 10, 2012
dcmissle said:
The subpoena reportedly is in connection with an alleged interstate gun running operation AH was involved in out of FL. There is no aspect of gangsta he did not dabble in, evidently. The guy could certainly multitask, on and off field.
"He’s been a productive player. Versatile guy, [you] can use him in a bunch of different spots. He’s very athletic, plays on his feet well, runs well, has good quickness. He’s a little bit of a in-between type of guy but that also gives him some versatility and it creates some matchup problems too.


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Aug 4, 2005
My WW II vintage uncle occasionally riffs about Dade County pols, judges and made guys who collaborated on running guns to Cuba. The sort of guys whose whereabouts you wondered about 50 years ago next month. This would bring new meaning to NFL "blood lines."

Recall Tagliabue forcing ESPN to cancel "Playmakers" after one splendid season -- purportedly on the ground that its depiction of life in the League was unrealistic.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
dcmissle said:
My WW II vintage uncle occasionally riffs about Dade County pols, judges and made guys who collaborated on running guns to Cuba. The sort of guys whose whereabouts you wondered about 50 years ago next month. This would bring new meaning to NFL "blood lines."

Recall Tagliabue forcing ESPN to cancel "Playmakers" after one splendid season -- purportedly on the ground that its depiction of life in the League was unrealistic.
Not reprehensible enough.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
As it relates to Pouncey, RR is dead on.
If he were a target of the investigation, he wouldn't be testifying.  (Or if called, he'd invoke his right to remain silent, which is why you don't see targets getting invited to testify.)  So whatever information the grand jury is seeking from him, it's probably on the periphery of the case.


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Aug 4, 2005
I think the authorities understand well that the murder beef may not sell to a jury, so they are seeking evidence to lock him up for as long as possible on any possible charge. I wonder what the statute of limitations would be on these charges.


New Member
Aug 6, 2009
Burbs of Natstown
Another witness death this is suspected not to be accidental
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Police in Southington, Conn. are investigating the death of a 27-year-old Bristol woman with ties to former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez. Tabitha Perry died Monday after being found unconscious and not breathing inside a Southington home.
Perry survived a car accident in June that killed Hernandez's friend Thaddeus Singleton III. Police say she and Singleton, who was married to Hernandez's cousin Tanya Singleton, had a child together. The Office of the Chief State's Medical examiner said Tuesday that Perry's death requires further study, and police say they are waiting for the results of toxicology tests. It is the third untimely death of someone with ties to Hernandez in the past six months. Hernandez's uncle, Robert Valentine, died in a crash in August. Hernandez is awaiting trial on a murder charge and has pleaded not guilty.



for king and country
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Jan 20, 2007
SunkToANewLowell said:
Another witness death this is suspected not to be accidental
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Police in Southington, Conn. are investigating the death of a 27-year-old Bristol woman with ties to former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez. Tabitha Perry died Monday after being found unconscious and not breathing inside a Southington home.
Perry survived a car accident in June that killed Hernandez's friend Thaddeus Singleton III. Police say she and Singleton, who was married to Hernandez's cousin Tanya Singleton, had a child together. The Office of the Chief State's Medical examiner said Tuesday that Perry's death requires further study, and police say they are waiting for the results of toxicology tests. It is the third untimely death of someone with ties to Hernandez in the past six months. Hernandez's uncle, Robert Valentine, died in a crash in August. Hernandez is awaiting trial on a murder charge and has pleaded not guilty.

This really puts Gronk's injuries in a new light.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
We've heard a lot about "ties", but were any of these people actually connected to the case in some way?


Yeah, I mean, a guy from Hernandez's hometown was suspiciously sentenced to 10 years for fraud and tax evasion.  It's definitely connected to Sweet Leaf.
More seriously, from the Department of Inevitability, Hernandez is now being sued for wrongful death by the family of Odin Lloyd.


