#DFG: Canceling the Noise

Is there any level of suspension that you would advise Tom to accept?

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Dec 16, 2005
Inside Lou Gorman's Head
lambeau said:
Not looking good--ESPN now reporting the refs double-checked the ball pressures five minutes before the game--which makes sense since the Colts complained after the first regular season game about the same thing.Then the balls--and presumably not the Colts'--were two pounds down at halftime.
And why were only 11 of 12 registering low at the half?

The 12th ball was on the field with Brady and the offense while Jonathan Kraft was doing nefarious things over by the ball bag!

Edit: autocorrect


Found no thrill on Blueberry Hill
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2008
Can anyone with real PR sense explain why the league would be releasing this information the way that they are -- dribs and drabs thoughout the night and day?  Is this a common strategy they use to try to guage reaction before their next steps, or is this really hard cracking reporters getting people to talk who shouldn't be?


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum
lambeau said:
Not looking good--ESPN now reporting the refs double-checked the ball pressures five minutes before the game--which makes sense since the Colts complained after the first regular season game about the same thing.Then the balls--and presumably not the Colts'--were two pounds down at halftime.
So when do they finally tell us what waterboarding the ball boys produced?
Just get on with it.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
lambeau said:
Not looking good--ESPN now reporting the refs double-checked the ball pressures five minutes before the game--which makes sense since the Colts complained after the first regular season game about the same thing.Then the balls--and presumably not the Colts'--were two pounds down at halftime.
So if the balls were fine before the game, this means that either something happened to them during game play, or on the sidelines. With all the cameras I would imagine there would have to be evidence if the Patriots were doing something to the balls.
The more I read about this, the more I think the Patriots didn't do ANYTHING to the balls, but that part-fanboy talking.

Comfortably Lomb

Koko the Monkey
SoSH Member
Feb 22, 2004
The Paris of the 80s
86spike said:
Mort is on ESPN right now predicting an official NFL statement/details today or tomorrow.
Then he's going into depth about how Indy felt NE was using under-inflated balls in their earlier game this year and were ready to make a stink about it.
We call that a distraction around here. Thanks, Indy.


for king and country
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Jan 20, 2007
pokey_reese said:
Now, I may be a lowly data analyst, but does the league measure the pressure of balls in game?  Is there a real world mean and a standard deviation against which to compare the balls Patriots used?  How long after the the game were the balls measured?  How much pressure does a non-tampered with football lose over time in 40 degree weather naturally?  It seems like there are a lot of questions that need to be answered in the way that the League is performing this "investigation" that goes beyond sleuthing.  I assume that the null hypothesis here should be that the Pats didn't cheat, but I wouldn't be shocked if they were approaching it the other way around.
I've been wondering about this too--the true baseline wouldn't be the Colts' balls as they didn't have the same experience as the Patriots balls.
But we don't know a lot of other stuff too. How many of the balls got into the game? Was there a difference between those in the game and those not? What was the variation among the 11-12 balls and was there a correlation with time in game?
Even the ostensibly rigorous attempts to sort this out here are based on such limited information, it's sorta analogous to how the refs bring out the chains and act like they are NASA crafted precision measurements when the whole thing is based on a semi-arbitrary eyeballing of the spot.
Stitch01 said:
If you define cheating as not following the letter of every NFL rule from front to to back, then yeah, but I dont know which team is going to actually draft or play in the Super Bowl this year if a marginally underinflated ball calls for sanctions like loss of a high draft pick, suspension of a head coach, or forfeiture as some of the hottest of takes have opined.
I was making a pun out of your use of "effect" instead of "affect." Sheesh.


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum
lambeau said:
Not looking good--ESPN now reporting the refs double-checked the ball pressures five minutes before the game--which makes sense since the Colts complained after the first regular season game about the same thing.Then the balls--and presumably not the Colts'--were two pounds down at halftime.
This is actually good news. We now have an exact timeline, from 6:45 until the half. There must be overlapping video of the bags of balls at all times in this window. 
Watch it. Tell us what you see. End the story.


SoSH Member
The latest leaked info, as reported on ESPN,  is that after checking at halftime all the balls used in in the 2nd half were properly inflated, so wtf is this all about ? The underinflated balls were used in our less successful half..so much for there being an advantage....


SoSH's Doug Neidermeyer
SoSH Member
Oct 25, 2007
Between here and everywhere.
So even after the balls were checked TWICE before the start of the game - The Patriots were arrogant enough to deflate the balls during the course of the first half.

Nope. That doesn't make sense.


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Dec 16, 2005
Inside Lou Gorman's Head
If they checked the balls 5 minutes before the game, did they do so indoors? Or did they bring a gauge outside? If outside, how long had the balls been outside at that point? Presumably not long enough to cool much. And were the balls at 13 or 12.5 when tested?

So are we left with the ballboy secretly deflating behind the bench with cameras all around - not to mention however many fans looking right at said bench?

If this happened, someone saw it.


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum
Couperin47 said:
The latest leaked info, as reported on ESPN,  is that after checking at halftime all the balls used in in the 2nd half were properly inflated, so wtf is this all about ? The underinflated balls were used in our less successful half..so much for there being an advantage....
It is always going to be about the Pats operating in bad faith.


SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2009
Belo Horizonte - Brazil
lambeau said:
Not looking good--ESPN now reporting the refs double-checked the ball pressures five minutes before the game--which makes sense since the Colts complained after the first regular season game about the same thing.Then the balls--and presumably not the Colts'--were two pounds down at halftime.
So they had 5 minutes do deflate 12 footballs? I mean, I presume they'd want to start their first drive with a deflated one, if they are going to such lengths. Do you really think that is possible?


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
So, when Mort said his sources were "distraught" about this, I'm beginning to wonder if they were distraught because:
a.) They were offended that the Pats would do such a dastardly deed that so violates the integrity of the game; or
b.) They were pissed that they were going to have to spend the next few days in New England in January tracking down and interviewing every person involved with the Patriots in order to prove that the Pats do what other teams do all the time.  And they're doing this while their colleagues are sending them texts poolside in Glendale. 


SoSH Member
Apr 5, 2009
Brooklyn NY
How long until someone posts a video clip of some obscure figure on the sidelines holding a ball making some weird body motions, then a blowup of that video to a resolution that makes any kind of suspicion projectable onto that body action.
We have almost reached the Zapruder moment.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
Yeah, I am guessing "distraught" that a team in their marquee event is getting questioned, which isn't good for public perception regarding competitive fairness

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
lexrageorge said:
So, when Mort said his sources were "distraught" about this, I'm beginning to wonder if they were distraught because:
a.) They were offended that the Pats would do such a dastardly deed that so violates the integrity of the game; or
b.) They were pissed that they were going to have to spend the next few days in New England in January tracking down and interviewing every person involved with the Patriots in order to prove that the Pats do what other teams do all the time.  And they're doing this while their colleagues are sending them texts poolside in Glendale. 


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
rodderick said:
So they had 5 minutes do deflate 12 footballs? I mean, I presume they'd want to start their first drive with a deflated one, if they are going to such lengths. Do you really think that is possible?
Back and to the left.... back and to the left....


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2006
The fact that these pieces of info are trickling through makes me suspicious of the truth to some of these claims.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2005
Outer Space
The only logical explanation is that Chewbacca deflated the balls, after all, why else would he live on Endor? he is from Kashyyykk!!!
"Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!"


I Want to Hit the World with Rocket Punch
SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2006
A Scud Away from Hell
NFL head coaches here at Senior Bowl seem downright offended that people think this deflation stuff is a big deal.
Some folks here are discounting just how hungry writers are for click-bait material & how jaded some ex-players/team staff are towards Pats. 

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
Section15Box113 said:
If they checked the balls 5 minutes before the game, did they do so indoors? Or did they bring a gauge outside? If outside, how long had the balls been outside at that point? Presumably not long enough to cool much. And were the balls at 13 or 12.5 when tested?

So are we left with the ballboy secretly deflating behind the bench with cameras all around - not to mention however many fans looking right at said bench?

If this happened, someone saw it.
Can we cut the weather crap? Far too much time has been spent on it here and - regardless of whether or not the temperature could have affected the ball - it's probably safe to say it wasn't the reason the balls were deflated.

Tom likes them softer. Coaches and players around the league acknowledge this happens all the time. Colts balls were fine, Pats werent.

The Pats deflated the balls. Now the league has to decide the approach. The right/fair thing to do is to levy a fine against the team, acknowledge that many teams/players are doing this and that this fine is a warning to the NFL, and going forward punishment will be stronger.

Unfortunately, Goodell is a ham fisted buffoon and he'd rather act decisively than act correctly. He'll levy a fine and maybe a pick, dance around the topic leading people to assume the Pats are the only team to do this, and than hide behind the shield while the Pats twist in the wind.

We've seen this movie before. The ending sucks.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2005
Outer Space
I have not seen once shred of data specific to the atmospheric pressures on Endor OR Kasyyykk... This is all total speculation until we know this information.


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2012
Why would it have to happen in a five minute window? Ball boy catches ball that was in play and does a sleight of hand needle poke as he's rubbing down the ball. Also explains why it's only 11 out of 12.

Hoping it's not the case, but who knows. Who was the tweeter up thread that said they didn't see anything fishy in the game video and are they credible?


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Feb 19, 2002
New York City
Stitch01 said:
When has the league ever slapped down huge punishment in an ambiguous situation?  Their natural inclination is to sweep things under the rug, not trump them up.  Pats aren't losing a high pick or getting BB suspended unless the league can say what happened IMO.
Big Ben got a big suspension without criminal charges being brought against him.  Peyton got docked a year and wasn't necessarily involved in bountygate. 
I think the league kicks the very living shit out of the patriots about this--it's already too big a deal to sweep under the rug. 
The legal concept at play is essentially res ipsa loquitor (the act speaks for itself--a result happened that is so bad that even if you don't know who did what you know somebody fucked up).  Essentially the balls were fine when the refs checked them, they were all busted at half time, so we don't know if sully the ball boy deflated them or you inflated them in a sauna or what, we're just going to nail you because you did something to get them so deflated so quickly.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
SeoulSoxFan said:
Some folks here are discounting just how hungry writers are for click-bait material & how jaded some ex-players/team staff are towards Pats. 
I agree 100% with the former, but where do you get the latter, and why do you think it matters?  Players move teams and criticize their old teams all the time.  I haven't seen any more or less from former Pats players than those from any other team. 