Don't touch his dog food
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Dec 10, 2003
I can't figure out the strategy. Mob boss style - kill all the witnesses. Or serial killer style - keep killing people while in custody. I think he should go with mob boss style, he'll need tons of "Hernandez associate" related deaths before they investigating someone else.


is not worried about sex with goats
SoSH Member
Sep 15, 2007
Why are we overlooking the obvious? Without a healthy and free Aaron Hernandez to help them, people he knew are dying left and right. He shouldn't be charged with murder, he should be hailed as a hero for saving all of these people for so many years.


queer eye for the next pats guy
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2009
Jnai said:
Why are we overlooking the obvious? Without a healthy and free Aaron Hernandez to help them, people he knew are dying left and right. He shouldn't be charged with murder, he should be hailed as a hero for saving all of these people for so many years.
That reminds me of the South Park Medicinal Friend CHicken episode. Good stuff.
Zach Ebron reminds me a bit of AH but without the being a bad-ass mother fucker problems. Just saying.


SoSH Member
Oct 12, 2009
This is a good piece by Michael McCann on the 10 biggest sports law cases of the year.  Interesting stuff in there about Incognito, Lance Armstrong, Ed O'Bannon and NCAA licensing, etc.  What was most surprising to me was that the NFL's concussion settlement is not closed - many players are choosing to sue separately and the settlement may fall apart.
On Hernandez: a few bits of new info: trial likely to begin late 2014 or early 2015, and the feds may yet charge him not just with gun possession but also weapons trafficking.


Yeah, that was discussed back at the time of the original incident - seems some details came out about it, but this is the first concrete steps we've seen connecting him to that case.
The Courant's original report suggests some very strong evidence linking him there, including the likely getaway (rental) car being parked in the garage of one of his Bristol CT associates for the last year.


Maybe Lloyd was actually going to rat him out and murdering him was rational, if poorly executed.  We may never know.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
MentalDisabldLst said:
Maybe Lloyd was actually going to rat him out and murdering him was rational, if poorly executed.  We may never know.
I can't wait or the made for TV movie of this when It comes out in a few years.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
MentalDisabldLst said:
Maybe Lloyd was actually going to rat him out and murdering him was rational, if poorly executed.  We may never know.
Yeah that is one of the theories as to why the Lloyd murder happened. Hopefully we find out but it is certainly possible we won't.
And to answer the above no this is "just" three unless I am missing something.

Luis Taint

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2012
I can't get over how many people in Conn. have died since this broke. If this were the Kennedy assassination, people would be screaming conspiracy. 

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
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Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
Luis Taint said:
I can't get over how many people in Conn. have died since this broke. If this were the Kennedy assassination, people would be screaming conspiracy. 
I can't get over how seedy Bristol apparently is.  I grew up outside of Hartford (east of the river).  Bristol wasn't on the radar for me, beyond Lake Compounce.  


SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2011
crystalline said:
On Hernandez: a few bits of new info: trial likely to begin late 2014 or early 2015, and the feds may yet charge him not just with gun possession but also weapons trafficking.
To the (admittedly untrained) eye this seems like a long time, but I realize I know just about nothing about the whole process.  Anybody in-the-know have an idea what a normal amount of time between charging and going to trial is?  Could there be some sort of hold-up in this case, specifically?

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
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Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
CheapSeats said:
To the (admittedly untrained) eye this seems like a long time, but I realize I know just about nothing about the whole process.  Anybody in-the-know have an idea what a normal amount of time between charging and going to trial is?  Could there be some sort of hold-up in this case, specifically?
The timing seems about right on this.  
As a *rough* guide:
In general, the time it takes to go to trial depends on the severity of the case and the caliber of the lawyers involved.  Lets assume we're talking about felonies: 
  • Trials are most commonly "delayed" because the defense has the right to examine evidence (the extent varies greatly from state to state to the feds).  If that evidence isn't forthcoming though whatever discovery process applies, the trial can be dragged out.  (For example, a witness not coming forward to be deposed can delay a trial.  Documents not turned over to the defense, or turned over in an untimely manner are another common cause of delays.)  
  • A less common "delay" is if the defense independently needs something that's hard to obtain - say the defense is trying to locate a difficult to find alibi witness.  
  • The last type of common delay (although rarer) is if there's some kind of prosecutorial need for delay - an analysis that has to be run, etc.  Normally, the onus is on the prosecutor to be ready early on in the process, but sometimes a key witness is sick, or is undercover, or serving in the armed forces and not immediately available, etc.
The more severe a case is, the more both sides tend to slow down.  Especially when the defendant is in custody.  (A circumstance some prosecutors use to play games and hide evidence.)  It's easy to convince most defendants that they're better off going to trial after a(nother) six month delay if they're facing a life sentence and that delay will result in a stronger case for them.
As a countervailing principle, there's both a state level (usually) and federal constitutional right to a speedy trial.  The outer limit is around 5 years for the feds.  State limits are usually shorter.  Basically the defendant needs to be able to go to trial while memories are fresh, etc.  (Note, if the defendant *causes* the delay, say by absconding, all bets are off on how long it takes.)
Another important factor in this is that most criminal appeals are not "de novo" - meaning that the appeals court does not "do the whole trial again" or "reviews 'the facts of the case' to see if they're right or wrong or even vaguely believable."  Instead, the vast majority of appeals, the court reviews the trial for certain kinds of specific mistakes.  Unless there's a truly grievous error made by the judge or the prosecution, amounting to an abuse of discretion or a constitutional violation, most cases stand as they are.   The level of deference given to trial judges is great.  Even if a judge makes an obvious mistake on an evidentiary issue (wrongfully allowing or excluding some piece of evidence), appellate courts can often rule that given the overall weight of the case, the error was harmless.  
We read about cases getting turned over when new evidence arrises, etc. but a) it can literally take years while the defendant sits in prison, and b) it applies to probably less than .5% of all the cases which result in a guilty verdict.  Point is, the appeals route is no sure thing.  So it's best to have your ducks in a row, no matter what the delay.  

Montana Fan

SoSH Member
Oct 18, 2000
Twin Bridges, Mt.
Rovin Romine said:
I can't get over how seedy Bristol apparently is.  I grew up outside of Hartford (east of the river).  Bristol wasn't on the radar for me, beyond Lake Compounce.  
I grew up there and know/knew family members of many of the people in the stories including Dennis Hernandez. There are some bad neighborhoods in Bristol and it was a town that kids from New Britain and Waterbury liked to frequent and cause trouble in. Matter of fact I knew both of TL Singleton's parents fairly well (he crashed his car and died while getting a blow job). Both of his parents have passed as well. His mom's brother is married to my cousin. His dad was tight with Dennis and died of AIDs in Hartford about 10 years ago. That is what I had always heard Dennis died of as well. Dennis was tight with TL's dad and both used the needle for a number of years.

On another note, the Bristol Press reported this week that Hernandez's uncle who crashed the moped was drunk and drugged when the crash occurred.

No, I don't miss Bristol, Ct.

Merkle's Boner

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Apr 24, 2011
Montana Fan said:
I grew up there and know/knew family members of many of the people in the stories including Dennis Hernandez. There are some bad neighborhoods in Bristol and it was a town that kids from New Britain and Waterbury liked to frequent and cause trouble in. Matter of fact I knew both of TL Singleton's parents fairly well (he crashed his car and died while getting a blow job). Both of his parents have passed as well. His mom's brother is married to my cousin. His dad was tight with Dennis and died of AIDs in Hartford about 10 years ago. That is what I had always heard Dennis died of as well. Dennis was tight with TL's dad and both used the needle for a number of years.

On another note, the Bristol Press reported this week that Hernandez's uncle who crashed the moped was drunk and drugged when the crash occurred.

No, I don't miss Bristol, Ct.
Thanks for the insight, Montana.  So I have to ask, do you believe all of these deaths are purely coincidental and the type of thing that tends to happen in Bristol?