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
So the balls passed inspection 2 hours before kickoff, and then again 5 minutes before kickoff, but then were deflated by halftime?  So they deflated them right there on the sideline while the game was being played?  That seems beyond ludicrous. 
If that is true I'm not pissed at the Pats for deflating the balls, I'm pissed at them for being stupid and not being tipped off to the fact that Indy was looking for this based on the double inspection.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Shelterdog said:
Big Ben got a big suspension without criminal charges being brought against him.  Peyton got docked a year and wasn't necessarily involved in bountygate. 
I think the league kicks the very living shit out of the patriots about this--it's already too big a deal to sweep under the rug. 
The legal concept at play is essentially  res ipse loquitor (the act speaks for itself--a result happened that is so bad that even if you don't know who did what you know somebody fucked up).  Essentially the balls were fine when the refs checked them, they were all busted at half time, so we don't know if sully the ball boy deflated them or you inflated them in a sauna or what, we're just going to nail you because you did something to get them so deflated so quickly.
Res Ipsa is a negligence concept.
So what harm was caused?
EDIT:  It's a rhetorical question.  I think you are right.  But if Goodell is being "fair", he'd have to ask that last part, because this is all about nothing.

Return of the Dewey

SoSH Member
Aug 17, 2001
Pants Party
Kenny F'ing Powers said:
The right/fair thing to do is to levy a fine against the team, acknowledge that many teams/players are doing this and that this fine is a warning to the NFL, and going forward punishment will be stronger.
I hope for same outcome in the case of Woody Johnson's tampering [duck].


SoSH Member
May 1, 2008
Peabody, MA
At this point, I'm just done with it. I know what it is. The Pats fucked up, broke the rules again, and deserve to be punished, but the media is reacting by demanding the Chair for shoplifting. So fine, do whatever you want. Suspend the coach, take the draft pick. Only thing left to do is make sure it's the last one in the round.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
Shelterdog said:
Big Ben got a big suspension without criminal charges being brought against him.  Peyton got docked a year and wasn't necessarily involved in bountygate. 
I think the league kicks the very living shit out of the patriots about this--it's already too big a deal to sweep under the rug. 
The legal concept at play is essentially  res ipse loquitor (the act speaks for itself--a result happened that is so bad that even if you don't know who did what you know somebody fucked up).  Essentially the balls were fine when the refs checked them, they were all busted at half time, so we don't know if sully the ball boy deflated them or you inflated them in a sauna or what, we're just going to nail you because you did something to get them so deflated so quickly.
Payton got busted for non-cooperation on an investigation into a player safety issue.  Deflated balls is not that big of a deal unless you want to make it one.  


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2006
lexrageorge said:
Payton got busted for non-cooperation on an investigation into a player safety issue.  Deflated balls is not that big of a deal unless you want to make it one.  
There was also evidence that he tried to cover it up.

Also, that investigation took quite a while, and the NFL doesn't have that kind of time before the Super Bowl.


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Jul 21, 2004
Washington, DC
FL4WL3SS said:
So wait, you mean to tell me that AFTER the balls were re-inflated is when the Patriots went on a 28-0 run? Ain't that some shit?
Tom, you've been doing it wrong.
Yeah, Belichick's got to get on Brady's case. Pushing the limits of rules is one thing, but going with gut feel rather than data?


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Aug 12, 2003
At home
All Boston teams are cheaters!
Remember Francona not wearing a uniform in the dugout, as required by the rules?!? Put an asterisk next to 2007!


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
SeoulSoxFan said:
Some folks here are discounting just how hungry writers are for click-bait material & how jaded some ex-players/team staff are towards Pats. 
This whole affair would be 100% amusing if it weren't for the fact that God only knows what that clownshow Goodell is going to do about it. I have zero confidence it will be handled well by his office.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
lambeau said:
Not looking good--ESPN now reporting the refs double-checked the ball pressures five minutes before the game--which makes sense since the Colts complained after the first regular season game about the same thing.Then the balls--and presumably not the Colts'--were two pounds down at halftime.
I don't know. I read that the other way. The balls never left the sideline during the game and they were ok at kickoff so that 2 hour window from first check until kickoff is now in the clear.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
ifmanis5 said:
This whole affair would be 100% amusing if it weren't for the fact that God only knows what that clownshow Goodell is going to do about it. I have zero confidence it will be handled well by his office.
This is exactly right. I'm with Shelter in that I think Shock and Awe is coming from Goodell, and a lot of it is his fault for allowing teams and employees to leak this information to the press the way he has. The worst part is that he'll fine the Browns quietly for their scandal in a month or two, since nobody gives a shit because the Browns suck. I think the only thing that saves the Pats here is if other coaches/players speak up, and quickly.