Montana Fan

SoSH Member
Oct 18, 2000
Twin Bridges, Mt.
Coincidental. Also, I came down a little hard on Bristol. There are 4-5 bad neighborhoods in Bristol including the area where they found the Toyota 4-Runner.

There are a ton of good people in Bristol. It's just a boring town with basically nothing that would make you say you'd like to visit the town.

I cleaned carpets for a local company during the summer of 1986 and one Saturday I was assigned to cleaning ESPN's office space. Nobody was in there and it was maybe a couple/three thousand square feet. Who would have thought they'd grow like they did. At the time the elevator testing building across the street was more impressive than ESPN.

Omar's Wacky Neighbor

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Jul 14, 2005
Leaving in a bit to the studio :)
Byrdbrain said:
Yeah that is one of the theories as to why the Lloyd murder happened. Hopefully we find out but it is certainly possible we won't.
And to answer the above no this is "just" three unless I am missing something.
Odin, the driveby/driveup in the South End, the execution style drug-related double murder in the apartment in (was it?) Brighton, and the non-lethal shootings in Florida.
And was there talk of something before he even left Bristol for college.....?


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Omar's Wacky Neighbor said:
Odin, the driveby/driveup in the South End, the execution style drug-related double murder in the apartment in (was it?) Brighton, and the non-lethal shootings in Florida.
And was there talk of something before he even left Bristol for college.....?
Don't forget the Patriots salary cap.


SoSH Member
Nov 12, 2007
Omar's Wacky Neighbor said:
Odin, the driveby/driveup in the South End, the execution style drug-related double murder in the apartment in (was it?) Brighton, and the non-lethal shootings in Florida.
And was there talk of something before he even left Bristol for college.....?
I think you might be getting your scumbags confused (or I am).  I thought the "execution style drug-related double murder" was what the elder Tsarnaev had been linked to, not Hernandez. Of course it's possible there were multiple events of a similar nature and AH is certainly no angel so it wouldn't surprise me if you're correct.

Omar's Wacky Neighbor

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Jul 14, 2005
Leaving in a bit to the studio :)
inJacobyWeTrust said:
I think you might be getting your scumbags confused (or I am).  I thought the "execution style drug-related double murder" was what the elder Tsarnaev had been linked to, not Hernandez. Of course it's possible there were multiple events of a similar nature and AH is certainly no angel so it wouldn't surprise me if you're correct.
My bad, that was Tsarnaev. 
But even taking those out of the equation, AH is still at five potential victims (and I don't think any of us would be surprised if they linked him to a few more cold cases in Boston, Bristol, or Florida).


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Omar's Wacky Neighbor said:
My bad, that was Tsarnaev. 
But even taking those out of the equation, AH is still at five potential victims (and I don't think any of us would be surprised if they linked him to a few more cold cases in Boston, Bristol, or Florida).
Aren't we still at 3? Isn't this the double murder drive by outside of the club? Or is this yet another double?


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
There was a double shooting while he was at Florida, however as far as I know those victims lived.

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
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Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
nighthob said:
There was a double shooting while he was at Florida, however as far as I know those victims lived.
There was the Odin Lloyd murder.  Criminal case - charged and held pending trial.
The 2012 Boston double homicide.  (Post nightclub shooting.)  Vics Daniel Abreu and Safiro Furtado.  Perhaps tied to Lloyd ratting?  Investigation only, no charges filed yet.
The 2013 Miami shooting (no death).  Vic - Alexander Bradley, shot in Miami, dropped off in Revere Beach.  Civil case only right now?
The 2007 Gainseville shooting (no death).  Vic - Corey Smith + one other man.  Open criminal case.  http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/22623598/report-mass-authorities-interested-in-details-of-07-gainesville-shooting


for king and country
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Jan 20, 2007
nighthob said:
There was a double shooting while he was at Florida, however as far as I know those victims lived.
So he failed to convert the two?


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
nighthob said:
There was a double shooting while he was at Florida, however as far as I know those victims lived.
Well, cross them off the list then.
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